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#include "RadPrint.h"//------------------------------------------------------------------------------VPrintTreeDialog::VPrintTreeDialog (){ rows = 1; cols = 1; fDrawTreeNames = true; fTreeStyle.SetDrawName ();// TreeStyle = TS_LEFT | TS_SLANT | TS_CLADOGRAM | TS_SHOWNAME; fTreesFile = NULL;// treeItem = id_cladogram;// font = Port.ParseFont ("Geneva,10");// edgeFont = font;// ladder = Ladder_Default; // Line style//// lineWidth = 1;// lineItem = id_1pt; // How are trees arranged? arrangementItem = id_left_right; // Line style// lineWidth = 1;// lineItem = id_1pt; // Fonts font = Port.GetFont ("Geneva", 12, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE);// edgeFont = Port.GetFont ("Geneva", 10, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE);}//------------------------------------------------------------------------------VPrintTreeDialog::~VPrintTreeDialog (){}//------------------------------------------------------------------------------// Return a picture of the trees on the current pagevoid VPrintTreeDialog::GetPicture (PictureTool &pic){ VRect r; GrafPtr oldPort; ::GetPort (&oldPort); VRect pageRect; Port.PhysPageRect (pageRect); Port.PrintingRect (r); // Inflate printing rect to half the margin around the printable area. // This allows us to later shrink each cell by this amount to ensure consistent // spacing between each cell. int w = (pageRect.GetWidth () - r.GetWidth ()) / 4; int h = (pageRect.GetHeight () - r.GetHeight()) / 4; r.Inset (-w, -h); Rect sr = r.GetRectTool(); // Picture data OpenCPicParams picParams; picParams.srcRect = sr; picParams.hRes = 0x00480000; // 72 dpi picParams.vRes = 0x00480000; picParams.version = -2; picParams.reserved1 = 0; picParams.reserved2 = 0; // Get picture pic = ::OpenCPicture (&picParams); // 5/1/96 Printing = TRUE; // Draw trees here...to do: compute trees based on r x c values Port.Black (); Port.WidePen (2); // Shrink r to the size of one cell r.SetRight (r.GetLeft () + (r.GetWidth() / cols)); r.SetBottom (r.GetTop () + (r.GetHeight() / rows)); int trees_per_page = rows * cols; // trees per page int start = trees_per_page * (CurrentPage - 1) + 1; int count = start; int x; int y; if (arrangementItem == id_left_right) { x = rows; y = cols; } else { x = cols; y = rows; } for (int i = 0; i < x; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < y; j++) { if (count <= fTreesFile->GetTrees (true)) { VRect there = r; if (arrangementItem == id_left_right) { there.Offset (there.GetWidth () * j, there.GetHeight () * i); } else { there.Offset (there.GetWidth () * i, there.GetHeight () * j); } there.Inset (w, h); //Port.WidePen (lineWidth); Port.WidePen (1); // Draw tree TTree tree; fTreesFile->GetIthTree (count, tree, true, 0); tree.Draw (there, font, fTreeStyle, NULL); count++; } } } Printing = FALSE; ::ClosePicture(); ::SetPort (oldPort);} //------------------------------------------------------------------------------// Test code for printingvoid VPrintTreeDialog::Print (){ Printing = TRUE; GrafPtr oldPort; ::GetPort (&oldPort); if (Port.StartDoc ()) { int oldCurrentPage = CurrentPage; int from = Port.GetPageFrom (); int to = MIN (NumberOfPages, Port.GetPageTo ()); BOOL ok = TRUE; while (CurrentPage <= to && ok) { ok = Port.StartPage(); if (ok) { VRect r; Port.PrintingRect (r); Rect rtool = r.GetRectTool (); // 25/1/97 PictureTool pic; GetPicture (pic); ::DrawPicture (pic, &rtool); ok = Port.EndPage(); } CurrentPage++; } Port.EndDoc(); CurrentPage = oldCurrentPage; } ::SetPort (oldPort);}/*//------------------------------------------------------------------------------BOOL VPrintTreeDialog::DoLineStyle (int item){ Changed = FALSE; if (item != lineItem) { SetItemState (lineItem, FALSE); SetItemState (item, TRUE); lineItem = item; switch (item) { case id_1pt: lineWidth = 1; break; case id_2pt: lineWidth = 2; break; case id_3pt: lineWidth = 3; break; default: lineWidth = 1; break; } // Update display... Changed = TRUE; } return (Changed);}//------------------------------------------------------------------------------BOOL VPrintTreeDialog::DoInternals (){ (GetItemState (id_internals) ? TreeStyle |= TS_USEINTERNALLABEL : TreeStyle &= ~ TS_USEINTERNALLABEL); return TRUE;}*///------------------------------------------------------------------------------BOOL VPrintTreeDialog::DoFont (int item){ BOOL Changed = FALSE; // Store current dialog pointer VDialogPtr oldDlg = this; VFontPtr oldFont;// ((item == id_leaf_font) ? oldFont = font : oldFont = edgeFont); oldFont = font; VFontPtr newfont = Port.ChooseAFont (oldFont); if (newfont) {// ((item == id_leaf_font) ? font = newfont : edgeFont = newfont); font = newfont; Changed = TRUE; } TheApp->SetDialog (oldDlg); return Changed;}/*//------------------------------------------------------------------------------// Alter tree order for preview dialog// @mfunc void | VPrintTreeDialog | DoOrder | Handle Tree Order dialog.