A lot of the background for bash in general is given in the bash talk, so we won't retread all of that ground, but forgive me if I repeat some things.
There are two ways to run a shell script. The easy way through source
and the
slightly-more-work way of chmod
and ./
. There is a difference though!
simply takes every line of the input file and runs it as a command on
your shell. This means that all variables and side effects from the code
remain on your shell when the script finishes executing. This can be useful but
for most situations is not what you really want.
Making a file executable and using ./
executes the commands in a subshell,
meaning it's basically a different shell who's side effects do not carry back to
your main shell. This is most exemplified in the cd
command. It is perfectly
reasonable to cd
inside a script. If you call source
on a script that uses
you will end up wherever the script cd
'd to. Using ./
however will
not change your current working directory after returning.
Anyways it's generally good practice to use ./
. Here's how you do it if you
don't know:
chmod +x yourfile.sh
Setting a variable is as easy as
Replacing values in strings in bash is very simple, just takes putting the
variable name in the string as long as you are surrounding your string with "
describes a literal string however, and will not replace variables or
expressions contained within.
echo "$VARIABLE bar"
# foo bar
echo '$VARIABLE bar'
Putting an expression inside a string is similarly easy: simply surround the
expression with $(expression)
, or `expression`
echo "I'm in $(pwd)"
echo "I'm still in `pwd`"
Bash allows you to expand things inside braces pretty reasonably:
echo {A,B} # A B
echo {A,B}.js # A.js B.js
echo {1..5} # 1 2 3 4 5
The last type allows step size with another ..
echo {0..50..5}
### eval
Brace expansions do not work directly in strings however, but we can use the
command to fix that:
echo "{1..5}.js" # {1..5}.js
eval echo "{1..5}.js" # 1.js 2.js 3.js 4.js 5.js
basically runs the command twice, first through the bash processor, and
second as the actual command. Here, bash expands the brace expansion syntax
before sending to echo.
The [ ... ]
command is an alias for test
) and returns either 0
(true) or 1 (false), much of the description is listed in man 1 test
[[ ... ]]
is a superset of the test
functionality, with a few added
functions, though this functionality is not POSIX standard and therefore varies
based on the system. I will be working based on bash
's implementation of [[
But your results may vary if using something else.
Some useful operators are:
[[ -n STRING ]]
: String is nonzero[[ -z STRING ]]
: String is zero[[ STRING1 = STRING2 ]]
: Strings are equal[[ STRING1 != STRING2 ]]
: Strings are not equal[[ INT1 -eq INT2 ]]
: Integers are equal- Similarly
for >=,-gt
- Similarly
[[ FILE1 -ef FILE2 ]]
: Files have same device and inode numbers (not equality)[[ FILE1 -nt FILE2 ]]
is newer thanFILE2
, includes-ot
for the reverse[[ -e FILE1 ]]
: file exists
There are a ton of file-specific options, but I wont go through them all here.
Note we do not need to include the $
when using a variable in a conditional.
There are also algebraic conditionals, defined with (( ... ))
. An easy example
would be (( NUM == 5 ))
, if NUM
does equal 5, this "function" returns 0.
Writing an actual conditional statement is simple, but slightly different from other languages you've likely used.
if (( NUM == 0 )); then
echo "We have 0 problems! Good job!"
elif (( NUM == 1 )); then
echo "We have 1 problem!"
echo "We have $NUM problems!"
Note the fi
syntax, this will be a recurring theme in bash for other control
Remember how programming languages like java will lazily execute if statement conditions, let's use the java example:
if(foo() || bar())
if(func() && meth())
statements using ||
will stop executing as soon as a true
value is found,
and conversely, &&
stops as soon as a false is found. Bash has a similar
feature that is used to control execution since every bash function returns a
'boolean' based on whether the exectuion succeedes.
git commit && git push
# if commit returns 0, push after. Don't push otherwise
git push || echo "Push failed!"
# if push returns 0, continue, otherwise print failure
Basic loops can be C style or more python-esque, with no change in functionality:
# C like
for ((i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i++)); do
echo $i
# Python like
for i in {1..10}; do
echo $i
These two loops do not do the same thing however. The C-style iterator goes
0-9, and the other goes 1-10 inclusive. The second is also compatible with step
size in the same way as the first. This also iterates in a similar way to
python would, as the things in the bracket do not need to be numbers. It will
simply set i equal to each index in the array and iterate for that index. So
for i in {a, b, c, d, e}; do
would work as expected.
While loops also exist and look like you'd expect:
while true; do
There is also an easy way to do text input from a file in a loop:
< file.txt | while read line; do
echo $line
Functions are pretty simple, defined with either just declaring myfunc() { ...
or with the function
func() {
echo "bar"
Bash functions don't have returns in the normal sense. A function that prints to
stdout without being captured will simply print directly to stdout, however
calling the function as if it is a executable like we did above will print it
in the same way. The return
keyword exists in bash, but since every function
or script in bash must give a return code, it is used to define the return code
of the function instead of any value. 0 is success and returned by default, and
any other number from 1-255 is valid but considered failure. This return value
can be accessed after the function finishes with the $?
Arguments in bash functions also don't work like other languages. You never
define parameters in the ()
part of a method declaration, this means you need
to check the number of paramaters passed to the function. This is done with
some more variables:
the function's name$#
the number of parameters passed$1, $2, ...
the actual parameter values$*
hold all parameters passed to the function, but change when double quoted"$*"
expands to a single string seperated by space ("$1 $2 $n"
expands to seperate strings ("$1" "$2" "$n"
This is the same syntax for command line arguments inside the script as a whole. You need to pass any command line args into the function, but other global variables without naming conflicts will stay in scope.
These are fairly simple, albeit with strange definitions, so I'm just going to write out how to use them.
Arr=('one' 'two' 'three')
echo ${Arr[0]} # "one"
echo ${Arr[1]} # "two"
echo ${Arr[2]} # "three"
echo ${Arr[@]} # all elements, space-separated
echo ${#Arr[@]} # length of array
echo ${#Arr} # String length of 1st element
echo ${#Arr[3]} # String length of Nth element
echo ${Arr[@]:1:2} # range from position 1, length 2
for i in "${arrayName[@]}"; do
echo $i
AKA dictionaries
declare -A dict
echo ${dict[foo]} # this
echo ${dict[@]} # all values
echo ${!dict[@]} # all keys
echo ${#dict[@]} # number of elements
unset dict[baz] # delete baz
for val in "${dict[@]}"; do
echo $val
for key in "${!dict[@]}"; do
echo "${dict[$key]}"
Lets do some quick examples to show some simple things you can do with bash.
This is the first thing I wrote a bash script for and makes installing scripts on a new install of linux super easy. This one specifically also keeps all your dotfiles in your github repo folder which is nice.
files="bashrc zshrc tmux.conf vimrc"
echo "current directory is ${dir}"
echo "moving current dotfiles to backup directory and installing new ones"
mkdir -p $dir/old
for file in $files; do
echo "moving $file"
mv ~/.$file $dir/old
echo "creating symlink to ${file} in home directory"
ln -s $dir/$file ~/.$file