An extension to monetize your application with Ad Colony ads.
AdColony Inc. operates a mobile video advertising and monetization platform that plays crystal-clear high-definition videos. The company’s Instant-Play video advertisement technology delivers video advertisements instantly on iOS and Android platforms; and allows brands/agencies or application advertisers to engage audience with mobile videos.
Set true if you want to show loaded ad automatically after loaded.

Initialize and configure the sdk before load any ads. Set your ad colony appId. Set testMode as true while developing your application. keepScreenOn and is isChildDirectedApp is boolean.

Four types of banner ads available, also you can make your own banner ad using CustomSizeBanner. Set adSize from extension properties.

Set zone id and call load interstitial ad, then when ad loaded event will be fired it's time to ad.

Set zone id and call load rewarded ad, then when ad loaded event will be fired it's time to ad.

com.jewel.adcolonyads.aix (668 KB)
Version: 4.8.0
Demo Apk: AdColonyAds.apk
Last amendment: 18 September 2022
Supported builder: Kodular, Niotron, Appzard, AndroidBuilder, App Inventor and it's other distributions.