Conferences can feel intimidating, especially your first few.
But don't worry, this is a common feeling.
You deserve to be attend and no one knows what all the talks are about.
@@ -38,61 +38,141 @@ In fact, conferences are for branching out and learning new things!
-# Best Practices:
- Don't try to absorb everything!
+# What to expect:
-- Focus on your interests, but also check out new topics.
+- Conferences cover a ton of information! (It may feel overwhelming)
+- Talks conclude with time for questions
+- Plenary talks are large talks typically for the full conference with experienced speakers
+- People will attend talks and some will take notes
+- People will come and go
+- People will generally ask constructive questions
+- Occasionally people might ask aggressive questions, but this is rare
- Take notes.
+::: Note
-- Conferences cover tons of material, it can be difficult to retain what you learn, so take notes. Your notes should especially include information about the researchers and relevant papers, so you can reach out or learn more.
+# Possible Goals:
- Get ideas.
+ Meet new people
-- Conferences are a great places to make new connections and think about new ideas.
+ Share your research
- Talk to people.
+ Look for a job
-- You never know who you might be sitting next to! Conferences are great places to find new collaborators, people who know about helpful new methods, opportunities, jobs, etc.
-- You can start with small talk or talking about a recent presentation, or your work.
-- Transition times, after talks and during breaks are good opportunities to meet people
-- Talk to speakers, ask questions (this can be one on one after a talk or during the talk)
-- Email people afterwards or connect on LinkedIn
+ Get ideas for new projects
+ Find collaborators
+# Best Practices:
-# What to expect:
+ Don't try to absorb everything!
-- Talks conclude with time for questions
-- Plenary talks are large talks typically for the full conference with experienced speakers
-- People will attend talks and some will take notes
-- People will come and go
-- People will generally ask constructive questions
-- Occasionally people might ask aggressive questions, but this is rare
+- Focus on your interests, but also check out new topics.
+ Take notes
+- It can be difficult to retain what you learn, so take notes. Include information about the researchers and relevant papers, so you can reach out or learn more.
+ Get ideas
+- Conferences are a great places to make new connections.
+ Talk to people
+- You never know who you might be sitting next to! Find new collaborators, people who know about helpful new methods, opportunities, jobs, etc.
+- Start with small talk, talk about a presentation, or talk about your work
+- Transition times, after talks, and during breaks are good opportunities to meet people
+- Talk to speakers, ask questions (this can be after a talk or during the talk)
+- Email people or connect on LinkedIn
+# Possible Questions to Ask:
+- What are your next steps/future directions?
+- What was a challenge in your methods?
+- Why did you pick XYZ thing? Did you consider this other method?
+- Can we revisit graph A? Ask a specific question about graph/finding/table.
+- Have you considered some other author XYZ and how that relates to your work?
+- What are the implications/impact of your findings? How could this be applied?
+- Have you thought about how XYZ may influence your research findings?
+- I didn't catch this XYZ detail, can you say it again?
+# Virtual Conference Etiquette:
+ Keep muted
+ Consider showing your video (it's nice for speakers)
+ Reach out on LinkedIn or the chat to "talk" to people
+# After the Conference:
+ Reach out to new contacts
+ Whether formal (to present to your lab) or informal, consider the following questions:
+ - Why did I go to this conference?
+ - What did I do at the conference?
+ - What could I do differently?
+ - What did I learn/takeaways?
+ Revisit your goals here, how did you do?
**Authors**: This cheatsheet is the product of discussions
**Authors**: This content of this cheatsheet was created by Lauren Chan, Kate Isaac, Candace Savonen, and Carrie Wright. It was summarized and formatted by Carrie Wright. Icons from Face Explode by Bharat Design on IconScout and Cartoons from
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- Share anecdotes and images that humanize your work
- Explain concepts to lay audiences
Check if your institute has a Social Media Policy with guidelines or restrictions on the usage of social media.
-_These tips are adapted from the Marketing and Communications group at Fred Hutch._
+ _These tips are adapted from the Marketing and Communications group at Fred Hutch._