index 416c1d15..eb6aee49 100644
@@ -19,12 +19,14 @@ Imports:
+ flextable,
- haven, Hmisc,
+ haven,
+ Hmisc,
jskm(>= 0.4.4),
@@ -43,6 +45,7 @@ Imports:
+ shinyjs,
index c3940de2..9d85f80b 100644
@@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ export(tb1simpleUI)
@@ -140,6 +141,8 @@ importFrom(see,theme_modern)
diff --git a/R/jsBasicGadget.R b/R/jsBasicGadget.R
index 6444eeb9..aed16ef2 100644
--- a/R/jsBasicGadget.R
+++ b/R/jsBasicGadget.R
@@ -805,6 +805,8 @@ jsBasicAddin <- function() {
#' @importFrom jstable opt.tbreg
#' @importFrom DT datatable %>% formatStyle styleEqual renderDT DTOutput
#' @importFrom shinycustomloader withLoader
+#' @importFrom shinyjs useShinyjs click
+#' @import flextable
#' @import shiny
jsBasicExtAddin <- function(nfactor.limit = 20, max.filesize = 2048) {
@@ -813,7 +815,8 @@ jsBasicExtAddin <- function(nfactor.limit = 20, max.filesize = 2048) {
ui <- navbarPage(
header = tagList(
includeCSS(system.file("www", "style.css", package = "jsmodule")),
- tags$head(tags$link(rel = "shortcut icon", href = "www/favicon.ico"))
+ tags$head(tags$link(rel = "shortcut icon", href = "www/favicon.ico")),
+ shinyjs::useShinyjs()
# theme = bslib::bs_theme(bootswatch = 'solar'),
inverse = TRUE,
@@ -883,6 +886,8 @@ jsBasicExtAddin <- function(nfactor.limit = 20, max.filesize = 2048) {
markdown("> Table 1 for Descriptive statistics, see
Ich E3 Guideline 11.2 for medical definition"),
+ downloadButton(outputId = "dl.table1", style = "display:none;"),
+ actionButton("dl.table1.clk", NULL, style = "display:none;"),
type = "html",
@@ -908,6 +913,8 @@ jsBasicExtAddin <- function(nfactor.limit = 20, max.filesize = 2048) {
+ downloadButton("dl.linreg", style = "display:none;"),
+ actionButton("dl.linreg.clk", NULL, style = "display:none;"),
type = "html",
@@ -925,6 +932,8 @@ jsBasicExtAddin <- function(nfactor.limit = 20, max.filesize = 2048) {
+ downloadButton("dl.logreg", style = "display:none;"),
+ actionButton("dl.logreg.clk", NULL, style = "display:none;"),
type = "html",
@@ -940,6 +949,8 @@ jsBasicExtAddin <- function(nfactor.limit = 20, max.filesize = 2048) {
+ downloadButton("dl.coxreg", style = "display:none;"),
+ actionButton("dl.coxreg.clk", NULL, style = "display:none;"),
type = "html",
@@ -1260,13 +1271,68 @@ jsBasicExtAddin <- function(nfactor.limit = 20, max.filesize = 2048) {
out_tb1 <- callModule(tb1module2, "tb1", data = data, data_label = data.label, data_varStruct = NULL, nfactor.limit = nfactor.limit)
+ observeEvent(input$dl.table1.clk, {
+ shinyjs::click(id = "dl.table1")
+ })
+ output$dl.table1 <- downloadHandler(
+ filename = "table1.docx",
+ content = function(file) {
+ tb <- out_tb1()$table
+ rn <- rownames(tb)
+ tb <- cbind(rn, data.frame(tb))
+ colnames(tb)[1] <- " "
+ officer::read_docx() |>
+ body_add_flextable(
+ tb %>%
+ flextable() %>%
+ autofit() %>%
+ theme_booktabs(bold_header = TRUE)
+ ) |>
+ print(target = file)
+ }
+ )
+ outputOptions(output, "dl.table1", suspendWhenHidden = FALSE)
output$table1 <- renderDT({
tb <- out_tb1()$table
cap <- out_tb1()$caption
out.tb1 <- datatable(tb,
rownames = T, extensions = "Buttons", caption = cap,
options = c(
- opt.tb1("tb1"),
+ list(
+ dom = "Bip>",
+ lengthMenu = list(
+ c(10, 25, -1),
+ c("10", "25", "All")
+ ),
+ pageLength = 25,
+ ordering = F,
+ buttons = list(
+ "copy",
+ "print",
+ list(
+ text = "Download",
+ extend = "collection",
+ buttons = list(
+ list(extend = "csv", filename = "tb1"),
+ list(extend = "excel", filename = "tb1"),
+ list(extend = "pdf", filename = "tb1")
+ ) # ,
+ ),
+ list(
+ text = "Word",
+ extend = "collection",
+ action = DT::JS(
+ "function ( e, dt, node, config ) {
+ Shiny.setInputValue('dl.table1.clk', true, {priority: 'event'});
+ }"
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ ),
list(columnDefs = list(list(visible = FALSE, targets = which(colnames(tb) %in% c("test", "sig"))))),
list(scrollX = TRUE)
@@ -1279,12 +1345,64 @@ jsBasicExtAddin <- function(nfactor.limit = 20, max.filesize = 2048) {
out_linear <- callModule(regressModule2, "linear", data = data, data_label = data.label, data_varStruct = NULL, default.unires = T, nfactor.limit = nfactor.limit)
+ observeEvent(input$dl.linreg.clk, {
+ shinyjs::click(id = "dl.linreg")
+ })
+ output$dl.linreg <- downloadHandler(
+ filename = "lin-reg.docx",
+ content = function(file) {
+ tb <- out_linear()$table
+ rn <- rownames(tb)
+ cn <- colnames(tb)
+ tb <- cbind(rn, data.frame(tb))
+ colnames(tb) <- c(" ", cn)
+ officer::read_docx() |>
+ body_add_flextable(
+ tb %>%
+ flextable() %>%
+ autofit() %>%
+ theme_booktabs(bold_header = TRUE)
+ ) |>
+ print(target = file)
+ }
+ )
+ outputOptions(output, "dl.linreg", suspendWhenHidden = FALSE)
output$lineartable <- renderDT({
hide <- which(colnames(out_linear()$table) == "sig")
rownames = T, extensions = "Buttons", caption = out_linear()$caption,
options = c(
- opt.tbreg(out_linear()$caption),
+ list(
+ dom = "Bip>",
+ lengthMenu = list(
+ c(10, 25, -1),
+ c("10", "25", "All")
+ ),
+ pageLength = -1,
+ ordering = F,
+ buttons = list(
+ "copy",
+ "print",
+ list(
+ text = "Download",
+ extend = "collection",
+ buttons = list(
+ list(extend = "csv", filename = out_linear()$caption),
+ list(extend = "excel", filename = out_linear()$caption),
+ list(extend = "pdf", filename = out_linear()$caption)
+ )
+ ),
+ list(
+ text = "Word",
+ extend = "collection",
+ action = DT::JS("function ( e, dt, node, config ) {Shiny.setInputValue('dl.linreg.clk', true, {priority: 'event'});}")
+ )
+ )
+ ),
list(columnDefs = list(list(visible = FALSE, targets = hide))),
list(scrollX = TRUE)
@@ -1297,12 +1415,64 @@ jsBasicExtAddin <- function(nfactor.limit = 20, max.filesize = 2048) {
out_logistic <- callModule(logisticModule2, "logistic", data = data, data_label = data.label, data_varStruct = NULL, nfactor.limit = nfactor.limit)
+ observeEvent(input$dl.logreg.clk, {
+ shinyjs::click(id = "dl.logreg")
+ })
+ output$dl.logreg <- downloadHandler(
+ filename = "log-reg.docx",
+ content = function(file) {
+ tb <- out_logistic()$table
+ rn <- rownames(tb)
+ cn <- colnames(tb)
+ tb <- cbind(rn, data.frame(tb))
+ colnames(tb) <- c(" ", cn)
+ officer::read_docx() |>
+ body_add_flextable(
+ tb %>%
+ flextable() %>%
+ autofit() %>%
+ theme_booktabs(bold_header = TRUE)
+ ) |>
+ print(target = file)
+ }
+ )
+ outputOptions(output, "dl.logreg", suspendWhenHidden = FALSE)
output$logistictable <- renderDT({
hide <- which(colnames(out_logistic()$table) == "sig")
rownames = T, extensions = "Buttons", caption = out_logistic()$caption,
options = c(
- opt.tbreg(out_logistic()$caption),
+ list(
+ dom = "Bip>",
+ lengthMenu = list(
+ c(10, 25, -1),
+ c("10", "25", "All")
+ ),
+ pageLength = -1,
+ ordering = F,
+ buttons = list(
+ "copy",
+ "print",
+ list(
+ text = "Download",
+ extend = "collection",
+ buttons = list(
+ list(extend = "csv", filename = out_logistic()$caption),
+ list(extend = "excel", filename = out_logistic()$caption),
+ list(extend = "pdf", filename = out_logistic()$caption)
+ )
+ ),
+ list(
+ text = "Word",
+ extend = "collection",
+ action = DT::JS("function ( e, dt, node, config ) {Shiny.setInputValue('dl.logreg.clk', true, {priority: 'event'});}")
+ )
+ )
+ ),
list(columnDefs = list(list(visible = FALSE, targets = hide))),
list(scrollX = TRUE)
@@ -1311,12 +1481,64 @@ jsBasicExtAddin <- function(nfactor.limit = 20, max.filesize = 2048) {
out_cox <- callModule(coxModule, "cox", data = data, data_label = data.label, data_varStruct = NULL, default.unires = T, nfactor.limit = nfactor.limit)
+ observeEvent(input$dl.coxreg.clk, {
+ shinyjs::click(id = "dl.coxreg")
+ })
+ output$dl.coxreg <- downloadHandler(
+ filename = "cox-reg.docx",
+ content = function(file) {
+ tb <- out_cox()$table
+ rn <- rownames(tb)
+ cn <- colnames(tb)
+ tb <- cbind(rn, data.frame(tb))
+ colnames(tb) <- c(" ", cn)
+ officer::read_docx() |>
+ body_add_flextable(
+ tb %>%
+ flextable() %>%
+ autofit() %>%
+ theme_booktabs(bold_header = TRUE)
+ ) |>
+ print(target = file)
+ }
+ )
+ outputOptions(output, "dl.coxreg", suspendWhenHidden = FALSE)
output$coxtable <- renderDT({
hide <- which(colnames(out_cox()$table) == c("sig"))
rownames = T, extensions = "Buttons", caption = out_cox()$caption,
options = c(
