Gets public IP address and updates DNS Entry in Route 53
You will need to install AWS CLI ( and the boto3 python library (pip3 install boto3) for this program to work.
Once AWS CLI is installed create a profile for the updater: aws configure --profile
Create a config.json file in the same directory as this script with the following content: { "domain_name": "-YOUR-DOMAIN-NAME", "record_name": "-A-RECORD-TO-UPDATE", "hosted_zone_id": "-ROUTE53-ZONE-ID", "aws_profile": "-AWSCLI-PROFILE", "logfilename":"PATH-TO-LOCATION-OF-LOG-FILE" "current_ip":"" }
If you are going to run this using crontab, move the config.json to your home folder.
Adding the following to your crontab file (crontab -e) will cause this program to run every 15 minutes and send an update to route 53 if your public IP changes */15 * * * * python3 /home//