This is a Javascript package for the Attack-Modifier of the boardgame Gloomhaven.
For this purpose each modifier card and each modifier deck is explicitely implemented.
This package includes a corresponding .png file for every single card.
The features folder contains the source code and pictures.
- Create every base modifier card
- Create every class modifier card
- Create player and monster modifier decks
- Create every class modifier deck
- Add or remove cards from the deck
- Shuffle the deck
- Draw a card from a deck with a given value
- Draw with advantage/disadvantage
- Look at the top X cards
- Look at the top X cards and put them back in any order
- Apply perks of a class
The __ tests __ folder contains the tests for the implemented features. Every implemented feature was tested seperately as well as within joined cases.
- All implemented cards
- All implemented decks and methods
// Create a card
const plusTwo = new PlusTwo
// Apply card modifier to a value
plusTwo.modifier(3) == 5
// Create a deck
var deck = new Deck
// Add a card to the deck (i.e. +2 card)
// Draw a card with a value (i.e. 4)
// Modifier after drawing
deck.modifier == 4
// Value after drawing
deck.value == 6
// Special after drawing
deck.special = []