- opt.tbreg(out_cox()$caption),
+ list(
+ dom = "Bip>",
+ lengthMenu = list(
+ c(10, 25, -1),
+ c("10", "25", "All")
+ ),
+ pageLength = -1,
+ ordering = F,
+ buttons = list(
+ "copy",
+ "print",
+ list(
+ text = "Download",
+ extend = "collection",
+ buttons = list(
+ list(extend = "csv", filename = out_cox()$caption),
+ list(extend = "excel", filename = out_cox()$caption),
+ list(extend = "pdf", filename = out_cox()$caption)
+ )
+ ),
+ list(
+ text = "Word",
+ extend = "collection",
+ action = DT::JS("function ( e, dt, node, config ) {Shiny.setInputValue('dl.coxreg.clk', true, {priority: 'event'});}")
+ )
+ )
+ ),
list(columnDefs = list(list(visible = FALSE, targets = hide)))
) %>% formatStyle("sig", target = "row", backgroundColor = styleEqual("**", "#fed9cc"))
diff --git a/R/jsPropensityGadget.R b/R/jsPropensityGadget.R
index 4859d156..6ce07660 100644
--- a/R/jsPropensityGadget.R
+++ b/R/jsPropensityGadget.R
@@ -44,7 +44,6 @@ jsPropensityGadget <- function(data, nfactor.limit = 20) {
data_varStruct1 <- list(variable = names(out))
## Vars
naCol <- names(out)[colSums(is.na(out)) > 0]
# out <- out[, .SD, .SDcols = -naCol]
@@ -64,10 +63,6 @@ jsPropensityGadget <- function(data, nfactor.limit = 20) {
# except_vars <- names(nclass)[ nclass== 1 | nclass >= nfactor.limit]
factor_adds <- names(nclass)[nclass >= 1 & nclass <= 5]
ui <- navbarPage(
"Propensity score analysis",
@@ -377,7 +372,6 @@ jsPropensityGadget <- function(data, nfactor.limit = 20) {
observeEvent(input$check_binary, {
var.conti <- setdiff(names(out), c(factor_original, input$factor_vname))
output$binary_var <- renderUI({
@@ -474,8 +468,6 @@ jsPropensityGadget <- function(data, nfactor.limit = 20) {
data.info <- reactive({
out1 <- data.table::data.table(out)
out1[, (conti_original) := lapply(.SD, function(x) {
@@ -533,7 +525,6 @@ jsPropensityGadget <- function(data, nfactor.limit = 20) {
if (!is.null(input$check_subset)) {
if (input$check_subset) {
@@ -588,7 +579,6 @@ jsPropensityGadget <- function(data, nfactor.limit = 20) {
# nclass_factor <- unlist(data()[, lapply(.SD, function(x){length(unique(x))}), .SDcols = factor_vars])
# factor_2vars <- names(nclass_factor)[nclass_factor == 2]
need(!is.null(class01_factor), "No categorical variables coded as 0, 1 in data")
@@ -602,7 +592,6 @@ jsPropensityGadget <- function(data, nfactor.limit = 20) {
need(length(factor_01vars_case_small) > 0, "No candidate group variable for PS calculation")
label = "Group variable for PS calculation (0, 1 coding)",
choices = mklist(list(variable = names(data.info()$data)), factor_01vars_case_small), multiple = F,
@@ -645,12 +634,6 @@ jsPropensityGadget <- function(data, nfactor.limit = 20) {
mat.info <- eventReactive(c(input$indep_pscal, input$group_pscal, input$caliper, input$ratio_ps, data.info()), {
if (is.null(input$group_pscal) | is.null(input$indep_pscal)) {
@@ -678,11 +661,6 @@ jsPropensityGadget <- function(data, nfactor.limit = 20) {
return(list(data = wdata, matdata = data[ID.pscal2828 %in% match.data(m.out)$ID.pscal2828]))
output$data <- renderDT({
rownames = F, editable = F, extensions = "Buttons", caption = "Data with ps, iptw",
@@ -713,7 +691,6 @@ jsPropensityGadget <- function(data, nfactor.limit = 20) {
## tb1
data <- reactive({
mat.info()$data[, .SD, .SDcols = -c("iptw")]
@@ -723,12 +700,10 @@ jsPropensityGadget <- function(data, nfactor.limit = 20) {
# data_varStruct <- reactive(list(variable = names(mat.info()$matdata)))
design.survey <- reactive(survey::svydesign(ids = ~1, data = mat.info()$data[!is.na(iptw), ], weights = ~iptw))
tb1_original <- callModule(tb1module2, "tb1", data = data, data_label = data.label, data_varStruct = NULL, design.survey = NULL, nfactor.limit = nfactor.limit)
tb1_ps <- callModule(tb1module2, "tb1", data = matdata, data_label = data.label, data_varStruct = NULL, design.survey = NULL, nfactor.limit = nfactor.limit)
tb1_iptw <- callModule(tb1module2, "tb1", data = data, data_label = data.label, data_varStruct = NULL, design.survey = design.survey, nfactor.limit = nfactor.limit)
output$table1_original <- renderDT({
tb <- tb1_original()$table
cap <- tb1_original()$caption
@@ -780,14 +755,12 @@ jsPropensityGadget <- function(data, nfactor.limit = 20) {
## Regression
out_linear_original <- callModule(regressModule2, "linear", data = data, data_label = data.label, data_varStruct = NULL, default.unires = F, nfactor.limit = nfactor.limit)
out_linear_ps <- callModule(regressModule2, "linear", data = matdata, data_label = data.label, data_varStruct = NULL, default.unires = F, nfactor.limit = nfactor.limit)
out_linear_iptw <- callModule(regressModule2, "linear", data = data, data_label = data.label, data_varStruct = NULL, default.unires = F, design.survey = design.survey, nfactor.limit = nfactor.limit)
output$linear_original <- renderDT({
hide <- which(colnames(out_linear_original()$table) == "sig")
@@ -832,14 +805,12 @@ jsPropensityGadget <- function(data, nfactor.limit = 20) {
) %>% formatStyle("sig", target = "row", backgroundColor = styleEqual("**", "yellow"))
## Logistic
out_logistic_original <- callModule(logisticModule2, "logistic", data = data, data_label = data.label, data_varStruct = NULL, nfactor.limit = nfactor.limit)
out_logistic_ps <- callModule(logisticModule2, "logistic", data = matdata, data_label = data.label, data_varStruct = NULL, nfactor.limit = nfactor.limit)
out_logistic_iptw <- callModule(logisticModule2, "logistic", data = data, data_label = data.label, data_varStruct = NULL, design.survey = design.survey, nfactor.limit = nfactor.limit)
output$logistic_original <- renderDT({
hide <- which(colnames(out_logistic_original()$table) == "sig")
@@ -876,7 +847,6 @@ jsPropensityGadget <- function(data, nfactor.limit = 20) {
) %>% formatStyle("sig", target = "row", backgroundColor = styleEqual("**", "yellow"))
## Cox
out_cox_original <- callModule(coxModule, "cox", data = data, data_label = data.label, data_varStruct = NULL, default.unires = F, nfactor.limit = nfactor.limit)
@@ -929,7 +899,6 @@ jsPropensityGadget <- function(data, nfactor.limit = 20) {
## Kaplan
out_kaplan_original <- callModule(kaplanModule, "kaplan", data = data, data_label = data.label, data_varStruct = NULL, nfactor.limit = nfactor.limit)
@@ -948,14 +917,12 @@ jsPropensityGadget <- function(data, nfactor.limit = 20) {
## ROC
out_roc_original <- callModule(rocModule2, "roc", data = data, data_label = data.label, data_varStruct = NULL, nfactor.limit = nfactor.limit)
out_roc_ps <- callModule(rocModule2, "roc", data = matdata, data_label = data.label, data_varStruct = NULL, nfactor.limit = nfactor.limit)
out_roc_iptw <- callModule(rocModule2, "roc", data = data, data_label = data.label, data_varStruct = NULL, design.survey = design.survey, nfactor.limit = nfactor.limit)
output$plot_roc_original <- renderPlot({
@@ -998,7 +965,6 @@ jsPropensityGadget <- function(data, nfactor.limit = 20) {
out_timeroc_ps <- callModule(timerocModule2, "timeroc", data = matdata, data_label = data.label, data_varStruct = NULL, nfactor.limit = nfactor.limit)
out_timeroc_iptw <- callModule(timerocModule2, "timeroc", data = data, data_label = data.label, data_varStruct = NULL, design.survey = design.survey, nfactor.limit = nfactor.limit)
output$plot_timeroc_original <- renderPlot({
@@ -1037,16 +1003,11 @@ jsPropensityGadget <- function(data, nfactor.limit = 20) {
# viewer <- dialogViewer("Descriptive statistics", width = 1100, height = 850)
viewer <- browserViewer(browser = getOption("browser"))
runGadget(ui, server, viewer = viewer)
#' @title jsPropensityAddin: Rstudio addin of jsPropensityGadget
#' @description Rstudio addin of jsPropensityGadget
#' @return Rstudio addin of jsPropensityGadget
@@ -1061,7 +1022,6 @@ jsPropensityGadget <- function(data, nfactor.limit = 20) {
#' @export
#' @importFrom rstudioapi getActiveDocumentContext
jsPropensityAddin <- function() {
context <- rstudioapi::getActiveDocumentContext()
# Set the default data to use based on the selection.
@@ -1071,10 +1031,6 @@ jsPropensityAddin <- function() {
#' @title jsPropensityExtAddin: RStudio Addin for propensity score analysis with external data.
#' @description RStudio Addin for propensity score analysis with external csv/xlsx/sas7bdat/sav/dta file.
