Test if a Rgba color.
Test if a Rgb or Rgba color.
Deepen color.
Brighten color.
Adjust color opacity.
Convert color to Hex color.
Convert color to Rgb|Rgba color.
Get color opacity.
Get the color Rgb value.
Get the color Rgba value.
Get Color from Rgb|Rgba value.
Built-in color keywords.
$ npm install @jiaminghi/color
import { toHex } from '@jiaminghi/color'
// do something
<!--Debug version-->
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@jiaminghi/color/dist/index.js"></script>
<!--Compression version-->
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@jiaminghi/color/dist/index.min.js"></script>
const { darken, lighten } = window.Color
// do something
* @description Test if a Hex color
* @param {string} color A color string maybe Hex
* @return {boolean} Test result
type isHex = (color: string) => boolean
isHex('#000') // true
isHex('#333333') // true
isHex('Not A Color') // false
isHex('rgb(0,0,0)') // false
isHex('rgba(0,0,0,1)') // false
* @description Test if a Rgb color
* @param {string} color A color string maybe Rgb
* @return {boolean} Test result
type isRgb = (color: string) => boolean
isRgb('rgb(0,0,0)') // true
isRgb('RGB(0,0,0)') // true
isRgb('Not A Color') // false
isRgb('#000') // false
isRgb('#000000') // false
* @description Test if a Rgba color
* @param {string} color A color string maybe Rgba
* @return {boolean} Test result
type isRgba = (color: string) => boolean
isRgba('rgba(0,0,0,1)') // true
isRgba('rgb(0,0,0)') // false
isRgba('Not A Color') // false
isRgba('#000') // false
isRgba('#000000') // false
* @description Test if a Rgb or Rgba color
* @param {string} color A color string maybe Rgb or Rgba
* @return {boolean} Test result
type isRgbOrRgba = (color: string) => boolean
isRgbOrRgba('rgb(0,0,0)') // true
isRgbOrRgba('RGB(0,0,0)') // true
isRgbOrRgba('rgba(0,0,0,1)') // true
isRgbOrRgba('#000') // false
isRgbOrRgba('Not A Color') // false
* @description Deepen color
* @param {string} color Hex|Rgb|Rgba color or color keyword
* @param {number} percent Percent of Deepen (1-100)
* @return {string} Rgba color (Invalid input will throw an error)
type darken = (color: string, percent: number) => string
const before = '#3080E8'
const after = darken(color, 20)
// after = 'rgba(0,77,181,1)'
* @description Brighten color
* @param {string} color Hex|Rgb|Rgba color or color keyword
* @param {number} percent Percent of brighten (1-100)
* @return {string} Rgba color (Invalid input will throw an error)
type lighten = (color: string, percent: number) => string
const before = '#3080E8'
const after = lighten(color, 20)
// after = 'rgba(99,179,255,1)'
* @description Adjust color opacity
* @param {string} color Hex|Rgb|Rgba color or color keyword
* @param {number} percent Percent of opacity
* @return {string} Rgba color (Invalid input will throw an error)
type fade = (color: string, percent: number) => string
const before = '#3080E8'
const after = lighten(color, 20)
// after = 'rgba(48,128,232,0.2)'
* @description Convert color to Hex color
* @param {string} color Hex|Rgb|Rgba color or color keyword
* @return {string} Hex color (Invalid input will throw an error)
type toHex = (color: string) => string
const before = 'rgb(48,128,232)'
const after = toHex(before)
// after = '#3080e8'
* @description Convert color to Rgb|Rgba color
* @param {string} color Hex|Rgb|Rgba color or color keyword
* @param {number} opacity The opacity of color
* @return {string} Rgb|Rgba color (Invalid input will throw an error)
type toRgb = (color: string, opacity: number) => string
const before = '#3080E8'
const after1 = toRgb(before)
// after1 = 'rgb(48,128,232)'
const after2 = toRgb(before, 0.2)
// after2 = 'rgba(48,128,232,0.2)'
* @description Get the opacity of color
* @param {string} color Hex|Rgb|Rgba color or color keyword
* @return {number} Color opacity (Invalid input will throw an error)
type getOpacity = (color: string) => number
const color1 = '#3080E8'
const color2 = 'rgba(48,128,232,0.2)'
const opacity1 = getOpacity(color1)
// opacity1 = 1
const opacity2 = getOpacity(color2)
// opacity2 = 0.2
* @description Get the Rgb value of the color
* @param {string} color Hex|Rgb|Rgba color or color keyword
* @return {RgbValue} Rgb value of the color (Invalid input will throw an error)
type RgbValue = [number, number, number]
type getRgbValue = (color: string) => RgbValue
const color = '#3080E8'
const rgbValue = getRgbValue(color)
// rgbValue = [48, 128, 232]
* @description Get the Rgba value of the color
* @param {string} color Hex|Rgb|Rgba color or color keyword
* @return {RgbaValue} Rgba value of the color (Invalid input will throw an error)
type RgbaValue = [number, number, number, number]
type getRgbaValue = (color: string) => RgbaValue
const color1 = '#3080E8'
const color2 = 'rgba(48,128,232,0.2)'
const rgbaValue1 = getRgbaValue(color1)
// rgbaValue1 = [48, 128, 232, 1]
const rgbaValue2 = getRgbaValue(color2)
// rgbaValue2 = [48, 128, 232, 0.2]
* @description Get Color from Rgb|Rgba value
* @param {Value} value Rgb|Rgba color value
* @return {string} Rgb|Rgba color (Invalid input will throw an error)
type RgbValue = [number, number, number]
type RgbaValue = [number, number, number, number]
type Value = RgbValue | RgbaValue
type getColorFromRgbValue = (value: Value) => string | null
const value1 = [48, 128, 232]
const value2 = [48, 128, 232, 0.2]
const color1 = getColorFromRgbValue(value1)
// color1 = 'rgb(48,128,232)'
const color2 = getColorFromRgbValue(value2)
// color2 = 'rgba(48,128,232,0.2)'