Goal of this workshop is to present the most popular packaging systems on Windows and their general usage.
- Command line reference see. : https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/nuget/tools/nuget-exe-cli-reference
.\nuget.exe update -self
.\nuget.exe help # where is uninstall command? :-)
.\nuget.exe sources list
- WTF? - nuget takes nuget.config in each directory up to root (Which file is edited by visual studio? root).
- Remove default source using nuget.config - how nuget.org was unavailable
type "$($env:appdata)\nuget\nuget.config"
- Edit nuget.config by adding exclusion
- Edit nuspec using package explorer
- Present semantic versioning: http://semver.org/
.\nuget.exe pack .\Nuspecs\CustomDependency.nuspec -version 1.0.0-alpha1 -OutputDirectory .\LocalPackages\
.\nuget.exe pack .\Nuspecs\CustomDependency.nuspec -version 1.0.0-alpha2 -OutputDirectory .\LocalPackages\
.\nuget.exe pack .\Nuspecs\CustomDependency.nuspec -version 1.0.1-alpha1 -OutputDirectory .\LocalPackages\
.\nuget.exe pack .\Nuspecs\CustomDependency.nuspec -version 1.0.1-alpha2 -OutputDirectory .\LocalPackages\
.\nuget.exe pack .\Nuspecs\Custompackage.nuspec -version 1.0.1-alpha1 -OutputDirectory .\LocalPackages\
.\nuget.exe list # WTF? - by default lists only release versions
.\nuget.exe list -prerelease -allversions # for concrete package add its name
.\nuget.exe install custompackage -prerelease -ExcludeVersion # installs customdependency.1.0.1-aplpha1
- Create custom repository using network share Show directory structure and present hosting possibilities custom server
- https://www.jfrog.com/artifactory/
- https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/nuget/hosting-packages/overview)
.\nuget.exe init .\LocalPackages\ .\OptimizedLocalPackages
- Problematic situations:
- I want to install packages without project file (download build dependencies before solution compilation).
- I want to install packages from multiple repositories.
.\nuget.exe restore packages.config # doesn't have project/solution file
- What happens, when we from Visual Studio do package update? Installs latest version and overwrites project files. It is recommended to disable version in package directory name using nuget.config.
- Version command vs. range in nuspec? Empty version is dangerous, i never know what happens.
- What happens, if binary file is in content directory? Visual studio adds binary files to solution files.
- What happens, if versions are on forth position? see last example.
- Why nuget doesn't contain uninstall command? Because developers don't need to remove.
- Why each install consumes disk space? Nuget has cache which caches all versions of all packages.
.\paket.exe convert-from-nuget --force # it is clear in paket.exe.
.\paket.exe find-packages searchtext custompackage
.\paket.exe find-package-versions nuget custompackage
- compare nuget vs. paket Why do you need nuget? To be able download paket.
Feature | Nuget | Paket |
Strategy | Lower | Higher |
Ability to change strategy | NO | YES |
Different sources | NO | YES |
Versions range in config | NO | YES |
Integration s Visual studio | YES | YES |
Uninstall | only from VS | YES |
- Mention, that chocolatey installs it self using powershell script or nuget download.
iwr https://chocolatey.org/install.ps1 -UseBasicParsing | iex; # actual installation
choco; # get choco version
choco sources disable -n=Chocolatey; # disable default source
choco source add -s .\ChocoSource\ -n=MyPackages; # add custom local source
choco search terminals -v # search for a package in remote repo and show details
- Introduce installer vs. portable a autouninstaller
choco search terminals -a
choco install terminals
choco list -l; # show packages installed locally
choco uninstall terminals
choco new bob # create new package template
- Compare nuget package and choco package - Choco is nuget extended by metadata and install/uninstall powershell script.
- Show package upload to chocolatey
Introduce status:
- Windows management framework: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=50395
- Nobody implemented the providers yet: https://github.com/OneGet/oneget/wiki/Provider-Requests
Get-Module # ensure, OneGet module is available
Import-Module PackageManagement; # import oneget / package management module
gcm -module PackageManagement; # show available commands
Install-PackageProvider -name chocolateyget # two providers are available, choose one.
Get-PackageSource; # no one is trustful
Register-PackageSource -Name chocolatey -Location http://chocolatey.org/api/v2 -Provider chocolateyget -Trusted # add chocolatey
Set-PackageSource chocolateyget -trusted; # setup packagesource ass trustful
Register-PackageSource -Name MyPackages -Location .\LocalPackages\ -trusted -ProviderName nuget # doesnt work with chocolatey
find-package -Source MyPackages -AllVersions # Trick: add local chocolatey source as nuget provider
- Introduce difference between direct call to choco and call choco using OneGet If you use "chocolateyget" everything works as expected, i.e. choco sees identical packages.
choco list -l
get-package -ProviderName chocolateyget
- requires Windows 10 creators udpate and Visual Studio 2017 to create package
- Introduce builder in Visual Studiu 2017 (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/uwp/porting/desktop-to-uwp-packaging-dot-net)
- Show Installation of appx package (Normal provider, which can be added to OneGet)
find-PackageProvider appxget | fl