#' @param nfactor.limit nlevels limit for categorical variables, Default: 20
@@ -1097,6 +1053,8 @@ jsPropensityAddin <- function() {
#' @importFrom jstable opt.tbreg
#' @importFrom DT datatable %>% formatStyle styleEqual renderDT DTOutput
#' @importFrom shinycustomloader withLoader
+#' @importFrom shinyjs useShinyjs click
+#' @import flextable
#' @import shiny
jsPropensityExtAddin <- function(nfactor.limit = 20, max.filesize = 2048) {
@@ -1105,6 +1063,10 @@ jsPropensityExtAddin <- function(nfactor.limit = 20, max.filesize = 2048) {
ui <- navbarPage(
"Propensity score analysis",
+ inverse = TRUE,
+ header = tagList(
+ shinyjs::useShinyjs()
+ ),
icon = icon("table"),
@@ -1134,6 +1096,8 @@ jsPropensityExtAddin <- function(nfactor.limit = 20, max.filesize = 2048) {
type = "pills",
+ downloadButton(outputId = "dl.table1.original", style = "display:none;"),
+ actionButton("dl.table1.original.clk", NULL, style = "display:none;"),
withLoader(DTOutput("table1_original"), type = "html", loader = "loader6"),
h5("Normal continuous variables are summarized with Mean (SD) and t-test(2 groups) or ANOVA(> 2 groups)"),
@@ -1143,6 +1107,8 @@ jsPropensityExtAddin <- function(nfactor.limit = 20, max.filesize = 2048) {
+ downloadButton(outputId = "dl.table1.ps", style = "display:none;"),
+ actionButton("dl.table1.ps.clk", NULL, style = "display:none;"),
withLoader(DTOutput("table1_ps"), type = "html", loader = "loader6"),
h5("Normal continuous variables are summarized with Mean (SD) and t-test(2 groups) or ANOVA(> 2 groups)"),
@@ -1152,6 +1118,8 @@ jsPropensityExtAddin <- function(nfactor.limit = 20, max.filesize = 2048) {
+ downloadButton(outputId = "dl.table1.iptw", style = "display:none;"),
+ actionButton("dl.table1.iptw.clk", NULL, style = "display:none;"),
withLoader(DTOutput("table1_iptw"), type = "html", loader = "loader6"),
h5("Normal continuous variables are summarized with Mean (SD) and complex survey regression"),
@@ -1176,18 +1144,24 @@ jsPropensityExtAddin <- function(nfactor.limit = 20, max.filesize = 2048) {
type = "pills",
+ downloadButton("dl.linreg.original", style = "display:none;"),
+ actionButton("dl.linreg.original.clk", NULL, style = "display:none;"),
withLoader(DTOutput("linear_original"), type = "html", loader = "loader6"),
+ downloadButton("dl.linreg.ps", style = "display:none;"),
+ actionButton("dl.linreg.ps.clk", NULL, style = "display:none;"),
withLoader(DTOutput("linear_ps"), type = "html", loader = "loader6"),
+ downloadButton("dl.linreg.iptw", style = "display:none;"),
+ actionButton("dl.linreg.iptw.clk", NULL, style = "display:none;"),
withLoader(DTOutput("linear_iptw"), type = "html", loader = "loader6")
@@ -1205,14 +1179,20 @@ jsPropensityExtAddin <- function(nfactor.limit = 20, max.filesize = 2048) {
type = "pills",
+ downloadButton("dl.logreg.original", style = "display:none;"),
+ actionButton("dl.logreg.original.clk", NULL, style = "display:none;"),
withLoader(DTOutput("logistic_original"), type = "html", loader = "loader6")
+ downloadButton("dl.logreg.ps", style = "display:none;"),
+ actionButton("dl.logreg.ps.clk", NULL, style = "display:none;"),
withLoader(DTOutput("logistic_ps"), type = "html", loader = "loader6")
+ downloadButton("dl.logreg.iptw", style = "display:none;"),
+ actionButton("dl.logreg.iptw.clk", NULL, style = "display:none;"),
withLoader(DTOutput("logistic_iptw"), type = "html", loader = "loader6")
@@ -1230,14 +1210,20 @@ jsPropensityExtAddin <- function(nfactor.limit = 20, max.filesize = 2048) {
type = "pills",
+ downloadButton("dl.coxreg.original", style = "display:none;"),
+ actionButton("dl.coxreg.original.clk", NULL, style = "display:none;"),
withLoader(DTOutput("cox_original"), type = "html", loader = "loader6")
+ downloadButton("dl.coxreg.ps", style = "display:none;"),
+ actionButton("dl.coxreg.ps.clk", NULL, style = "display:none;"),
withLoader(DTOutput("cox_ps"), type = "html", loader = "loader6")
+ downloadButton("dl.coxreg.iptw", style = "display:none;"),
+ actionButton("dl.coxreg.iptw.clk", NULL, style = "display:none;"),
withLoader(DTOutput("cox_iptw"), type = "html", loader = "loader6")
@@ -1246,7 +1232,7 @@ jsPropensityExtAddin <- function(nfactor.limit = 20, max.filesize = 2048) {
- icon = icon("bar-chart-o"),
+ icon = icon("chart-column"),
"Scatter plot",
@@ -1360,9 +1346,6 @@ jsPropensityExtAddin <- function(nfactor.limit = 20, max.filesize = 2048) {
server <- function(input, output, session) {
output$downloadData <- downloadHandler(
filename = function() {
@@ -1375,7 +1358,6 @@ jsPropensityExtAddin <- function(nfactor.limit = 20, max.filesize = 2048) {
output$import <- renderUI({
@@ -1408,7 +1390,6 @@ jsPropensityExtAddin <- function(nfactor.limit = 20, max.filesize = 2048) {
# mat.info()$naomit
## tb1
data <- reactive({
mat.info()$data[, .SD, .SDcols = -c("iptw")]
@@ -1418,11 +1399,33 @@ jsPropensityExtAddin <- function(nfactor.limit = 20, max.filesize = 2048) {
# data_varStruct <- reactive(list(variable = names(mat.info()$matdata)))
design.survey <- reactive(survey::svydesign(ids = ~1, data = mat.info()$data[!is.na(iptw), ], weights = ~iptw))
tb1_original <- callModule(tb1module2, "tb1", data = data, data_label = data.label, data_varStruct = NULL, design.survey = NULL, nfactor.limit = nfactor.limit)
tb1_ps <- callModule(tb1module2, "tb1", data = matdata, data_label = data.label, data_varStruct = NULL, design.survey = NULL, nfactor.limit = nfactor.limit)
tb1_iptw <- callModule(tb1module2, "tb1", data = data, data_label = data.label, data_varStruct = NULL, design.survey = design.survey, nfactor.limit = nfactor.limit)
+ observeEvent(input$dl.table1.original.clk, {
+ shinyjs::click(id = "dl.table1.original")
+ })
+ output$dl.table1.original <- downloadHandler(
+ filename = "table1_original.docx",
+ content = function(file) {
+ tb <- tb1_original()$table
+ rn <- rownames(tb)
+ tb <- cbind(rn, data.frame(tb))
+ colnames(tb)[1] <- " "
+ officer::read_docx() |>
+ body_add_flextable(
+ tb %>%
+ flextable() %>%
+ autofit() %>%
+ theme_booktabs(bold_header = TRUE)
+ ) |>
+ print(target = file)
+ }
+ )
+ outputOptions(output, "dl.table1.original", suspendWhenHidden = FALSE)
output$table1_original <- renderDT({
tb <- tb1_original()$table
@@ -1430,7 +1433,37 @@ jsPropensityExtAddin <- function(nfactor.limit = 20, max.filesize = 2048) {
out.tb1 <- datatable(tb,
rownames = T, extensions = "Buttons", caption = cap,
options = c(
- opt.tb1("tb1"),
+ list(
+ dom = "Bip>",
+ lengthMenu = list(
+ c(10, 25, -1),
+ c("10", "25", "All")
+ ),
+ pageLength = 25,
+ ordering = F,
+ buttons = list(
+ "copy",
+ "print",
+ list(
+ text = "Download",
+ extend = "collection",
+ buttons = list(
+ list(extend = "csv", filename = "tb1"),
+ list(extend = "excel", filename = "tb1"),
+ list(extend = "pdf", filename = "tb1")
+ ) # ,
+ ),
+ list(
+ text = "Word",
+ extend = "collection",
+ action = DT::JS(
+ "function ( e, dt, node, config ) {
+ Shiny.setInputValue('dl.table1.original.clk', true, {priority: 'event'});
+ }"
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ ),
list(columnDefs = list(list(visible = FALSE, targets = which(colnames(tb) %in% c("test", "sig"))))),
list(scrollX = TRUE)
@@ -1441,13 +1474,68 @@ jsPropensityExtAddin <- function(nfactor.limit = 20, max.filesize = 2048) {
+ observeEvent(input$dl.table1.ps.clk, {
+ shinyjs::click(id = "dl.table1.ps")
+ })
+ output$dl.table1.ps <- downloadHandler(
+ filename = "table1_ps.docx",
+ content = function(file) {
+ tb <- tb1_ps()$table
+ rn <- rownames(tb)
+ tb <- cbind(rn, data.frame(tb))
+ colnames(tb)[1] <- " "
+ officer::read_docx() |>
+ body_add_flextable(
+ tb %>%
+ flextable() %>%
+ autofit() %>%
+ theme_booktabs(bold_header = TRUE)
+ ) |>
+ print(target = file)
+ }
+ )
+ outputOptions(output, "dl.table1.ps", suspendWhenHidden = FALSE)
output$table1_ps <- renderDT({
tb <- tb1_ps()$table
cap <- tb1_ps()$caption
out.tb1 <- datatable(tb,
rownames = T, extensions = "Buttons", caption = cap,
options = c(
- opt.tb1("tb1"),
+ list(
+ dom = "Bip>",
+ lengthMenu = list(
+ c(10, 25, -1),
+ c("10", "25", "All")
+ ),
+ pageLength = 25,
+ ordering = F,
+ buttons = list(
+ "copy",
+ "print",
+ list(
+ text = "Download",
+ extend = "collection",
+ buttons = list(
+ list(extend = "csv", filename = "tb1"),
+ list(extend = "excel", filename = "tb1"),
+ list(extend = "pdf", filename = "tb1")
+ ) # ,
+ ),
+ list(
+ text = "Word",
+ extend = "collection",
+ action = DT::JS(
+ "function ( e, dt, node, config ) {
+ Shiny.setInputValue('dl.table1.ps.clk', true, {priority: 'event'});
+ }"
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ ),
list(columnDefs = list(list(visible = FALSE, targets = which(colnames(tb) %in% c("test", "sig"))))),
list(scrollX = TRUE)
@@ -1458,13 +1546,68 @@ jsPropensityExtAddin <- function(nfactor.limit = 20, max.filesize = 2048) {
+ observeEvent(input$dl.table1.iptw.clk, {
+ shinyjs::click(id = "dl.table1.iptw")
+ })
+ output$dl.table1.iptw <- downloadHandler(
+ filename = "table1_iptw.docx",
+ content = function(file) {
+ tb <- tb1_iptw()$table
+ rn <- rownames(tb)
+ tb <- cbind(rn, data.frame(tb))
+ colnames(tb)[1] <- " "
+ officer::read_docx() |>
+ body_add_flextable(
+ tb %>%
+ flextable() %>%
+ autofit() %>%
+ theme_booktabs(bold_header = TRUE)
+ ) |>
+ print(target = file)
+ }
+ )
+ outputOptions(output, "dl.table1.iptw", suspendWhenHidden = FALSE)
output$table1_iptw <- renderDT({
tb <- tb1_iptw()$table
cap <- tb1_iptw()$caption
out.tb1 <- datatable(tb,
rownames = T, extensions = "Buttons", caption = cap,
options = c(
- opt.tb1("tb1"),
+ list(
+ dom = "Bip>",
+ lengthMenu = list(
+ c(10, 25, -1),
+ c("10", "25", "All")
+ ),
+ pageLength = 25,
+ ordering = F,
+ buttons = list(
+ "copy",
+ "print",
+ list(
+ text = "Download",
+ extend = "collection",
+ buttons = list(
+ list(extend = "csv", filename = "tb1"),
+ list(extend = "excel", filename = "tb1"),
+ list(extend = "pdf", filename = "tb1")
+ ) # ,
+ ),
+ list(
+ text = "Word",
+ extend = "collection",
+ action = DT::JS(
+ "function ( e, dt, node, config ) {
+ Shiny.setInputValue('dl.table1.iptw.clk', true, {priority: 'event'});
+ }"
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ ),
list(columnDefs = list(list(visible = FALSE, targets = which(colnames(tb) %in% c("test", "sig"))))),
