diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 34fd0357..3f624719 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ CMFileManager PSP is a PSP application built using the unofficial PSPSDK and [gl - Browse other drives like flah0, flash1 and UMD (if not using PSP Go). - Support for both ef0:/ (internal) and ms0:/ (external) drives on PSP Go. - Screenshots in .BMP format. Use L + R to capture a screenshot. -- Audio Player 16-Bit short. (FLAC, IT, MOD, MP3, OGG, OPUS, S3M, WAV and XM) +- Audio Player 16-Bit short 41K - 48K Hz. (FLAC, IT, MOD, MP3, OGG, OPUS, S3M, WAV and XM) - FTP connection @@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ CMFileManager PSP is a PSP application built using the unofficial PSPSDK and [gl - Press *cancel button (depending on your region)* to go back to previous directory/menu. - Press *L + R* to caputre screenshot. - Press *Select + Start* to exit. +- Press *Start* on FTP mode or Audio player to disable/enable screen to save battery. **Image Viewer controls:**