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Example::PlackStreamingAndNonblocking - About Plack / PSGI Streaming and nonblocking


This article reviews the hows and whys of Plack streaming and nonblocking for the perspective of someone who is very unfamiliar with the topic, but has experience with Perl and understands the basics of Plack. It takes the form of a tutorial starting from a basic Plack application, and introduces both non blocking and streaming concept using AnyEvent.

The goals of these examples is to help the reader understand the problems we are trying to solve using streaming and / or non blocking coding techniques, more then to give example cookbook style code. As a result some of the examples will be somewhat contrived for the purposes of eludication.

It would be helpful to have read the PSGI specification, although you are not expected to fully grasp all of it. Some familiarity with the documentation and tutorial of AnyEvent would also assist you.


Unless you are a Perl programmer who is very isolated from the broad trends of community, you will have heard of PSGI and its reference implementation, Plack, which has rapidly become a key element of best practices in building web applications. In summary, Plack is 'superglue' which connects your web application to an underlying server (thus making it available to consumers on the internet or your local network. In addition to this standard approach of making your application 'internet ready', it provides an interface in which shared middleware components can be used and reused across your applications irrespective of what web development framework you are using.

Some parts of the PSGI specification are easy to understand and can be rapidly used by even newcomers to the language. One can write a well formed Perl / Plack application in a few lines of code (scripts/trivial_01.psgi);

use strictures;

my $app = sub {
  return [200, ['Content-Type'=>'text/plain'],
  ["Hello World!\n"]];

If one ran the following application from the commandline, you could interact with it from even a simple telnet prompt.

(In terminal one)

$ plackup scripts/trivial_01.psgi 
HTTP::Server::PSGI: Accepting connections at http://0:5000/

(In terminal two)

$ telnet 5000
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
GET / HTTP/1.0

HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Date: Sun, 03 Feb 2013 21:39:20 GMT
Server: HTTP::Server::PSGI
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Length: 12

Hello World!
Connection closed by foreign host.

You can see a screen video capture of this very procedure in the share/videos/ directory of this distribution. Each code example will have a corresponding example in this directory.

So, as I said, that part is easy, and it a key reason for PSGI and Plack to have so seriously impacted Perl web application development. However, there are two interrelated parts of the PSGI specification which are not always as readily accessible to understanding. That is Streaming and Non-blocking. Documentation shows how the specification works, but it leaves out some information about the point of using it, and when to use it over other possible approaches. This article will review Streaming and nonblocking code both separately and interrelated, as well as try to help you understand when and why you'd adopt this approach to building you application.

The Classic Approach to Web Scale

Before we can understand why we'd use PSGI streaming and / or non blocking approaches in our web applications, we need to step back and understand how web technologies first evolved and how those technologies tried to meet ever growing needs for scale and complexity. Because in the end it doesn't matter how an application is written if no one can access it, or if it performs so slowly as to put an onerous burden on the user.

When I first began building web applications a standard approach would be to use a forking webserver, such as Apache, which was a container for my web application. 'Forking' is a type of technique that an operating system uses to allow it to do (or appear to do) several things at once. In this type of application Apache would 'fork' serveral processes, including a control process which is responsible for launching additional child processes which each then listens for connections and serves them when they arrive.

So for example say you have Apache with 10 child processes listening on port 80 for incoming web requests. The first 10 requests that come in would all get served immediately. Now, as long as your application serves the response quickly and the number in incoming requests are low, this model works very well since nobody would seem to be required to wait for a response.

Think about it in more details. Lets say you have Apache setup with ten child processes each ready and waiting to response to an incoming request. Let's furthermore say that your response is well optimized, and only takes one tenth of a second to complete. That means in theory you could served a maximum of 100 requests per second (each process could serve 10 reponses in a second and you have 10 processed running, 10*10=100).

In real life you are very likely to do worse, since you may have a very slow client requesting a file (say someone on a gprs mobile connection), or other network congestion issues. To some degree you can mitigate the problem using front end caching proxies, and you can straightforwardly scale by adding more web servers with load balancing systems to give the appearance of one big server, but in the end you are ultimately going to have a fixed number of possible simultaneous responses. That is because in this model the request - response blocks the system, such that until it is finished that process is totally tied up and not available to any other request.

