App asks users to enter basic criteria of what they are looking for (cuisine, location/distance, etc). Will populate a “spin the wheel” button that picks a random result and then links map/delivery links. API’s that we used: zippopotamus, zomato, google maps…
As a hungry person I want to eat something But I am indecisive So I want the restaurant roulette app to decide for me
GIVEN a Food dashboard WHEN I enter a zipcode and select "Let's Eat!" button THEN user is presented with cuisine options of "American, Italian, Mexican, Asian" WHEN I select a cuisine option, I am promted to select a radius range THEN user is presented with radius range options WHEN I set the radius range filter, then I am presented with a results page Then a randomly generated restaurant option is provided with a name, google map and relavant google reviews. Bon Appetit!
The following image shows the web application's appearance and functionality:
Step 1 - Enter Zipcode and select "Let's Eat"
Step 2 - Choose your desired cuisine
Step 3 - Set the radius distance to which you are willing to travel
Step 4 - Your results will be displayed and your food journey will begin!
Thank you for trying out our wonderful App!
The scope of project 1 is to create a mobile-first client-side web application using JavaScript, JQuery, Bulma, APIs and CSS. The user will set criterias to generate a random restaurant.
Project 1 meets all technical acceptance, deployment, app quality, repository quality criteria outlined below:
* Utilizes server-side API requests (zippopotamus, zomato, google maps)
* Git branching workflow between colaborators
* Agile Software Development
* Created with the MVP mindset
* Utilized GitHub Pages to deploy this client-side web application
* Prepared a professional presentation with Prezi
Robert Johnson Brandon Ashby Koffi Danhounsrou Shane Townsend
- License by MIT