list(scrollX = TRUE)
@@ -1475,20 +1618,73 @@ jsPropensityExtAddin <- function(nfactor.limit = 20, max.filesize = 2048) {
## Regression
out_linear_original <- callModule(regressModule2, "linear", data = data, data_label = data.label, data_varStruct = NULL, default.unires = F, nfactor.limit = nfactor.limit)
out_linear_ps <- callModule(regressModule2, "linear", data = matdata, data_label = data.label, data_varStruct = NULL, default.unires = F, nfactor.limit = nfactor.limit)
out_linear_iptw <- callModule(regressModule2, "linear", data = data, data_label = data.label, data_varStruct = NULL, default.unires = F, design.survey = design.survey, nfactor.limit = nfactor.limit)
+ observeEvent(input$dl.linreg.original.clk, {
+ shinyjs::click(id = "dl.linreg.original")
+ })
+ output$dl.linreg.original <- downloadHandler(
+ filename = "linreg_original.docx",
+ content = function(file) {
+ tb <- out_linear_original()$table
+ rn <- rownames(tb)
+ cn <- colnames(tb)
+ tb <- cbind(rn, data.frame(tb))
+ colnames(tb) <- c(" ", cn)
+ officer::read_docx() |>
+ body_add_flextable(
+ tb %>%
+ flextable() %>%
+ autofit() %>%
+ theme_booktabs(bold_header = TRUE)
+ ) |>
+ print(target = file)
+ }
+ )
+ outputOptions(output, "dl.linreg.original", suspendWhenHidden = FALSE)
output$linear_original <- renderDT({
hide <- which(colnames(out_linear_original()$table) == "sig")
rownames = T, extensions = "Buttons", caption = out_linear_original()$caption,
options = c(
- opt.tbreg(out_linear_original()$caption),
+ list(
+ dom = "Bip>",
+ lengthMenu = list(
+ c(10, 25, -1),
+ c("10", "25", "All")
+ ),
+ pageLength = 25,
+ ordering = F,
+ buttons = list(
+ "copy",
+ "print",
+ list(
+ text = "Download",
+ extend = "collection",
+ buttons = list(
+ list(extend = "csv", filename = out_linear_original()$caption),
+ list(extend = "excel", filename = out_linear_original()$caption),
+ list(extend = "pdf", filename = out_linear_original()$caption)
+ ) # ,
+ ),
+ list(
+ text = "Word",
+ extend = "collection",
+ action = DT::JS(
+ "function ( e, dt, node, config ) {
+ Shiny.setInputValue('dl.linreg.original.clk', true, {priority: 'event'});
+ }"
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ ),
list(columnDefs = list(list(visible = FALSE, targets = hide))),
list(scrollX = TRUE)
@@ -1499,12 +1695,68 @@ jsPropensityExtAddin <- function(nfactor.limit = 20, max.filesize = 2048) {
paste("", out_linear_original()$warning, "")
+ observeEvent(input$dl.linreg.ps.clk, {
+ shinyjs::click(id = "dl.linreg.ps")
+ })
+ output$dl.linreg.ps <- downloadHandler(
+ filename = "linreg_ps.docx",
+ content = function(file) {
+ tb <- out_linear_ps()$table
+ rn <- rownames(tb)
+ cn <- colnames(tb)
+ tb <- cbind(rn, data.frame(tb))
+ colnames(tb) <- c(" ", cn)
+ officer::read_docx() |>
+ body_add_flextable(
+ tb %>%
+ flextable() %>%
+ autofit() %>%
+ theme_booktabs(bold_header = TRUE)
+ ) |>
+ print(target = file)
+ }
+ )
+ outputOptions(output, "dl.linreg.ps", suspendWhenHidden = FALSE)
output$linear_ps <- renderDT({
hide <- which(colnames(out_linear_ps()$table) == "sig")
rownames = T, extensions = "Buttons", caption = out_linear_ps()$caption,
options = c(
- opt.tbreg(out_linear_ps()$caption),
+ list(
+ dom = "Bip>",
+ lengthMenu = list(
+ c(10, 25, -1),
+ c("10", "25", "All")
+ ),
+ pageLength = 25,
+ ordering = F,
+ buttons = list(
+ "copy",
+ "print",
+ list(
+ text = "Download",
+ extend = "collection",
+ buttons = list(
+ list(extend = "csv", filename = out_linear_ps()$caption),
+ list(extend = "excel", filename = out_linear_ps()$caption),
+ list(extend = "pdf", filename = out_linear_ps()$caption)
+ ) # ,
+ ),
+ list(
+ text = "Word",
+ extend = "collection",
+ action = DT::JS(
+ "function ( e, dt, node, config ) {
+ Shiny.setInputValue('dl.linreg.ps.clk', true, {priority: 'event'});
+ }"
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ ),
list(columnDefs = list(list(visible = FALSE, targets = hide))),
list(scrollX = TRUE)
@@ -1515,97 +1767,486 @@ jsPropensityExtAddin <- function(nfactor.limit = 20, max.filesize = 2048) {
paste("", out_linear_ps()$warning, "")
+ observeEvent(input$dl.linreg.iptw.clk, {
+ shinyjs::click(id = "dl.linreg.iptw")
+ })
+ output$dl.linreg.iptw <- downloadHandler(
+ filename = "linreg_iptw.docx",
+ content = function(file) {
+ tb <- out_linear_iptw()$table
+ rn <- rownames(tb)
+ cn <- colnames(tb)
+ tb <- cbind(rn, data.frame(tb))
+ colnames(tb) <- c(" ", cn)
+ officer::read_docx() |>
+ body_add_flextable(
+ tb %>%
+ flextable() %>%
+ autofit() %>%
+ theme_booktabs(bold_header = TRUE)
+ ) |>
+ print(target = file)
+ }
+ )
+ outputOptions(output, "dl.linreg.iptw", suspendWhenHidden = FALSE)
output$linear_iptw <- renderDT({
hide <- which(colnames(out_linear_iptw()$table) == "sig")
rownames = T, extensions = "Buttons", caption = out_linear_iptw()$caption,
options = c(
- opt.tbreg(out_linear_iptw()$caption),
+ list(
+ dom = "Bip>",
+ lengthMenu = list(
+ c(10, 25, -1),
+ c("10", "25", "All")
+ ),
+ pageLength = 25,
+ ordering = F,
+ buttons = list(
+ "copy",
+ "print",
+ list(
+ text = "Download",
+ extend = "collection",
+ buttons = list(
+ list(extend = "csv", filename = out_linear_iptw()$caption),
+ list(extend = "excel", filename = out_linear_iptw()$caption),
+ list(extend = "pdf", filename = out_linear_iptw()$caption)
+ ) # ,
+ ),
+ list(
+ text = "Word",
+ extend = "collection",
+ action = DT::JS(
+ "function ( e, dt, node, config ) {
+ Shiny.setInputValue('dl.linreg.iptw.clk', true, {priority: 'event'});
+ }"
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ ),
list(columnDefs = list(list(visible = FALSE, targets = hide))),
list(scrollX = TRUE)
) %>% formatStyle("sig", target = "row", backgroundColor = styleEqual("**", "yellow"))
## Logistic
out_logistic_original <- callModule(logisticModule2, "logistic", data = data, data_label = data.label, data_varStruct = NULL, nfactor.limit = nfactor.limit)
out_logistic_ps <- callModule(logisticModule2, "logistic", data = matdata, data_label = data.label, data_varStruct = NULL, nfactor.limit = nfactor.limit)
out_logistic_iptw <- callModule(logisticModule2, "logistic", data = data, data_label = data.label, data_varStruct = NULL, design.survey = design.survey, nfactor.limit = nfactor.limit)
+ observeEvent(input$dl.logreg.original.clk, {
+ shinyjs::click(id = "dl.logreg.original")
+ })
+ output$dl.logreg.original <- downloadHandler(
+ filename = "logreg_original.docx",
+ content = function(file) {
+ tb <- out_logistic_original()$table
+ rn <- rownames(tb)
+ cn <- colnames(tb)
+ tb <- cbind(rn, data.frame(tb))
+ colnames(tb) <- c(" ", cn)
+ officer::read_docx() |>
+ body_add_flextable(
+ tb %>%
+ flextable() %>%
+ autofit() %>%
+ theme_booktabs(bold_header = TRUE)
+ ) |>
+ print(target = file)
+ }
+ )
+ outputOptions(output, "dl.logreg.original", suspendWhenHidden = FALSE)
output$logistic_original <- renderDT({
hide <- which(colnames(out_logistic_original()$table) == "sig")
rownames = T, extensions = "Buttons", caption = out_logistic_original()$caption,
options = c(
- opt.tbreg(out_logistic_original()$caption),
+ list(
+ dom = "Bip>",
+ lengthMenu = list(
+ c(10, 25, -1),
+ c("10", "25", "All")
+ ),
+ pageLength = 25,
+ ordering = F,
+ buttons = list(
+ "copy",
+ "print",
+ list(
+ text = "Download",
+ extend = "collection",
+ buttons = list(
+ list(extend = "csv", filename = out_logistic_original()$caption),
+ list(extend = "excel", filename = out_logistic_original()$caption),
+ list(extend = "pdf", filename = out_logistic_original()$caption)
+ ) # ,
+ ),
+ list(
+ text = "Word",
+ extend = "collection",
+ action = DT::JS(
+ "function ( e, dt, node, config ) {
+ Shiny.setInputValue('dl.logreg.original.clk', true, {priority: 'event'});
+ }"
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ ),
list(columnDefs = list(list(visible = FALSE, targets = hide))),
list(scrollX = TRUE)
) %>% formatStyle("sig", target = "row", backgroundColor = styleEqual("**", "yellow"))
+ observeEvent(input$dl.logreg.ps.clk, {
+ shinyjs::click(id = "dl.logreg.ps")
+ })
+ output$dl.logreg.ps <- downloadHandler(
+ filename = "logreg_ps.docx",
+ content = function(file) {
+ tb <- out_logistic_ps()$table
+ rn <- rownames(tb)
+ cn <- colnames(tb)
+ tb <- cbind(rn, data.frame(tb))
+ colnames(tb) <- c(" ", cn)
+ officer::read_docx() |>
+ body_add_flextable(
+ tb %>%
+ flextable() %>%
+ autofit() %>%
+ theme_booktabs(bold_header = TRUE)
+ ) |>
+ print(target = file)
+ }
+ )
+ outputOptions(output, "dl.logreg.ps", suspendWhenHidden = FALSE)
output$logistic_ps <- renderDT({
hide <- which(colnames(out_logistic_ps()$table) == "sig")
rownames = T, extensions = "Buttons", caption = out_logistic_ps()$caption,
options = c(
- opt.tbreg(out_logistic_ps()$caption),
+ list(
+ dom = "Bip>",
+ lengthMenu = list(
+ c(10, 25, -1),
+ c("10", "25", "All")
+ ),
+ pageLength = 25,
+ ordering = F,
+ buttons = list(
+ "copy",
+ "print",
+ list(
+ text = "Download",
+ extend = "collection",
+ buttons = list(
+ list(extend = "csv", filename = out_logistic_ps()$caption),
+ list(extend = "excel", filename = out_logistic_ps()$caption),
+ list(extend = "pdf", filename = out_logistic_ps()$caption)
+ ) # ,
+ ),
+ list(
+ text = "Word",
+ extend = "collection",
+ action = DT::JS(
+ "function ( e, dt, node, config ) {
+ Shiny.setInputValue('dl.logreg.ps.clk', true, {priority: 'event'});
+ }"
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ ),
list(columnDefs = list(list(visible = FALSE, targets = hide))),
list(scrollX = TRUE)
) %>% formatStyle("sig", target = "row", backgroundColor = styleEqual("**", "yellow"))
+ observeEvent(input$dl.logreg.iptw.clk, {
+ shinyjs::click(id = "dl.logreg.iptw")
+ })
+ output$dl.logreg.iptw <- downloadHandler(
+ filename = "logreg_iptw.docx",
+ content = function(file) {
+ tb <- out_logistic_iptw()$table
+ rn <- rownames(tb)
+ cn <- colnames(tb)
+ tb <- cbind(rn, data.frame(tb))
+ colnames(tb) <- c(" ", cn)
+ officer::read_docx() |>
+ body_add_flextable(
+ tb %>%
+ flextable() %>%
+ autofit() %>%
+ theme_booktabs(bold_header = TRUE)
+ ) |>
+ print(target = file)
+ }
+ )
+ outputOptions(output, "dl.logreg.iptw", suspendWhenHidden = FALSE)
output$logistic_iptw <- renderDT({
