Add this dependency to your project:
<version>0.0.15</version> <!-- Please check for the latest version on maven central or in the changelog! -->
Fill a Form object with your Form-fields:
private Form buildForm() {
return FormBuilder.simple().typeBuilder(
Or define your form as a Java POJO: (see jwebform-integration project)
public class MyForm {
String firstname;
@Email(message = "Email should be valid")
String email;
Write a controller, that uses this form: (Here Spring MVC)
Form form = buildForm(); // See "Define a form"
public void index(HttpServletRequest request, Model model) {
FormResult formResult = key -> request.getParameter(key)); // pass the request-params via lambda
model.addAttribute("form", formResult);
if (formResult.isValid()) { // check if the form was submitted and is valid
log.debug("Valid firstname from form:" + formResult.getStringValue("firstname")); // if everything was okay, we can get the values from the form
See spring-boot integration for even more compact version of usage.
Output the form within your template. (index.html)
<h1>The form</h1>
<!-- start the form -->
{{ render(form) }} <!-- use a macro to render the form or use the theme project to render the html in java -->
<!-- end form -->