All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- order.user => order.customer
- Ability to specify SDK versions
- js form submission
- data type issues
- multiple form issues
- fixed no jquery changes
- Updated submit button dataset to allow html not just text
- Updated data type
- Removed jQuery dependency for DropInUI
- Craft / Commerce 4 support.
- Change of ownership
- Fixed an issue with the currency being passed to the currency formatter.
- Added support for subscription trial days - thanks @digason
- Fixed an issue where the Drop-in UI wasn't using the correct Google Pay object - thanks @jmauzyk.
- Added a new setting for including a Google Pay Mechant ID.
- support for authorize and capture functions thanks @jmauzyk
- logging
- address field truncating to 50 characters due to braintree api restrictions
- Fixed a bug where purchases weren't using the createSale method
- Created a refreshPaymentHistory method so the full subscription payment history can be view in the CP using the "Refresh payment history" button.
- Fixed a bug where a subscription payment used the original subscription date instead of the latest transaction date.
- Moved
to it's own createSale method.
- Allow setting of merchantAccountId for single currency setup (#29)
- MerchantAccountId wrapped in Craft::parseEnv (#30)
- Throwing braintree exceptions using PaymentExceptions (#31)
- Fixed project config bug
- Updated gateway property visability
- Update requirements to allow for Craft Commerce 3
- switch subscription payment source removes old payment source if not in use by another subscription.
- DropinUI don't allow save card option if its a subscription payment
- subscription detail page throwing error
- Cancelling a subscription now deletes the payment source if not being used by another active subscription.
- deletePaymentMethod($token)
- Update Braintree PHP SDK to 4.5.0
- Updated dropinUi js to 1.21.0
- dropinUi form submission to be $form.trigger('submit')
- removed country name from billing and shipping addresses, now just uses the ISO2 code
- DropinUi translations.
- A bug where subscriptions were not being created when the currency plan was different to the default currency in Braintree
- Fixed a bug that could occur if a susbcrption was cancelled directly in Braintree.
- Craft Commerce 2.2 compatability update
- Fixed date bug in _handleSubscriptionCharged method
- Fixed deprecation warning for locale in DropinUi template
- Updated DropinUi button reset
- Updated Braintree JS versions
- gateway settings twig mistake
- address formatting to cater for no country
- autosuggestField support for environment settings
- customer info sent
- shortNumber used for orderId
- 3DS2 support
- DropinUi Javascript jQuery object is now passed into init function.
- Don't pass address if no address on order.
- Addresses now passing US state abbreviation for paypal requirement.
- Paypal when using getPaymentFormHtml() (issue #6)
- Fixed a bug in an address with the business name/company
- Billing and Shipping addresses now passed to Braintree
- Fixed a bug where subscription data was being returned as an object
- Updated error message for better error logging
- User friendly error message
- Added support for Craft Commerce 2.1.4 and
- Subscription updates
- Subscription webhooks support
- DropIn UI jQuery reference, thanks @davecosec
- multi-currency support
- gateway.getPaymentFormHtml() returns raw by default
- rendering issue when using getPaymentFormHtml()