Futhermore, modern web applications are being write that now require perhaps several running connections per client. Think about a modern interative web application like Gmail. Such an application might require several, long running connections per client. Under the classic blocking model you might need many, many servers running in order to provide enough open, waiting processes (think millions of people checking Gmail daily.

Lets build a simple plack application that shows the experience when lots of people try to access a forking server all at once. Lets furthermore say that the server is doing some 'heavy lifting' and that the process takes 5 seconds of work before it actually can response. Here's the code and you can see it in scripts/slow_blocking_01.psgi.

use strictures;

my $app = sub {
  sleep 5;
  return [200, ['Content-Type'=>'text/plain'],
  ["Hello World!\n"]];

So, here I do sleep 5 to cause a five second delay before responding. This is contrived but certainly possible if you have an application that does a lot of database checks and processing before responding. Lets run this application under Starman which is a preforking server (it by default preforks 5 times and thus can serve 5 requests at a time). We will use Apache ab to access the server 100 times with a concurrency of 100 (in other words one hundred total requests to the server, and one hundred clients trying to hit the server at once.

Can you guess how long this test will take to complete?

As before, see share/videos for screencast.

(In terminal one)

$ plackup scripts/slow_blocking_01.psgi --server Starman
2013/02/03-17:52:32 Starman::Server (type Net::Server::PreFork) starting! pid(11719)
Resolved [*]:5000 to []:5000, IPv4
Binding to TCP port 5000 on host with IPv4
Setting gid to "20 20 20 12 61 79 80 81 98"
Starman: Accepting connections at http://*:5000/

(In terminal two)

$ ./ab -n 100 -c 100
This is ApacheBench, Version 2.3 <$Revision: 1178079 $>
Benchmarking (be patient).....done

Server Hostname:
Server Port:            5000

Document Path:          /
Document Length:        13 bytes

Concurrency Level:      100
Time taken for tests:   100.062 seconds
Complete requests:      100
Failed requests:        0
Write errors:           0
Total transferred:      11400 bytes
HTML transferred:       1300 bytes
Requests per second:    1.00 [#/sec] (mean)
Time per request:       100062.073 [ms] (mean)
Time per request:       1000.621 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent requests)
Transfer rate:          0.11 [Kbytes/sec] received

If you watch the video (or run it yourself) you can see the Starman running application serve 5 requests, block for a few seconds, serve 5 more, etc. until you serve the last bunch. In the end the whole things takes about 100 seconds (think 5 seconds and you handle 5 at a time, so thats 20 bunches = 100 seconds give or take a bit of overhead).

Ok, so again, that example was a bit contrived, and yes there are many many things you can do when using a pre-forking server like Starman or Apache to help scale. You can more static assets to stand alone servers or onto a CDN network like Akamai, you can move computational expensive server jobs to stand alone job queues, you can use front edge caching to speed up the bits that don't get updated a lot, etc. In fact, I spent and spend a lot of time advising people just how to achieve scale using this very type of technology. So I am not saying its bad technology and that there's no available options when faced with these types of issues. However for certain types of web applications that we are writing today, applications like Gmail where you mght have tens or hundreds of thousands clients hitting your servers all at once, its going to get complicated and possible very expensive. If your application has high variation in usage patterns, you might have a lot of expensive equipment just sitting around during those low usage times.

So, what to do?

Nonblocking with AnyEvent

The root issue in the classic approach to web scale lies in how each of the forked processes block until the entire request response cycle is completed. During that time, the process is basically owned by the client making the request. This places an uppper limited on both the number of responses you can serve in a second as well as the total number of clients you can server at the same time.

That bears repeating because there is a difference between an application that can server a lot of reponses per second, and one that can server many clients at the same time. Remember, if you have an Apache server with a process that takes 1/10 second and ten forked children ready to go, thats a peak one hundred requests per second, but no more than 10 at one time.

So if issue is blocking, what to do?

Perl offers several approaches to building non-blocking applications, and Plack supports this. We will use AnyEvent since that system is well supported and there is documentation around to help out.

AnyEvent is a sort of common API on top of many possible event loops, which makes it easy to get started. The idea behind the event loop is that you build an application that responds to events, but the actual response processing does not need to block the rest of the application. It does this by using a feature of modern operating systems that lets it switch very quickly under the covers, thus giving the appearance of many things happening all at the same time.

