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Jean J. de Jong edited this page Jan 25, 2023 · 35 revisions

New features

2023-01-25 Automatic family import from Open Patent Services (OPS)

OPS provide a REST API for accessing world-wide patent information. We have integrated this service to automatically import a whole patent family into phpIP by just providing one of the publication numbers in the family.

The tool is available through the menu Matters->Create family from OPS

Use with caution, as we have not tested all the possible complex cases. Check in particular the multiple filings in the same country (divisions, continuations, internal priorities).

Sometimes you need to be patient after pressing "Create" (we probably need to implement a spinner indicating the work going on in the background).

The format of the publication number must be respected. You can choose any number in the family, so you might as well choose the EP number if available.

European validations are not imported. They are not (consistently) available in OPS.

Applicants are not imported (unless there is only one that matches the client) nor inventors. It's too complicated, because this requires the management of their presence or absence in the actors table, with variable spellings. They are however indicated in the "notes" of the first patent.

To use the functionality, you must first create an account and a pair of application keys on the OPS site:

Once your account is created and connected, go to "My Apps" on the top right. Create a "phpip" App and provide the generated keys in the .env file:

OPS_APP_KEY=<Consumer Key>
OPS_SECRET=<Consumer Secret Key>
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