hide <- which(colnames(out_logistic_iptw()$table) == "sig")
rownames = T, extensions = "Buttons", caption = out_logistic_iptw()$caption,
options = c(
- opt.tbreg(out_logistic_iptw()$caption),
+ list(
+ dom = "Bip>",
+ lengthMenu = list(
+ c(10, 25, -1),
+ c("10", "25", "All")
+ ),
+ pageLength = 25,
+ ordering = F,
+ buttons = list(
+ "copy",
+ "print",
+ list(
+ text = "Download",
+ extend = "collection",
+ buttons = list(
+ list(extend = "csv", filename = out_logistic_iptw()$caption),
+ list(extend = "excel", filename = out_logistic_iptw()$caption),
+ list(extend = "pdf", filename = out_logistic_iptw()$caption)
+ ) # ,
+ ),
+ list(
+ text = "Word",
+ extend = "collection",
+ action = DT::JS(
+ "function ( e, dt, node, config ) {
+ Shiny.setInputValue('dl.logreg.iptw.clk', true, {priority: 'event'});
+ }"
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ ),
list(columnDefs = list(list(visible = FALSE, targets = hide))),
list(scrollX = TRUE)
) %>% formatStyle("sig", target = "row", backgroundColor = styleEqual("**", "yellow"))
## Cox
out_cox_original <- callModule(coxModule, "cox", data = data, data_label = data.label, data_varStruct = NULL, default.unires = F, nfactor.limit = nfactor.limit)
out_cox_ps <- callModule(coxModule, "cox", data = matdata, data_label = data.label, data_varStruct = NULL, default.unires = F, nfactor.limit = nfactor.limit)
out_cox_iptw <- callModule(coxModule, "cox", data = data, data_label = data.label, data_varStruct = NULL, default.unires = F, design.survey = design.survey, nfactor.limit = nfactor.limit)
+ observeEvent(input$dl.coxreg.original.clk, {
+ shinyjs::click(id = "dl.coxreg.original")
+ })
+ output$dl.coxreg.original <- downloadHandler(
+ filename = "coxreg_original.docx",
+ content = function(file) {
+ tb <- out_cox_original()$table
+ rn <- rownames(tb)
+ cn <- colnames(tb)
+ tb <- cbind(rn, data.frame(tb))
+ colnames(tb) <- c(" ", cn)
+ officer::read_docx() |>
+ body_add_flextable(
+ tb %>%
+ flextable() %>%
+ autofit() %>%
+ theme_booktabs(bold_header = TRUE)
+ ) |>
+ print(target = file)
+ }
+ )
+ outputOptions(output, "dl.coxreg.original", suspendWhenHidden = FALSE)
output$cox_original <- renderDT({
hide <- which(colnames(out_cox_original()$table) == c("sig"))
rownames = T, extensions = "Buttons", caption = out_cox_original()$caption,
options = c(
- opt.tbreg(out_cox_original()$caption),
+ list(
+ dom = "Bip>",
+ lengthMenu = list(
+ c(10, 25, -1),
+ c("10", "25", "All")
+ ),
+ pageLength = 25,
+ ordering = F,
+ buttons = list(
+ "copy",
+ "print",
+ list(
+ text = "Download",
+ extend = "collection",
+ buttons = list(
+ list(extend = "csv", filename = out_cox_original()$caption),
+ list(extend = "excel", filename = out_cox_original()$caption),
+ list(extend = "pdf", filename = out_cox_original()$caption)
+ ) # ,
+ ),
+ list(
+ text = "Word",
+ extend = "collection",
+ action = DT::JS(
+ "function ( e, dt, node, config ) {
+ Shiny.setInputValue('dl.coxreg.original.clk', true, {priority: 'event'});
+ }"
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ ),
list(columnDefs = list(list(visible = FALSE, targets = hide)))
) %>% formatStyle("sig", target = "row", backgroundColor = styleEqual("**", "yellow"))
+ observeEvent(input$dl.coxreg.ps.clk, {
+ shinyjs::click(id = "dl.coxreg.ps")
+ })
+ output$dl.coxreg.ps <- downloadHandler(
+ filename = "coxreg_ps.docx",
+ content = function(file) {
+ tb <- out_cox_ps()$table
+ rn <- rownames(tb)
+ cn <- colnames(tb)
+ tb <- cbind(rn, data.frame(tb))
+ colnames(tb) <- c(" ", cn)
+ officer::read_docx() |>
+ body_add_flextable(
+ tb %>%
+ flextable() %>%
+ autofit() %>%
+ theme_booktabs(bold_header = TRUE)
+ ) |>
+ print(target = file)
+ }
+ )
+ outputOptions(output, "dl.coxreg.ps", suspendWhenHidden = FALSE)
output$cox_ps <- renderDT({
hide <- which(colnames(out_cox_ps()$table) == c("sig"))
rownames = T, extensions = "Buttons", caption = out_cox_ps()$caption,
options = c(
- opt.tbreg(out_cox_ps()$caption),
+ list(
+ dom = "Bip>",
+ lengthMenu = list(
+ c(10, 25, -1),
+ c("10", "25", "All")
+ ),
+ pageLength = 25,
+ ordering = F,
+ buttons = list(
+ "copy",
+ "print",
+ list(
+ text = "Download",
+ extend = "collection",
+ buttons = list(
+ list(extend = "csv", filename = out_cox_ps()$caption),
+ list(extend = "excel", filename = out_cox_ps()$caption),
+ list(extend = "pdf", filename = out_cox_ps()$caption)
+ ) # ,
+ ),
+ list(
+ text = "Word",
+ extend = "collection",
+ action = DT::JS(
+ "function ( e, dt, node, config ) {
+ Shiny.setInputValue('dl.coxreg.ps.clk', true, {priority: 'event'});
+ }"
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ ),
list(columnDefs = list(list(visible = FALSE, targets = hide)))
) %>% formatStyle("sig", target = "row", backgroundColor = styleEqual("**", "yellow"))
+ observeEvent(input$dl.coxreg.iptw.clk, {
+ shinyjs::click(id = "dl.coxreg.iptw")
+ })
+ output$dl.coxreg.iptw <- downloadHandler(
+ filename = "coxreg_iptw.docx",
+ content = function(file) {
+ tb <- out_cox_iptw()$table
+ rn <- rownames(tb)
+ cn <- colnames(tb)
+ tb <- cbind(rn, data.frame(tb))
+ colnames(tb) <- c(" ", cn)
+ officer::read_docx() |>
+ body_add_flextable(
+ tb %>%
+ flextable() %>%
+ autofit() %>%
+ theme_booktabs(bold_header = TRUE)
+ ) |>
+ print(target = file)
+ }
+ )
+ outputOptions(output, "dl.coxreg.iptw", suspendWhenHidden = FALSE)
output$cox_iptw <- renderDT({
hide <- which(colnames(out_cox_iptw()$table) == c("sig"))
rownames = T, extensions = "Buttons", caption = out_cox_iptw()$caption,
options = c(
- opt.tbreg(out_cox_iptw()$caption),
+ list(
+ dom = "Bip>",
+ lengthMenu = list(
+ c(10, 25, -1),
+ c("10", "25", "All")
+ ),
+ pageLength = 25,
+ ordering = F,
+ buttons = list(
+ "copy",
+ "print",
+ list(
+ text = "Download",
+ extend = "collection",
+ buttons = list(
+ list(extend = "csv", filename = out_cox_iptw()$caption),
+ list(extend = "excel", filename = out_cox_iptw()$caption),
+ list(extend = "pdf", filename = out_cox_iptw()$caption)
+ ) # ,
+ ),
+ list(
+ text = "Word",
+ extend = "collection",
+ action = DT::JS(
+ "function ( e, dt, node, config ) {
+ Shiny.setInputValue('dl.coxreg.iptw.clk', true, {priority: 'event'});
+ }"
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ ),
list(columnDefs = list(list(visible = FALSE, targets = hide)))
) %>% formatStyle("sig", target = "row", backgroundColor = styleEqual("**", "yellow"))
@@ -1624,7 +2265,6 @@ jsPropensityExtAddin <- function(nfactor.limit = 20, max.filesize = 2048) {
## Kaplan
out_kaplan_original <- callModule(kaplanModule, "kaplan", data = data, data_label = data.label, data_varStruct = NULL, nfactor.limit = nfactor.limit)
@@ -1643,14 +2283,12 @@ jsPropensityExtAddin <- function(nfactor.limit = 20, max.filesize = 2048) {
## ROC
out_roc_original <- callModule(rocModule2, "roc", data = data, data_label = data.label, data_varStruct = NULL, nfactor.limit = nfactor.limit)
out_roc_ps <- callModule(rocModule2, "roc", data = matdata, data_label = data.label, data_varStruct = NULL, nfactor.limit = nfactor.limit)
out_roc_iptw <- callModule(rocModule2, "roc", data = data, data_label = data.label, data_varStruct = NULL, design.survey = design.survey, nfactor.limit = nfactor.limit)
output$plot_roc_original <- renderPlot({
@@ -1732,8 +2370,6 @@ jsPropensityExtAddin <- function(nfactor.limit = 20, max.filesize = 2048) {
# viewer <- dialogViewer("Descriptive statistics", width = 1100, height = 850)
viewer <- browserViewer(browser = getOption("browser"))
runGadget(ui, server, viewer = viewer)
diff --git a/R/jsRepeatedGadget.R b/R/jsRepeatedGadget.R
index 52d7aba3..c3885d23 100644
--- a/R/jsRepeatedGadget.R
+++ b/R/jsRepeatedGadget.R
@@ -51,8 +51,6 @@ jsRepeatedGadget <- function(data, nfactor.limit = 20) {
data.list <- list(data = out, factor_original = factor_vars, conti_original = conti_vars, factor_adds_list = names(nclass)[nclass <= nfactor.limit], factor_adds = add_vars)
ui <- navbarPage(
"Repeated measure analysis",
@@ -222,7 +220,6 @@ jsRepeatedGadget <- function(data, nfactor.limit = 20) {
observeEvent(input$check_binary, {
var.conti <- setdiff(names(data.list$data), c(data.list$factor_original, input$factor_vname))
output$binary_var <- renderUI({
@@ -319,7 +316,6 @@ jsRepeatedGadget <- function(data, nfactor.limit = 20) {
data.info <- reactive({
out <- data.table::data.table(data.list$data)
out[, (data.list$conti_original) := lapply(.SD, function(x) {
@@ -413,7 +409,6 @@ jsRepeatedGadget <- function(data, nfactor.limit = 20) {
out.label[variable == vn, var_label := ref[["name.old"]][w]]
return(list(data = out, label = out.label))
@@ -428,7 +423,6 @@ jsRepeatedGadget <- function(data, nfactor.limit = 20) {
output$data_label <- renderDT({
rownames = F, editable = F, extensions = "Buttons", caption = "Label of data",
@@ -436,9 +430,6 @@ jsRepeatedGadget <- function(data, nfactor.limit = 20) {
out_tb1 <- callModule(tb1module2, "tb1", data = data, data_label = data.label, data_varStruct = NULL, nfactor.limit = nfactor.limit, showAllLevels = T)
output$table1 <- renderDT({
@@ -499,7 +490,6 @@ jsRepeatedGadget <- function(data, nfactor.limit = 20) {
) %>% formatStyle("sig", target = "row", backgroundColor = styleEqual("**", "yellow"))
out_ggpairs <- callModule(ggpairsModule2, "ggpairs", data = data, data_label = data.label, data_varStruct = NULL, nfactor.limit = nfactor.limit)
output$ggpairs_plot <- renderPlot({
@@ -512,7 +502,6 @@ jsRepeatedGadget <- function(data, nfactor.limit = 20) {
out_roc <- callModule(rocModule, "roc", data = data, data_label = data.label, data_varStruct = NULL, id.cluster = id.gee, nfactor.limit = nfactor.limit)
output$plot_roc <- renderPlot({
@@ -545,15 +534,11 @@ jsRepeatedGadget <- function(data, nfactor.limit = 20) {
# viewer <- dialogViewer("Descriptive statistics", width = 1100, height = 850)
viewer <- browserViewer(browser = getOption("browser"))
runGadget(ui, server, viewer = viewer)
#' @title jsRepeatedAddin: Rstudio addin of jsRepeatedGadget
#' @description Rstudio addin of jsRepeatedGadget
#' @return Rstudio addin of jsRepeatedGadget
@@ -568,7 +553,6 @@ jsRepeatedGadget <- function(data, nfactor.limit = 20) {
#' @export
#' @importFrom rstudioapi getActiveDocumentContext
jsRepeatedAddin <- function() {
context <- rstudioapi::getActiveDocumentContext()
