- templates/ - we use mustache
- lib/ - our javascript API and application doe
- monarch/ - that's us
- api.js - core API. Wraps OQ/NIF-Fed APIs. See naturaldocs.
- web/ - web application. See README.md in that dir
- webapp.js
- widgets.js
- monarch/ - that's us
For changes to the basic page layout and content that do not require changing the logic, find the relevant mustache template in the templates directory and make the changes there. This requires no programming. The changes should take effect immediately without you having to restart the server.
Tables are generated from a Solr index of the Monarch Data SciGraph Instance. We interact with the Solr index using the GOlr API, for example, the GOlr Response and Manager classes.
Tables are created using the bbop golr widget, see the Live Results Widget for API docs.
The current approach is to break data into individual tables stored in various tabs. The long term goal is to display data in a single large table, see the issue with adding logical OR filter to GOlr.
Adding a new table requires adding 5 lines to webapp.js and adding 2 lines to the mustache template; for example, to add disease phenotype associations to a disease page:
var phenotype_filter = [
field: 'object_category',
value: 'phenotype'
# Add the table where the second parameter is where we filter out the disease ID, typically either
# object_closure or subject_closure, in this case the disease ID is filtered via the subject_closure
addGolrTable(info, "subject_closure", id, 'phenotypes-table', phenotype_filter, 'generic_association');
# Server side query to get the result counts
info.phenotypeNum = engine.fetchAssociationCount(id, 'subject_closure', phenotype_filter);
# Add the mustache templates to the info object
info.includes.phenotype_anchor = addPhenotypeAnchor(info);
info.includes.phenotype_table = addPhenotypeTable();
Then in the mustache template, add the anchor to categories div
<div id="categories">
Then add the table to the complete-info div
<div id="complete-info">
Note: in some cases a new data association will require making new functions to serialize the table and anchor html templates. New functions can be made by following this format:
function addPhenotypeAnchor(info) {
var phenotype_anchor = {id: info.id,
resultNum: info.phenotypeNum,
type: "Phenotypes", href: "phenotypes"};
return Mustache.to_html(getTemplate('anchor'), phenotype_anchor);
function addPhenotypeTable() {
var phenotype_table = {href: "phenotypes", div: "phenotypes-table"};
return Mustache.to_html(getTemplate('golr-table'), phenotype_table);
A GOlr view can be configured via a yaml file; for example, the generic_association view is defined here.
New views can be defined using this format. Change the ID propery and pass this to the addGolrTable() function in webapp.js function as the 6th parameter.
There are many cases where we want to use a GOlr view as a base and update the filters, column names, order, description, etc. To do this, create a new yaml file with properties that you would like to override and then merge into a base configuration.
For example, see the disease-phenotype.yaml which overrides values in the oban-config.yaml file These are merged by running:
gulp build
Note that gulp merges all tab yaml files with the oban configuration. If using a different reference schema we will need to update the task appropriately.