Follows our BNF and operational semantics.
Terminal symbols in lowercase.
M,N,O ::= x | (M N) | λx.M | If (M, N, O)
e ∈ Exp ::= x | e0 e1 | λx.e | If (e0, e1, e2) (BNF)
The judgement env |- e >> v means that the expression e evaluates to the value v within the environment env.
e0: a boolean b
evaluates to the boolean value b
e1: an identifier x
evaluates to the value v if env(x)
evaluates to v in the current environment env
e2: λx.e
evaluates to the closure clos(x, e, env)
e3: e3true and e3false say that just one of the branches e2
and e3
need to be evaluated: e2
if e1
evaluates to the boolean value true, e3
if e1
evaluates to the boolean value false. If the evaluated branch produces v
as a result, v
is the result of the if-then-else statement.
e4: the Application of e0
to e1
evaluates to the value v
evaluates to clos(x, e, env) in env and e
evaluates to v
in env U {x : e1}.
env |- x : e (env)
v ∈ Value ::= boo | clos (x, e, env) (value result)
------------ (e0)
env |- b >> b
env(x) = e e >> v
------------------- (e1)
env |- x >> v
--------------------------- (e2)
env |- λx.e >> clos(x, e, env)
env |- e1 >> true env |- e2 >> v
---------------------------------------- (e3true)
env |- if e1 then e2 else e3 >> v
env |- e1 >> false env |- e3 >> v
---------------------------------------- (e3false)
env |- if e1 then e2 else e3 >> v
env |- e0 >> clos(x, e, env) env[x -> e1] |- e >> v
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- (e4)
env |- (e0 e1) >> v
The judgement e >> v means that the expression e evaluates to the value v.
e0: a boolean b
evaluates to the boolean value b.
e1: λx.e
evaluates to λx.e
e2: Rule(e2true) and Rule(e2false) say that just one of the branches e2
and e3
need to be evaluated: e2
if e1
evaluates to the boolean value true, e3
if e1
evaluates to the boolean value false. If the evaluated branch produces v1
as a result, v1
is the result of the if-then-else statement.
e3: if e1
evaluates to λx.e and substituting all free occurrencies of
in e
with e2
yields v1
, the application of e1
to e2
evaluates to v1
v ∈ ValueS ::= boolS | lamS (x, e) (value result)
-------------- (e0)
b >> b
------------------ (e1)
λx.e >> λx.e
e1 >> true e2 >> v1
--------------------------------- (e2true)
if e1 then e2 else e3 >> v1
e1 >> false e3 >> v1
---------------------------------- (e2false)
if e1 then e2 else e3 >> v1
e1 >> λx.e e[e2/x] >> v1
---------------------------------- (e3)
(e1 e2) >> v1
The type judgment tEnv |- e : t asserts that in type environment tEnv, the expression e has type t.
t ∈ ty ::= BOOL | FUN (t, t) (type)
tEnv |- x : t (tEnv)
------------------ (e0)
tEnv |- b : BOOL
tEnv(x) = t
------------- (e1)
tEnv |- x : t
tEnv |- e1 : BOOL tEnv |- e2 : t tEnv |- e3 : t
---------------------------------------------------------- (e2)
tEnv |- if e1 then e2 else e3 : t
tEnv[x -> ty] |- e : t2
---------------------------------------------------------- (e3)
tEnv |- (λx.e) : FUN (ty, t2)
tEnv |- e1 : FUN (t1, t2) tEnv |- e2 : t1
---------------------------------------------------------- (e4)
tEnv |- (e1 e2) : t2