# Set the default data to use based on the selection.
@@ -578,9 +562,6 @@ jsRepeatedAddin <- function() {
jsRepeatedGadget(data, nfactor.limit = 20)
#' @title jsRepeatedExtAddin: RStudio Addin for repeated measure analysis with external data.
#' @description RStudio Addin for repeated measure analysis with external csv/xlsx/sas7bdat/sav/dta file.
#' @param nfactor.limit nlevels limit for categorical variables, Default: 20
@@ -602,13 +583,18 @@ jsRepeatedAddin <- function() {
#' @importFrom DT datatable %>% formatStyle styleEqual renderDT DTOutput
#' @importFrom shinycustomloader withLoader
#' @import shiny
+#' @importFrom shinyjs useShinyjs click
+#' @import flextable
jsRepeatedExtAddin <- function(nfactor.limit = 20, max.filesize = 2048) {
options(shiny.maxRequestSize = max.filesize * 1024^2)
ui <- navbarPage(
"Repeated measure analysis",
+ header = tagList(
+ shinyjs::useShinyjs()
+ ),
+ inverse = TRUE,
icon = icon("table"),
@@ -633,6 +619,8 @@ jsRepeatedExtAddin <- function(nfactor.limit = 20, max.filesize = 2048) {
+ downloadButton(outputId = "dl.table1", style = "display:none;"),
+ actionButton("dl.table1.clk", NULL, style = "display:none;"),
withLoader(DTOutput("table1"), type = "html", loader = "loader6"),
h5("Normal continuous variables are summarized with Mean (SD) and t-test(2 groups) or ANOVA(> 2 groups)"),
@@ -651,6 +639,8 @@ jsRepeatedExtAddin <- function(nfactor.limit = 20, max.filesize = 2048) {
+ downloadButton(outputId = "dl.lingee", style = "display:none;"),
+ actionButton("dl.lingee.clk", NULL, style = "display:none;"),
withLoader(DTOutput("lineartable"), type = "html", loader = "loader6")
@@ -662,6 +652,8 @@ jsRepeatedExtAddin <- function(nfactor.limit = 20, max.filesize = 2048) {
+ downloadButton(outputId = "dl.loggee", style = "display:none;"),
+ actionButton("dl.loggee.clk", NULL, style = "display:none;"),
withLoader(DTOutput("logistictable"), type = "html", loader = "loader6")
@@ -673,13 +665,15 @@ jsRepeatedExtAddin <- function(nfactor.limit = 20, max.filesize = 2048) {
+ downloadButton(outputId = "dl.coxgee", style = "display:none;"),
+ actionButton("dl.coxgee.clk", NULL, style = "display:none;"),
withLoader(DTOutput("coxtable"), type = "html", loader = "loader6")
- icon = icon("bar-chart-o"),
+ icon = icon("chart-column"),
"Scatter plot",
@@ -737,9 +731,6 @@ jsRepeatedExtAddin <- function(nfactor.limit = 20, max.filesize = 2048) {
server <- function(input, output, session) {
output$downloadData <- downloadHandler(
filename = function() {
@@ -766,7 +757,6 @@ jsRepeatedExtAddin <- function(nfactor.limit = 20, max.filesize = 2048) {
output$data_label <- renderDT({
rownames = F, editable = F, extensions = "Buttons", caption = "Label of data",
@@ -778,10 +768,32 @@ jsRepeatedExtAddin <- function(nfactor.limit = 20, max.filesize = 2048) {
+ out_tb1 <- callModule(tb1module2, "tb1", data = data, data_label = data.label, data_varStruct = NULL, nfactor.limit = nfactor.limit)
+ observeEvent(input$dl.table1.clk, {
+ shinyjs::click(id = "dl.table1")
+ })
+ output$dl.table1 <- downloadHandler(
+ filename = "table1.docx",
+ content = function(file) {
+ tb <- out_tb1()$table
+ rn <- rownames(tb)
+ tb <- cbind(rn, data.frame(tb))
+ colnames(tb)[1] <- " "
+ officer::read_docx() |>
+ body_add_flextable(
+ tb %>%
+ flextable() %>%
+ autofit() %>%
+ theme_booktabs(bold_header = TRUE)
+ ) |>
+ print(target = file)
+ }
+ )
- out_tb1 <- callModule(tb1module2, "tb1", data = data, data_label = data.label, data_varStruct = NULL, nfactor.limit = nfactor.limit)
+ outputOptions(output, "dl.table1", suspendWhenHidden = FALSE)
output$table1 <- renderDT({
tb <- out_tb1()$table
@@ -789,7 +801,37 @@ jsRepeatedExtAddin <- function(nfactor.limit = 20, max.filesize = 2048) {
out.tb1 <- datatable(tb,
rownames = T, extensions = "Buttons", caption = cap,
options = c(
- opt.tb1("tb1"),
+ list(
+ dom = "Bip>",
+ lengthMenu = list(
+ c(10, 25, -1),
+ c("10", "25", "All")
+ ),
+ pageLength = 25,
+ ordering = F,
+ buttons = list(
+ "copy",
+ "print",
+ list(
+ text = "Download",
+ extend = "collection",
+ buttons = list(
+ list(extend = "csv", filename = "tb1"),
+ list(extend = "excel", filename = "tb1"),
+ list(extend = "pdf", filename = "tb1")
+ ) # ,
+ ),
+ list(
+ text = "Word",
+ extend = "collection",
+ action = DT::JS(
+ "function ( e, dt, node, config ) {
+ Shiny.setInputValue('dl.table1.clk', true, {priority: 'event'});
+ }"
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ ),
list(columnDefs = list(list(visible = FALSE, targets = which(colnames(tb) %in% c("test", "sig"))))),
list(scrollX = TRUE)
@@ -802,12 +844,68 @@ jsRepeatedExtAddin <- function(nfactor.limit = 20, max.filesize = 2048) {
out_linear <- callModule(GEEModuleLinear, "linear", data = data, data_label = data.label, data_varStruct = NULL, id.gee = id.gee, nfactor.limit = nfactor.limit)
+ observeEvent(input$dl.lingee.clk, {
+ shinyjs::click(id = "dl.lingee")
+ })
+ output$dl.lingee <- downloadHandler(
+ filename = "lingee.docx",
+ content = function(file) {
+ tb <- out_linear()$table
+ rn <- rownames(tb)
+ cn <- colnames(tb)
+ tb <- cbind(rn, data.frame(tb))
+ colnames(tb) <- c(" ", cn)
+ officer::read_docx() |>
+ body_add_flextable(
+ tb %>%
+ flextable() %>%
+ autofit() %>%
+ theme_booktabs(bold_header = TRUE)
+ ) |>
+ print(target = file)
+ }
+ )
+ outputOptions(output, "dl.lingee", suspendWhenHidden = FALSE)
output$lineartable <- renderDT({
hide <- which(colnames(out_linear()$table) == "sig")
rownames = T, extensions = "Buttons", caption = out_linear()$caption,
options = c(
- opt.tbreg(out_linear()$caption),
+ list(
+ dom = "Bip>",
+ lengthMenu = list(
+ c(10, 25, -1),
+ c("10", "25", "All")
+ ),
+ pageLength = 25,
+ ordering = F,
+ buttons = list(
+ "copy",
+ "print",
+ list(
+ text = "Download",
+ extend = "collection",
+ buttons = list(
+ list(extend = "csv", filename = out_linear()$caption),
+ list(extend = "excel", filename = out_linear()$caption),
+ list(extend = "pdf", filename = out_linear()$caption)
+ ) # ,
+ ),
+ list(
+ text = "Word",
+ extend = "collection",
+ action = DT::JS(
+ "function ( e, dt, node, config ) {
+ Shiny.setInputValue('dl.lingee.clk', true, {priority: 'event'});
+ }"
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ ),
list(columnDefs = list(list(visible = FALSE, targets = hide))),
list(scrollX = TRUE)
@@ -816,12 +914,68 @@ jsRepeatedExtAddin <- function(nfactor.limit = 20, max.filesize = 2048) {
out_logistic <- callModule(GEEModuleLogistic, "logistic", data = data, data_label = data.label, data_varStruct = NULL, id.gee = id.gee, nfactor.limit = nfactor.limit)
+ observeEvent(input$dl.loggee.clk, {
+ shinyjs::click(id = "dl.loggee")
+ })
+ output$dl.loggee <- downloadHandler(
+ filename = "loggee.docx",
+ content = function(file) {
+ tb <- out_logistic()$table
+ rn <- rownames(tb)
+ cn <- colnames(tb)
+ tb <- cbind(rn, data.frame(tb))
+ colnames(tb) <- c(" ", cn)
+ officer::read_docx() |>
+ body_add_flextable(
+ tb %>%
+ flextable() %>%
+ autofit() %>%
+ theme_booktabs(bold_header = TRUE)
+ ) |>
+ print(target = file)
+ }
+ )
+ outputOptions(output, "dl.loggee", suspendWhenHidden = FALSE)
output$logistictable <- renderDT({
hide <- which(colnames(out_logistic()$table) == "sig")
rownames = T, extensions = "Buttons", caption = out_logistic()$caption,
options = c(
- opt.tbreg(out_logistic()$caption),
+ list(
+ dom = "Bip>",
+ lengthMenu = list(
+ c(10, 25, -1),
+ c("10", "25", "All")
+ ),
+ pageLength = 25,
+ ordering = F,
+ buttons = list(
+ "copy",
+ "print",
+ list(
+ text = "Download",
+ extend = "collection",
+ buttons = list(
+ list(extend = "csv", filename = out_logistic()$caption),
+ list(extend = "excel", filename = out_logistic()$caption),
+ list(extend = "pdf", filename = out_logistic()$caption)
+ ) # ,
+ ),
+ list(
+ text = "Word",
+ extend = "collection",
+ action = DT::JS(
+ "function ( e, dt, node, config ) {
+ Shiny.setInputValue('dl.loggee.clk', true, {priority: 'event'});
+ }"
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ ),
list(columnDefs = list(list(visible = FALSE, targets = hide))),
list(scrollX = TRUE)
@@ -830,12 +984,68 @@ jsRepeatedExtAddin <- function(nfactor.limit = 20, max.filesize = 2048) {
out_cox <- callModule(coxModule, "cox", data = data, data_label = data.label, data_varStruct = NULL, default.unires = T, id.cluster = id.gee, nfactor.limit = nfactor.limit)
