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args_n args_k args_L args_iterations args_curve net_file_size_bytes runtime_setup_seconds runtime_file_generation_seconds runtime_all_column_commitments_seconds runtime_per_column_commitment_seconds runtime_all_row_encodings_seconds runtime_per_row_encoding_seconds runtime_all_chunk_verifications_seconds runtime_per_chunk_verification_seconds runtime_all_downloaded_chunk_verifications_seconds runtime_per_downloaded_chunk_verification_seconds runtime_all_row_decodings_seconds runtime_per_row_decoding_seconds runtime_prepare_decoding_seconds num_column_commitments num_row_encodings num_chunk_verifications num_downloaded_chunk_verifications num_row_decodings size_file_uncoded_bytes size_column_commitments_bytes size_file_coded_bytes scenario_disperse_runtime_client_seconds scenario_disperse_runtime_node_seconds scenario_disperse_communication_bytes scenario_disperse_storage_bytes scenario_retrieve_runtime_client_seconds scenario_sampling_num_openings scenario_sampling_runtime_prover_seconds scenario_sampling_runtime_verifier_seconds scenario_sampling_runtime_proof_size_bytes
128 32 512 1 bls12-381 520192 0.128075 0.001656 1.911706 0.059741 0.085412 0.000167 9.816759 0.076693 2.195362 0.068605 0.042761 0.000084 0.026040 32 512 128 32 512 524288 3328 2097152 1.997118 0.076693 2523136 2523136 2.264163 32 0.060323 0.010416 3480
256 64 512 1 bls12-381 1040384 0.125942 0.002951 3.557465 0.055585 0.142924 0.000279 21.402019 0.083602 3.965081 0.061954 0.169660 0.000331 0.107913 64 512 256 64 512 1048576 6656 4194304 3.700389 0.083602 5898240 5898240 4.242654 64 0.057823 0.009054 6808
512 128 512 1 bls12-381 2080768 0.128511 0.007737 7.995039 0.062461 0.255719 0.000499 60.813611 0.118777 9.097373 0.071073 0.718541 0.001403 0.594715 128 512 512 128 512 2097152 13312 8388608 8.250757 0.118777 15204352 15204352 10.410629 128 0.060760 0.010655 13464
1024 256 512 1 bls12-381 4161536 0.125557 0.010541 14.246626 0.055651 0.510680 0.000997 183.495311 0.179195 17.400801 0.067972 2.914373 0.005692 3.619026 256 512 1024 256 512 4194304 26624 16777216 14.757306 0.179195 44040192 44040192 23.934201 256 0.060618 0.010624 26776
128 32 1024 1 bls12-381 1040384 0.201118 0.003401 2.701003 0.084406 0.166666 0.000163 12.923901 0.100968 2.872400 0.089763 0.084765 0.000083 0.025184 32 1024 128 32 1024 1048576 3328 4194304 2.867669 0.100968 4620288 4620288 2.982349 32 0.086321 0.010012 3480
256 64 1024 1 bls12-381 2080768 0.203971 0.007268 5.431175 0.084862 0.275903 0.000269 28.839624 0.112655 6.587852 0.102935 0.403244 0.000394 0.127098 64 1024 256 64 1024 2097152 6656 8388608 5.707077 0.112655 10092544 10092544 7.118194 64 0.094552 0.010585 6808
512 128 1024 1 bls12-381 4161536 0.204622 0.014221 10.843191 0.084712 0.543519 0.000531 74.067664 0.144663 11.772552 0.091973 1.430504 0.001397 0.563664 128 1024 512 128 1024 4194304 13312 16777216 11.386710 0.144663 23592960 23592960 13.766720 128 0.086619 0.009025 13464
1024 256 1024 1 bls12-381 8323072 0.203268 0.024058 21.696198 0.084751 1.025251 0.001001 214.132600 0.209114 24.079438 0.094060 5.987246 0.005847 3.435328 256 1024 1024 256 1024 8388608 26624 33554432 22.721448 0.209114 60817408 60817408 33.502012 256 0.086935 0.009025 26776
128 32 2048 1 bls12-381 2080768 0.332375 0.006988 4.818306 0.150572 0.308785 0.000151 21.748453 0.169910 5.004485 0.156390 0.169480 0.000083 0.026092 32 2048 128 32 2048 2097152 3328 8388608 5.127091 0.169910 8814592 8814592 5.200057 32 0.153528 0.009343 3480
256 64 2048 1 bls12-381 4161536 0.332346 0.014565 9.668419 0.151069 0.569432 0.000278 47.195603 0.184358 10.667991 0.166687 0.678051 0.000331 0.107107 64 2048 256 64 2048 4194304 6656 16777216 10.237851 0.184358 18481152 18481152 11.453148 64 0.157168 0.010871 6808
512 128 2048 1 bls12-381 8323072 0.332302 0.026272 19.436537 0.151848 1.089891 0.000532 108.138683 0.211208 20.442925 0.159710 2.869901 0.001401 0.562932 128 2048 512 128 2048 8388608 13312 33554432 20.526429 0.211208 40370176 40370176 23.875758 128 0.151309 0.009385 13464
1024 256 2048 1 bls12-381 16646144 0.335060 0.050264 38.822863 0.151652 2.142731 0.001046 283.726746 0.277077 41.150165 0.160743 11.812304 0.005768 3.437383 256 2048 1024 256 2048 16777216 26624 67108864 40.965594 0.277077 94371840 94371840 56.399852 256 0.151349 0.009237 26776
128 32 4096 1 bls12-381 4161536 0.562864 0.011736 8.610728 0.269085 0.625264 0.000153 36.290345 0.283518 8.989903 0.280934 0.341798 0.000083 0.025948 32 4096 128 32 4096 4194304 3328 16777216 9.235993 0.283518 17203200 17203200 9.357650 32 0.273343 0.011567 3480
256 64 4096 1 bls12-381 8323072 0.561774 0.024201 17.427756 0.272309 1.106522 0.000270 75.885077 0.296426 18.048025 0.282000 1.347106 0.000329 0.108548 64 4096 256 64 4096 8388608 6656 33554432 18.534278 0.296426 35258368 35258368 19.503678 64 0.274371 0.012655 6808
512 128 4096 1 bls12-381 16646144 0.558183 0.049500 36.211080 0.282899 2.188093 0.000534 168.244639 0.328603 36.682417 0.286581 5.725869 0.001398 0.559595 128 4096 512 128 4096 16777216 13312 67108864 38.399172 0.328603 73924608 73924608 42.967882 128 0.273892 0.012901 13464
1024 256 4096 1 bls12-381 33292288 0.559421 0.097211 72.191907 0.282000 4.101968 0.001001 401.668167 0.392254 74.104920 0.289472 23.348548 0.005700 3.429383 256 4096 1024 256 4096 33554432 26624 134217728 76.293875 0.392254 161480704 161480704 100.882851 256 0.274305 0.012793 26776