Now, remember, using an event loop like this is not some magic way to find power your server does not already have. At best it just lets you make more efficient usage of what you already have. So that means at some point as you add more and more event actions running all at once, you will eventually start to see the server slowdown. BUT, the key is it will slowdown and continue to non block, rather than make other pending request wait around. This can give the appearance of being able to serve many many more clients all at the same time, unlike in the previous example, where the last group of 5 request had to wait nearly 100 seconds before even having their request acknowledged (and my server was 99.9% idle).

Let's translate the previous example of a slow application. You can see the code as well in scripts/long_job_anyevent.psgi. I'll start with the end goal and then we will back up and follow the thinking that got us there.

use AnyEvent;
use strictures;

my $app = sub {
  my $env = shift;

  return sub {
    my $writer = (my $responder = shift)->(
      [ 200, [ 'Content-Type', 'text/plain' ]]);

    $writer->write("Starting: ${\scalar(localtime)}\n");

    my $cb = sub {
      my $message = shift;
      $writer->write("Finishing: $message\n");

   my $watcher;
   $watcher = AnyEvent->timer(
    after => 5,
    cb => sub {
      $cb->(scalar localtime);
      undef $watcher; # cancel circular-ref


Now, I've added a few extra bits of output so as to make it easier to see what is going on, but overall there's quite a bit more complexity here. Let's try to break it down a bit. In the introduction we used the most simple form of a PSGI appliction, which as you recalled looked like this:

use strictures;

my $app = sub {
  return [200, ['Content-Type'=>'text/plain'],
  ["Hello World!\n"]];

Basically we have an anonymous subroutine that gets executed for each request being handled. This subroutine is required to return an arrayref of three parts, an Integer which is a valid HTTP status code number, an arrayref of pairs being the key / value parts of HTTP headers, and an arrayref (or a file handle) which is the actual body content of the response.

However, if the server supports it, you can instead of the three item Tuple return a second subroutine, which is a delayed response that the server executes when it is ready. The idea here is to defer processing of the request / response. So you could rewrite this application as follows (c<scripts/trivial_02.psgi>).

use strictures;

my $app = sub {
  return sub {
    (my $responder = shift)->([200,
      ["Hello World!\n"]]);

So, doing this alone doesn't really buy you a lot, but it is the basis for our nonblocking application as well as our streaming example, which we'll get to later on in the article. In this example above, what you have done is say "let the response wait to be created until the server actually asks for it. By doing this, you can start to decouple the response from the actual generation of the response. This is a good first step and a useful technique, but it is not yet enough to achieve a full non blocking response.

The key to the non blocking example (scripts/long_job_anyevent.psgi) is to notice that when calling the $responder coderef, we are passing only part of the response, the HTTP status codes and the HTTP Header meta data pairs. When $responder is called like this, you get a $writer object that you can use to send the HTTP body response. You do so by calling the -write method on it. You can repeatedly call ->write until you are finished, at which point you need to signal the server that you are done by calling ->close. So Here's a sort of ultimate version of the trivial application using the delayed response and the streaming interface together. Lets look at it and then see what it looks like when we run it under a server that supports the non blocking interface (like Twiggy).

use strictures;

my $app = sub {
  return sub {
    my $writer = (my $responder = shift)->(
      [ 200, [ 'Content-Type' => 'text/plain' ]]);

    $writer->write("Hello World!\n");

As written this again is not really buying you anything, although if the body of the response was large you could use this as a way to serve 'chunks' of it which might reduce the memory footprint of the application. We'll talk more about streaming in a bit, but the key here is that the application is still a blocking application, even though it is using the delayed and even streaming response approach. If you want non-blocking, you have to take this a step further and involve an eventloop framework like AnyEvent. Lets see what that would look like

use strictures;

my $app = sub {
  sleep 5;
  return [200, ['Content-Type'=>'text/plain'],
  ["Hello World!\n"]];

As follows

use strictures;

my $app = sub {
  return sub {
    (my $responder = shift)->([200,
      ["Hello World!\n"]]);

-high concurrany -very dynamic or realtime data (not suitable for caching) -each client needs lots of connections

is not a panacea can play nice with other 'classic' scale techniques, job queues, caching, even proxies to help deal with slow clients


The following modules or resources may be of interest.

Plack, AnyEvent, strictures


John Napiorkowski C<< <> >>


Copyright 2013, John Napiorkowski C<< <> >>

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.