+ observeEvent(input$dl.coxgee.clk, {
+ shinyjs::click(id = "dl.coxgee")
+ })
+ output$dl.coxgee <- downloadHandler(
+ filename = "coxgee.docx",
+ content = function(file) {
+ tb <- out_cox()$table
+ rn <- rownames(tb)
+ cn <- colnames(tb)
+ tb <- cbind(rn, data.frame(tb))
+ colnames(tb) <- c(" ", cn)
+ officer::read_docx() |>
+ body_add_flextable(
+ tb %>%
+ flextable() %>%
+ autofit() %>%
+ theme_booktabs(bold_header = TRUE)
+ ) |>
+ print(target = file)
+ }
+ )
+ outputOptions(output, "dl.coxgee", suspendWhenHidden = FALSE)
output$coxtable <- renderDT({
hide <- which(colnames(out_cox()$table) == c("sig"))
rownames = T, extensions = "Buttons", caption = out_cox()$caption,
options = c(
- opt.tbreg(out_cox()$caption),
+ list(
+ dom = "Bip>",
+ lengthMenu = list(
+ c(10, 25, -1),
+ c("10", "25", "All")
+ ),
+ pageLength = 25,
+ ordering = F,
+ buttons = list(
+ "copy",
+ "print",
+ list(
+ text = "Download",
+ extend = "collection",
+ buttons = list(
+ list(extend = "csv", filename = out_cox()$caption),
+ list(extend = "excel", filename = out_cox()$caption),
+ list(extend = "pdf", filename = out_cox()$caption)
+ ) # ,
+ ),
+ list(
+ text = "Word",
+ extend = "collection",
+ action = DT::JS(
+ "function ( e, dt, node, config ) {
+ Shiny.setInputValue('dl.coxgee.clk', true, {priority: 'event'});
+ }"
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ ),
list(columnDefs = list(list(visible = FALSE, targets = hide)))
) %>% formatStyle("sig", target = "row", backgroundColor = styleEqual("**", "yellow"))
diff --git a/R/jsSurveyGadget.R b/R/jsSurveyGadget.R
index d6cc15b5..e09d8790 100644
--- a/R/jsSurveyGadget.R
+++ b/R/jsSurveyGadget.R
@@ -47,8 +47,6 @@ jsSurveyGadget <- function(data, nfactor.limit = 20) {
data.list <- list(data = out, factor_original = factor_vars, conti_original = conti_vars, factor_adds_list = names(nclass)[nclass <= nfactor.limit], factor_adds = add_vars)
ui <- navbarPage(
"Survey data analysis",
@@ -315,9 +313,6 @@ jsSurveyGadget <- function(data, nfactor.limit = 20) {
observeEvent(input$check_subset, {
output$subset_var <- renderUI({
req(input$check_subset == T)
@@ -361,7 +356,6 @@ jsSurveyGadget <- function(data, nfactor.limit = 20) {
data.info <- reactive({
out <- data.table::data.table(data.list$data)
@@ -446,8 +440,6 @@ jsSurveyGadget <- function(data, nfactor.limit = 20) {
if (!is.null(input$check_subset)) {
if (input$check_subset) {
@@ -499,7 +491,6 @@ jsSurveyGadget <- function(data, nfactor.limit = 20) {
return(list(data = out, label = out.label, survey = surveydata))
@@ -514,7 +505,6 @@ jsSurveyGadget <- function(data, nfactor.limit = 20) {
output$data_label <- renderDT({
rownames = F, editable = F, extensions = "Buttons", caption = "Label of data",
@@ -540,9 +530,6 @@ jsSurveyGadget <- function(data, nfactor.limit = 20) {
out_tb1 <- callModule(tb1module2, "tb1", data = data, data_label = data.label, data_varStruct = NULL, nfactor.limit = nfactor.limit, design.survey = design.survey, showAllLevels = T)
output$table1 <- renderDT({
@@ -603,7 +590,6 @@ jsSurveyGadget <- function(data, nfactor.limit = 20) {
) %>% formatStyle("sig", target = "row", backgroundColor = styleEqual("**", "yellow"))
out_ggpairs <- callModule(ggpairsModule2, "ggpairs", data = data, data_label = data.label, data_varStruct = NULL, nfactor.limit = nfactor.limit)
output$ggpairs_plot <- renderPlot({
@@ -616,7 +602,6 @@ jsSurveyGadget <- function(data, nfactor.limit = 20) {
out_roc <- callModule(rocModule, "roc", data = data, data_label = data.label, data_varStruct = NULL, design.survey = design.survey, nfactor.limit = nfactor.limit)
output$plot_roc <- renderPlot({
@@ -631,8 +616,6 @@ jsSurveyGadget <- function(data, nfactor.limit = 20) {
out_timeroc <- callModule(timerocModule, "timeroc", data = data, data_label = data.label, data_varStruct = NULL, design.survey = design.survey, nfactor.limit = nfactor.limit)
output$plot_timeroc <- renderPlot({
@@ -651,15 +634,11 @@ jsSurveyGadget <- function(data, nfactor.limit = 20) {
# viewer <- dialogViewer("Descriptive statistics", width = 1100, height = 850)
viewer <- browserViewer(browser = getOption("browser"))
runGadget(ui, server, viewer = viewer)
#' @title jsSurveyAddin: Rstudio addin of jsSurveyGadget
#' @description Rstudio addin of jsSurveyGadget
#' @return Rstudio addin of jsSurveyGadget
@@ -674,7 +653,6 @@ jsSurveyGadget <- function(data, nfactor.limit = 20) {
#' @export
#' @importFrom rstudioapi getActiveDocumentContext
jsSurveyAddin <- function() {
context <- rstudioapi::getActiveDocumentContext()
# Set the default data to use based on the selection.
@@ -684,9 +662,6 @@ jsSurveyAddin <- function() {
jsSurveyGadget(data, nfactor.limit = 20)
#' @title jsSurveyExtAddin: RStudio Addin for survey data analysis with external data.
#' @description RStudio Addin for survey data analysis with external csv/xlsx/sas7bdat/sav/dta file.
#' @param nfactor.limit nlevels limit for categorical variables, Default: 20
@@ -708,8 +683,10 @@ jsSurveyAddin <- function() {
#' @importFrom shinycustomloader withLoader
#' @importFrom jstable opt.data opt.tb1 opt.tbreg
#' @importFrom utils data
-#' @import shiny
+#' @importFrom shinyjs useShinyjs click
+#' @import flextable
+#' @import shiny
jsSurveyExtAddin <- function(nfactor.limit = 20, max.filesize = 2048) {
data.example <- utils::data("nhanes", package = "survey")
@@ -717,6 +694,10 @@ jsSurveyExtAddin <- function(nfactor.limit = 20, max.filesize = 2048) {
ui <- navbarPage(
"Survey data analysis",
+ header = tagList(
+ shinyjs::useShinyjs()
+ ),
+ inverse = TRUE,
icon = icon("table"),
@@ -745,6 +726,8 @@ jsSurveyExtAddin <- function(nfactor.limit = 20, max.filesize = 2048) {
type = "pills",
+ downloadButton(outputId = "dl.untable1", style = "display:none;"),
+ actionButton("dl.untable1.clk", NULL, style = "display:none;"),
withLoader(DTOutput("untable1"), type = "html", loader = "loader6"),
h5("Normal continuous variables are summarized with Mean (SD) and t-test(2 groups) or ANOVA(> 2 groups)"),
@@ -754,6 +737,8 @@ jsSurveyExtAddin <- function(nfactor.limit = 20, max.filesize = 2048) {
+ downloadButton(outputId = "dl.table1", style = "display:none;"),
+ actionButton("dl.table1.clk", NULL, style = "display:none;"),
withLoader(DTOutput("table1"), type = "html", loader = "loader6"),
h5("Normal continuous variables are summarized with Mean (SD) and complex survey regression"),
@@ -774,6 +759,8 @@ jsSurveyExtAddin <- function(nfactor.limit = 20, max.filesize = 2048) {
+ downloadButton(outputId = "dl.linreg", style = "display:none;"),
+ actionButton("dl.linreg.clk", NULL, style = "display:none;"),
withLoader(DTOutput("lineartable"), type = "html", loader = "loader6")
@@ -785,6 +772,8 @@ jsSurveyExtAddin <- function(nfactor.limit = 20, max.filesize = 2048) {
+ downloadButton(outputId = "dl.logreg", style = "display:none;"),
+ actionButton("dl.logreg.clk", NULL, style = "display:none;"),
withLoader(DTOutput("logistictable"), type = "html", loader = "loader6")
@@ -796,13 +785,15 @@ jsSurveyExtAddin <- function(nfactor.limit = 20, max.filesize = 2048) {
+ downloadButton(outputId = "dl.coxreg", style = "display:none;"),
+ actionButton("dl.coxreg.clk", NULL, style = "display:none;"),
withLoader(DTOutput("coxtable"), type = "html", loader = "loader6")
- icon = icon("bar-chart-o"),
+ icon = icon("chart-column"),
"Scatter plot",
@@ -860,9 +851,6 @@ jsSurveyExtAddin <- function(nfactor.limit = 20, max.filesize = 2048) {
server <- function(input, output, session) {
output$downloadData <- downloadHandler(
filename = function() {
@@ -890,7 +878,6 @@ jsSurveyExtAddin <- function(nfactor.limit = 20, max.filesize = 2048) {
output$data_label <- renderDT({
rownames = F, editable = F, extensions = "Buttons", caption = "Label of data",
@@ -902,15 +889,70 @@ jsSurveyExtAddin <- function(nfactor.limit = 20, max.filesize = 2048) {
out_untb1 <- callModule(tb1module2, "tb1", data = data, data_label = data.label, data_varStruct = NULL, nfactor.limit = nfactor.limit)
+ observeEvent(input$dl.untable1.clk, {
+ shinyjs::click(id = "dl.untable1")
+ })
+ output$dl.untable1 <- downloadHandler(
+ filename = "untable1.docx",
+ content = function(file) {
+ tb <- out_untb1()$table
+ rn <- rownames(tb)
+ tb <- cbind(rn, data.frame(tb))
+ colnames(tb)[1] <- " "
+ officer::read_docx() |>
+ body_add_flextable(
+ tb %>%
+ flextable() %>%