// @comm Displays dialog, handles user input, then ensures// VPrintTreeDialog has the focus again.BOOL VPrintTreeDialog::DoOrder (){#ifdef Macintosh BOOL state;#endif Changed = FALSE; // Store current dialog pointer VDialogPtr oldDlg = this; // Create Trees Order dialog VDialogPtr dialog = new VDialog; TheApp->CreateDialog (dialog, 302, TRUE); switch (ladder) { case Ladder_Default: dialog->CheckRadioButton (id_default_order, id_right_order, id_default_order); break; case Ladder_Left: dialog->CheckRadioButton (id_default_order, id_right_order, id_left_order); break; case Ladder_Right: dialog->CheckRadioButton (id_default_order, id_right_order, id_right_order); break; } dialog->Show (); int item; do { item = TheApp->DialogItemHit();#ifdef Macintosh if (item > 3) dialog->CheckRadioButton (id_default_order, id_right_order, item);#endif } while (item > 2); if (item == 1) { // handle order here if (dialog->GetItemState (id_default_order)) ladder = Ladder_Default; if (dialog->GetItemState (id_left_order)) ladder = Ladder_Left; if (dialog->GetItemState (id_right_order)) ladder = Ladder_Right; P->SetLadderType (ladder); Changed = TRUE; } TheApp->DestroyDialog(); // Restore preview dialog TheApp->SetDialog (oldDlg);#ifdef Windows // Ensure preview dialog appears to be modal ::SetFocus (GetHandle ()); ::EnableWindow (_hWndFrame, FALSE);#endif return (Changed);}*///------------------------------------------------------------------------------BOOL VPrintTreeDialog::DoTreesPerPage (){ BOOL state; Changed = FALSE; // Store current dialog VDialogPtr oldDlg = this; // Create Trees Per Page dialog VDialogPtr dialog = new VDialog; TheApp->CreateDialog (dialog, id_layout_dialog, TRUE); // Tree arrangment on page dialog->CheckRadioButton (id_left_right, id_top_bottom, arrangementItem); dialog->EnableItem (id_left_right, BOOL (rows > 1 && cols > 1)); dialog->EnableItem (id_top_bottom, BOOL (rows > 1 && cols > 1)); // draw names? dialog->SetItemState (id_shownames, fDrawTreeNames); // Initialise grid display with current values ControlTool c = dialog->GetControl (id_grid); ::SetControlMaximum (c, rows); ::SetControlMinimum (c, cols); dialog->SetItemInt (id_rows, rows); dialog->SetItemInt (id_cols, cols); dialog->SetItemInt (id_total, rows * cols); // Keep track of user's current values int rr; int cc; dialog->Show (); short item; do { item = TheApp->DialogItemHit(); switch (item) { case id_grid: ControlTool c = dialog->GetControl (id_grid); rr = GetControlMaximum (c); cc = GetControlMinimum (c); // Update display of current values dialog->SetItemInt (id_rows, rr); dialog->SetItemInt (id_cols, cc); dialog->SetItemInt (id_total, rr * cc); // Enable arrangment buttons only if relevant dialog->EnableItem (id_left_right, BOOL (rr > 1 && cc > 1)); dialog->EnableItem (id_top_bottom, BOOL (rr > 1 && cc > 1)); break; case id_left_right: case id_top_bottom: dialog->CheckRadioButton (id_left_right, id_top_bottom, item); break; case id_shownames: state = dialog->GetItemState (item); dialog->SetItemState (item, !state); break; default: break; } } while (item > cancel); // process user's choices here if (item == ok) { fDrawTreeNames = dialog->GetItemState (id_shownames); fTreeStyle.SetDrawName (fDrawTreeNames); c = dialog->GetControl (id_grid); rows = ::GetControlMaximum (c); cols = ::GetControlMinimum (c); // How shall we draw the trees, left-to-right or top-to-bottom? (dialog->GetItemState (id_left_right) ? arrangementItem = id_left_right : arrangementItem = id_top_bottom); // Update display... int n = rows * cols; SetNumPages (((int)fTreesFile->GetTrees (true) - 1) / n + 1); Changed = TRUE; } TheApp->DestroyDialog(); // Restore dialog TheApp->SetDialog (oldDlg); return (Changed);}/*//------------------------------------------------------------------------------// Handle the user clicking on the four tree style buttonsBOOL VPrintTreeDialog::DoTreeStyle (int item){ Changed = FALSE; if (item != treeItem) { SetItemState (treeItem, FALSE); SetItemState (item, TRUE); treeItem = item; switch (item) { case id_radialtree: TreeStyle = TreeStyle |= TS_RADIAL; break; case id_cladogram: TreeStyle = TreeStyle & ~(TS_ANGLE | TS_PHYLOGRAM | TS_RADIAL); TreeStyle |= TS_SLANT | TS_CLADOGRAM; break; case id_rectangle: TreeStyle = TreeStyle & ~(TS_SLANT | TS_PHYLOGRAM | TS_RADIAL); TreeStyle |= TS_ANGLE | TS_CLADOGRAM; break; case id_phylogram: TreeStyle = TreeStyle & ~(TS_SLANT | TS_CLADOGRAM | TS_RADIAL); TreeStyle |= TS_ANGLE | TS_PHYLOGRAM; break; } // Update display... Changed = TRUE; } return (Changed);}*///------------------------------------------------------------------------------// Set initial valuesvoid VPrintTreeDialog::Setup (TTreesFile* treesFile, const TTreeStyle& treeStyle){ fTreeStyle = treeStyle; fTreesFile = treesFile; // Pages SetNumPages((int)fTreesFile->GetTrees (true)); /* // Tree style SetItemState (id_cladogram, TRUE); // Disable phylogram button is no branch lengths EnableItem (id_phylogram, P->IsSomeWithEdges ()); // Have we any internal labels EnableItem (id_internals, P->IsInternalLabels ()); // Tree order SavedLadder = P->GetLadderType (); ladder = SavedLadder; // Line width SetItemState (id_1pt, TRUE);*/}