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132 lines (103 loc) · 5.52 KB

File metadata and controls

132 lines (103 loc) · 5.52 KB

Presentation for Wexio Lambda Session

Event sourcing

What’s an event that?

  • Accounting
  • Business contracts


CloudEvent specification is used.

table is taken from Johan Halebys Occurrent.

idevent idbfbdb0f7-2756-4262-9045-e0cc35457831
sourceevent typeurn:se:jherrlin:bomberman:game
subjectgame idea82027c-16d9-4c65-a1c7-bf703473679d
typeaction typemove
content-typedata formatapplication/edn application/json
dataevent datadata about the event


Command Query Responsibility Segregation

Creates are made in one place, reads in another.

Data flow




Rule engines / Clara

(ns claraman-demo
   [clara.rules :refer [defquery defrule fire-rules insert insert-all insert! insert-unconditional! query retract! mk-session]]
   [se.jherrlin.claraman.board :as board]
   [se.jherrlin.claraman.models :as models])
  (:import [se.jherrlin.claraman.models
            Board PlayerMove PlayerWantsToMove Stone BombOnBoard TimestampNow
            PlayerOnBoardPosition FireOnBoard PlayerDies]))

(def game-id (java.util.UUID/randomUUID))
(def timestamp (java.util.Date.))
(def demo-board
  [[{:type :wall :x 0 :y 0} {:type :wall  :x 1 :y 0} {:type :wall  :x 2 :y 0} {:type :wall  :x 3 :y 0} {:type :wall  :x 4 :y 0} {:type :wall  :x 5 :y 0}]
   [{:type :wall :x 0 :y 1} {:type :floor :x 1 :y 1} {:type :floor :x 2 :y 1} {:type :floor :x 3 :y 1} {:type :floor :x 4 :y 1} {:type :wall  :x 5 :y 1}]
   [{:type :wall :x 0 :y 2} {:type :floor :x 1 :y 2} {:type :wall  :x 2 :y 2} {:type :floor :x 3 :y 2} {:type :wall  :x 4 :y 2} {:type :floor :x 5 :y 2}]
   [{:type :wall :x 0 :y 3} {:type :floor :x 1 :y 3} {:type :floor :x 2 :y 3} {:type :floor :x 3 :y 3} {:type :floor :x 4 :y 3} {:type :wall  :x 5 :y 3}]
   [{:type :wall :x 0 :y 4} {:type :wall  :x 1 :y 4} {:type :wall  :x 2 :y 4} {:type :wall  :x 3 :y 4} {:type :wall  :x 4 :y 4} {:type :wall  :x 5 :y 4}]])

(defrule player-move
  "Player move"
  [TimestampNow      (= ?now now)]
  [Board             (= ?game-id game-id) (= ?board board)]
  [PlayerWantsToMove (= ?game-id game-id) (= ?player-id player-id) (= ?current-xy current-xy) (= ?direction direction)
   (#{:floor} (board/target-position-type ?board current-xy direction))]
  [:not [Stone       (= ?game-id game-id) (= stone-position-xy (board/next-xy-position ?current-xy ?direction))]]
  [:not [BombOnBoard (= ?game-id game-id) (= bomb-position-xy  (board/next-xy-position ?current-xy ?direction))]]
  (insert! (PlayerMove. ?now ?game-id ?player-id (board/next-xy-position ?current-xy ?direction) ?direction)))

(defrule rule-name
  ;; If all of this facts are true
  => ;; then
  ;; Do this

(defrule player-dies-if-walking-into-fire
  [TimestampNow (= ?now now)]
  [FireOnBoard  (= ?game-id game-id) (= ?fire-player-id player-id) (= ?fire-current-xy fire-position-xy)]
  [PlayerMove   (= ?game-id game-id) (= ?player-id player-id) (= ?player-next-position next-position)]
  [:test (= ?player-next-position ?fire-current-xy)]
  (insert! (PlayerDies. ?now ?game-id ?player-id ?fire-player-id)))

(defrule player-dies
  "Player dies if she gets hit by fire."
  [TimestampNow (= ?now now)]
  [PlayerOnBoardPosition (= ?game-id game-id) (= ?player-id player-id)      (= ?player-current-xy player-current-xy)]
  [FireOnBoard           (= ?game-id game-id) (= ?fire-player-id player-id) (= ?fire-current-xy fire-position-xy)]
  [:test (= ?fire-current-xy ?player-current-xy)]
  (insert! (PlayerDies. ?now ?game-id ?player-id ?fire-player-id)))

(defquery player-move?
  [?player-move <- PlayerMove])

(defquery player-dies?
  [?player-dies <- PlayerDies])

;; Player move
(let [session' (-> (mk-session 'claraman-demo)
                   (insert (models/->TimestampNow timestamp)
                           (models/->FireOnBoard                 game-id 2 [2 1] #inst "2021-08-28T15:03:02.000-00:00")
                           (models/->PlayerWantsToMove timestamp game-id 1 [1 1] :east)
                           (models/->Board game-id demo-board))
  {:dies (query session' player-dies?)
   :move (query session' player-move?)})
;; player-move?

;; Player dies
(-> (mk-session 'claraman-demo)
     (models/->TimestampNow                          #inst "2021-08-28T15:03:02.000-00:00")
     (models/->FireOnBoard           game-id 2 [1 1] #inst "2021-08-28T15:03:02.000-00:00")
     (models/->PlayerOnBoardPosition game-id 1 [1 1] "A"))
    (query player-dies?))