+ autofit() %>%
+ theme_booktabs(bold_header = TRUE)
+ ) |>
+ print(target = file)
+ }
+ )
+ outputOptions(output, "dl.untable1", suspendWhenHidden = FALSE)
output$untable1 <- renderDT({
tb <- out_untb1()$table
cap <- out_untb1()$caption
out.tb1 <- datatable(tb,
rownames = T, extensions = "Buttons", caption = cap,
options = c(
- jstable::opt.tb1("tb1"),
+ list(
+ dom = "Bip>",
+ lengthMenu = list(
+ c(10, 25, -1),
+ c("10", "25", "All")
+ ),
+ pageLength = 25,
+ ordering = F,
+ buttons = list(
+ "copy",
+ "print",
+ list(
+ text = "Download",
+ extend = "collection",
+ buttons = list(
+ list(extend = "csv", filename = "tb1"),
+ list(extend = "excel", filename = "tb1"),
+ list(extend = "pdf", filename = "tb1")
+ ) # ,
+ ),
+ list(
+ text = "Word",
+ extend = "collection",
+ action = DT::JS(
+ "function ( e, dt, node, config ) {
+ Shiny.setInputValue('dl.untable1.clk', true, {priority: 'event'});
+ }"
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ ),
list(columnDefs = list(list(visible = FALSE, targets = which(colnames(tb) %in% c("test", "sig"))))),
list(scrollX = TRUE)
@@ -923,13 +965,68 @@ jsSurveyExtAddin <- function(nfactor.limit = 20, max.filesize = 2048) {
out_tb1 <- callModule(tb1module2, "tb1", data = data, data_label = data.label, data_varStruct = NULL, design.survey = design.survey, nfactor.limit = nfactor.limit)
+ observeEvent(input$dl.table1.clk, {
+ shinyjs::click(id = "dl.table1")
+ })
+ output$dl.table1 <- downloadHandler(
+ filename = "table1.docx",
+ content = function(file) {
+ tb <- out_tb1()$table
+ rn <- rownames(tb)
+ tb <- cbind(rn, data.frame(tb))
+ colnames(tb)[1] <- " "
+ officer::read_docx() |>
+ body_add_flextable(
+ tb %>%
+ flextable() %>%
+ autofit() %>%
+ theme_booktabs(bold_header = TRUE)
+ ) |>
+ print(target = file)
+ }
+ )
+ outputOptions(output, "dl.table1", suspendWhenHidden = FALSE)
output$table1 <- renderDT({
tb <- out_tb1()$table
cap <- out_tb1()$caption
out.tb1 <- datatable(tb,
rownames = T, extensions = "Buttons", caption = cap,
options = c(
- opt.tb1("tb1"),
+ list(
+ dom = "Bip>",
+ lengthMenu = list(
+ c(10, 25, -1),
+ c("10", "25", "All")
+ ),
+ pageLength = 25,
+ ordering = F,
+ buttons = list(
+ "copy",
+ "print",
+ list(
+ text = "Download",
+ extend = "collection",
+ buttons = list(
+ list(extend = "csv", filename = "tb1"),
+ list(extend = "excel", filename = "tb1"),
+ list(extend = "pdf", filename = "tb1")
+ ) # ,
+ ),
+ list(
+ text = "Word",
+ extend = "collection",
+ action = DT::JS(
+ "function ( e, dt, node, config ) {
+ Shiny.setInputValue('dl.table1.clk', true, {priority: 'event'});
+ }"
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ ),
list(columnDefs = list(list(visible = FALSE, targets = which(colnames(tb) %in% c("test", "sig"))))),
list(scrollX = TRUE)
@@ -942,12 +1039,68 @@ jsSurveyExtAddin <- function(nfactor.limit = 20, max.filesize = 2048) {
out_linear <- callModule(regressModule2, "linear", data = data, data_label = data.label, data_varStruct = NULL, design.survey = design.survey, default.unires = F, nfactor.limit = nfactor.limit)
+ observeEvent(input$dl.linreg.clk, {
+ shinyjs::click(id = "dl.linreg")
+ })
+ output$dl.linreg <- downloadHandler(
+ filename = "linreg.docx",
+ content = function(file) {
+ tb <- out_linear()$table
+ rn <- rownames(tb)
+ cn <- colnames(tb)
+ tb <- cbind(rn, data.frame(tb))
+ colnames(tb) <- c(" ", cn)
+ officer::read_docx() |>
+ body_add_flextable(
+ tb %>%
+ flextable() %>%
+ autofit() %>%
+ theme_booktabs(bold_header = TRUE)
+ ) |>
+ print(target = file)
+ }
+ )
+ outputOptions(output, "dl.linreg", suspendWhenHidden = FALSE)
output$lineartable <- renderDT({
hide <- which(colnames(out_linear()$table) == "sig")
rownames = T, extensions = "Buttons", caption = out_linear()$caption,
options = c(
- opt.tbreg(out_linear()$caption),
+ list(
+ dom = "Bip>",
+ lengthMenu = list(
+ c(10, 25, -1),
+ c("10", "25", "All")
+ ),
+ pageLength = 25,
+ ordering = F,
+ buttons = list(
+ "copy",
+ "print",
+ list(
+ text = "Download",
+ extend = "collection",
+ buttons = list(
+ list(extend = "csv", filename = out_linear()$caption),
+ list(extend = "excel", filename = out_linear()$caption),
+ list(extend = "pdf", filename = out_linear()$caption)
+ ) # ,
+ ),
+ list(
+ text = "Word",
+ extend = "collection",
+ action = DT::JS(
+ "function ( e, dt, node, config ) {
+ Shiny.setInputValue('dl.linreg.clk', true, {priority: 'event'});
+ }"
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ ),
list(columnDefs = list(list(visible = FALSE, targets = hide))),
list(scrollX = TRUE)
@@ -956,12 +1109,68 @@ jsSurveyExtAddin <- function(nfactor.limit = 20, max.filesize = 2048) {
out_logistic <- callModule(logisticModule2, "logistic", data = data, data_label = data.label, data_varStruct = NULL, design.survey = design.survey, default.unires = F, nfactor.limit = nfactor.limit)
+ observeEvent(input$dl.logreg.clk, {
+ shinyjs::click(id = "dl.logreg")
+ })
+ output$dl.logreg <- downloadHandler(
+ filename = "logreg.docx",
+ content = function(file) {
+ tb <- out_logistic()$table
+ rn <- rownames(tb)
+ cn <- colnames(tb)
+ tb <- cbind(rn, data.frame(tb))
+ colnames(tb) <- c(" ", cn)
+ officer::read_docx() |>
+ body_add_flextable(
+ tb %>%
+ flextable() %>%
+ autofit() %>%
+ theme_booktabs(bold_header = TRUE)
+ ) |>
+ print(target = file)
+ }
+ )
+ outputOptions(output, "dl.logreg", suspendWhenHidden = FALSE)
output$logistictable <- renderDT({
hide <- which(colnames(out_logistic()$table) == "sig")
rownames = T, extensions = "Buttons", caption = out_logistic()$caption,
options = c(
- opt.tbreg(out_logistic()$caption),
+ list(
+ dom = "Bip>",
+ lengthMenu = list(
+ c(10, 25, -1),
+ c("10", "25", "All")
+ ),
+ pageLength = 25,
+ ordering = F,
+ buttons = list(
+ "copy",
+ "print",
+ list(
+ text = "Download",
+ extend = "collection",
+ buttons = list(
+ list(extend = "csv", filename = out_logistic()$caption),
+ list(extend = "excel", filename = out_logistic()$caption),
+ list(extend = "pdf", filename = out_logistic()$caption)
+ ) # ,
+ ),
+ list(
+ text = "Word",
+ extend = "collection",
+ action = DT::JS(
+ "function ( e, dt, node, config ) {
+ Shiny.setInputValue('dl.logreg.clk', true, {priority: 'event'});
+ }"
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ ),
list(columnDefs = list(list(visible = FALSE, targets = hide))),
list(scrollX = TRUE)
@@ -970,18 +1179,73 @@ jsSurveyExtAddin <- function(nfactor.limit = 20, max.filesize = 2048) {
out_cox <- callModule(coxModule, "cox", data = data, data_label = data.label, data_varStruct = NULL, design.survey = design.survey, default.unires = F, nfactor.limit = nfactor.limit)
+ observeEvent(input$dl.coxreg.clk, {
+ shinyjs::click(id = "dl.coxreg")
+ })
+ output$dl.coxreg <- downloadHandler(
+ filename = "coxreg.docx",
+ content = function(file) {
+ tb <- out_cox()$table
+ rn <- rownames(tb)
+ cn <- colnames(tb)
+ tb <- cbind(rn, data.frame(tb))
+ colnames(tb) <- c(" ", cn)
+ officer::read_docx() |>
+ body_add_flextable(
+ tb %>%
+ flextable() %>%
+ autofit() %>%
+ theme_booktabs(bold_header = TRUE)
+ ) |>
+ print(target = file)
+ }
+ )
+ outputOptions(output, "dl.coxreg", suspendWhenHidden = FALSE)
output$coxtable <- renderDT({
hide <- which(colnames(out_cox()$table) == c("sig"))
rownames = T, extensions = "Buttons", caption = out_cox()$caption,
options = c(
- opt.tbreg(out_cox()$caption),
+ list(
+ dom = "Bip>",
+ lengthMenu = list(
+ c(10, 25, -1),
+ c("10", "25", "All")
+ ),
+ pageLength = 25,
+ ordering = F,
+ buttons = list(
+ "copy",
+ "print",
+ list(
+ text = "Download",
+ extend = "collection",
+ buttons = list(
+ list(extend = "csv", filename = out_cox()$caption),
+ list(extend = "excel", filename = out_cox()$caption),
+ list(extend = "pdf", filename = out_cox()$caption)
+ ) # ,
+ ),
+ list(
+ text = "Word",
+ extend = "collection",
+ action = DT::JS(
+ "function ( e, dt, node, config ) {
+ Shiny.setInputValue('dl.coxreg.clk', true, {priority: 'event'});
+ }"
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ ),
list(columnDefs = list(list(visible = FALSE, targets = hide)))
) %>% formatStyle("sig", target = "row", backgroundColor = styleEqual("**", "yellow"))
out_ggpairs <- callModule(ggpairsModule2, "ggpairs", data = data, data_label = data.label, data_varStruct = NULL, nfactor.limit = nfactor.limit)
output$ggpairs_plot <- renderPlot({