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Releases: jlu5/SupyPlugins

SupyPlugins 1.2.1

08 Nov 02:57
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This bugfix release fixes quit relaying in RelayLink and whitespace handling in SysDNS.

SupyPlugins 1.3-alpha2

08 Nov 03:03
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SupyPlugins 1.3-alpha2. Changes:

  • Bugfixes for RelayLink, NoTrigger, and SysDNS.
  • PkgInfo syntax is slightly updated, with the 'package' command renamed to 'pkg' for better consistency.
  • LastFM plugin added (imported from GLolol/supybot-lastfm).

SupyPlugins 1.3-alpha1

01 Nov 19:02
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Development release. Some plugins were renamed/moved, take note of this when upgrading!

  • PkgInfo: vlist gets a --source option for searching packages by source.
  • TLDInfo is dropped with all functionality merged into SupyMisc, please use this instead!
  • Randomness's voting functionality is split into a separate plugin (Voteserv). Those using the Randomness database prior to commit 96e19ae will have their databases reset!
    • Database handling was updated to be slightly more efficient. There is now 1 database for all networks (the previous mechanism did not handle separate databases correctly despite the file being named (network).db; this was unintentional.

SupyPlugins 1.2

25 Oct 03:49
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The "almost Halloween" release. This is a maintenance release from 1.2-rc1, with testcases being fixed and Travis CI enabled.

Major changes from 1.0, the previous stable release:

  • Python 3 support (3.4+)
  • PkgInfo is greatly revamped and now depends on Beautiful Soup 4, an HTML and XML parsing library for Python. New commands include:
  • Namegen plugin added.

For a full list of changes, please see the commit history.

SupyPlugins 1.2-rc1

23 Oct 00:19
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1.2 Release Candidate 1. This is a bugfix/maintenance only release from 1.1-beta1.

  • 1.1 is skipped as quite a lot has changed since the last stable (1.0).
    • Major changes include Python 3 support, PkgInfo being completely overhauled, and a new Namegen plugin.
    • (I may choose to develop an odd-number-is-development versioning scheme entirely.)

SupyPlugins 1.1-beta1

18 Oct 02:59
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SupyPlugins 1.1-beta1 Pre-release

1.1 beta-1. Summary of changes:

  • New Namegen plugin (random name generator)
  • PkgInfo: added mintpkg command for querying Linux Mint packages:
  • OperUp is deprecated due to low usefulness, future modifications will be for maintenance only!
  • RelayLink is now in maintenance mode also, future modifications will be for maintenance only!
  • SupyMisc: add mreplace command
  • NoTrigger now catches all prefixes in string.punctuation (!"#$%&\'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_\{|}~`) instead of those in a small, predefined/hardcoded list.

SupyPlugins 1.1-alpha2

11 Oct 03:46
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1.1-alpha2. Changes:

  • PkgInfo now depends on Beautiful Soup 4, an HTML and XML parsing library for Python. Instructions on how to install it are present in the README.
  • PkgInfo: added a pkgsearch command for searching packages in Debian and Ubuntu's repositories.
  • TLDInfo was broken in the last alpha release, this has now been fixed (my bad!)
  • Unit tests were added for some plugins (ref #13).
    • These can be ran by cloning the repository, changing to its directory, and running supybot-test <plugin>/
  • Python 3 support is now working (this wasn't properly mentioned in 1.1-alpha1's really messy release notes).

SupyPlugins 1.1-alpha1

03 Oct 02:23
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- add License section
- mention python 3 support (now implemented)
- misc. edits in plugin descriptions

SupyPlugins 1.0

21 Sep 21:48
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A year of work = the first release! Enjoy.

SupyPlugins 1.0-rc1

20 Sep 02:01
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SupyPlugins 1.0-rc1 Pre-release

The first true release.