Introduction to Machine Learning What is this? It’s a car But how do you know? ... it’s a new image that you have never seen before! How Kids Learn new words Let’s follow the steps of a baby! Learning New Words Trying to create a model Improving the model Checking the model Checking the model Improving the model again Checking the model again Kid knows what a car is! How Computers learn "words" This is the same for Computers! Learning New Words Trying to create a model Improving the model Checking the model Improving the model again Checking the model again Computer knows what a car is! How to show pictures to computers How many pictures? Database Training Set Validation Set 1 281 167 50 000 118 000 5 000 Actually, ImageNet has 14 millions pictures!! How does it learn exactly Example: How to recognize the number 9? An image is cut into pieces Neural networks learn from the pieces