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Nuget, Chocolatey and other confectionery

Goal of this workshop is to present the most popular packaging systems on Windows and their general usage.


.\nuget.exe update -self
.\nuget.exe help # where is uninstall command? :-)
.\nuget.exe sources list
  • WTF? - nuget takes nuget.config in each directory up to root (Which file is edited by visual studio? root).
  • Remove default source using nuget.config - how was unavailable
type "$($env:appdata)\nuget\nuget.config"
  • Edit nuget.config by adding exclusion
  • Edit nuspec using package explorer
  • Present semantic versioning:
.\nuget.exe pack .\Nuspecs\CustomDependency.nuspec -version 1.0.0-alpha1 -OutputDirectory .\LocalPackages\
.\nuget.exe pack .\Nuspecs\CustomDependency.nuspec -version 1.0.0-alpha2 -OutputDirectory .\LocalPackages\
.\nuget.exe pack .\Nuspecs\CustomDependency.nuspec -version 1.0.1-alpha1 -OutputDirectory .\LocalPackages\
.\nuget.exe pack .\Nuspecs\CustomDependency.nuspec -version 1.0.1-alpha2 -OutputDirectory .\LocalPackages\
.\nuget.exe pack .\Nuspecs\Custompackage.nuspec -version 1.0.1-alpha1 -OutputDirectory .\LocalPackages\
.\nuget.exe list # WTF? - by default lists only release versions
.\nuget.exe list -prerelease -allversions # for concrete package add its name
.\nuget.exe install custompackage -prerelease -ExcludeVersion # installs customdependency.1.0.1-aplpha1
.\nuget.exe init .\LocalPackages\ .\OptimizedLocalPackages
  • Problematic situations:
  • I want to install packages without project file (download build dependencies before solution compilation).
  • I want to install packages from multiple repositories.
.\nuget.exe restore packages.config # doesn't have project/solution file
  • What happens, when we from Visual Studio do package update? Installs latest version and overwrites project files. It is recommended to disable version in package directory name using nuget.config.
  • Version command vs. range in nuspec? Empty version is dangerous, i never know what happens.
  • What happens, if binary file is in content directory? Visual studio adds binary files to solution files.
  • What happens, if versions are on forth position? see last example.
  • Why nuget doesn't contain uninstall command? Because developers don't need to remove.
  • Why each install consumes disk space? Nuget has cache which caches all versions of all packages.


.\paket.exe convert-from-nuget --force # it is clear in paket.exe.
.\paket.exe find-packages searchtext custompackage
.\paket.exe find-package-versions nuget custompackage
  • compare nuget vs. paket Why do you need nuget? To be able download paket.
Feature Nuget Paket
Strategy Lower Higher
Ability to change strategy NO YES
Different sources NO YES
Versions range in config NO YES
Integration s Visual studio YES YES
Uninstall only from VS YES


  • Mention, that chocolatey installs it self using powershell script or nuget download.
iwr -UseBasicParsing | iex; # actual installation
choco; # get choco version
choco sources disable -n=Chocolatey; # disable default source
choco source add -s .\ChocoSource\ -n=MyPackages; # add custom local source
choco search terminals -v # search for a package in remote repo and show details
  • Introduce installer vs. portable a autouninstaller
choco search terminals -a
choco install terminals
choco list -l; # show packages installed locally
choco uninstall terminals
choco new bob # create new package template
  • Compare nuget package and choco package - Choco is nuget extended by metadata and install/uninstall powershell script.
  • Show package upload to chocolatey

PackageManagment (ONEGET)

Introduce status:

Get-Module # ensure, OneGet module is available
Import-Module PackageManagement; # import oneget / package management module
gcm -module PackageManagement; # show available commands
Install-PackageProvider -name chocolateyget # two providers are available, choose one.
Get-PackageSource; # no one is trustful
Register-PackageSource -Name chocolatey -Location -Provider chocolateyget -Trusted # add chocolatey
Set-PackageSource chocolateyget -trusted; # setup packagesource ass trustful
Register-PackageSource -Name MyPackages -Location .\LocalPackages\ -trusted -ProviderName nuget # doesnt work with chocolatey
find-package -Source MyPackages -AllVersions # Trick: add local chocolatey source as nuget provider
  • Introduce difference between direct call to choco and call choco using OneGet If you use "chocolateyget" everything works as expected, i.e. choco sees identical packages.
choco list -l
get-package -ProviderName chocolateyget


find-PackageProvider appxget | fl