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192 lines (170 loc) · 10.7 KB

CloudFormation Guard as a Lambda

The Lambda version of the tool is a lightweight wrapper around the core cfn-guard code that can simply be invoked as a Lambda.

The primary interface for building and deploying the tool is the Makefile. Examples for the payload it expects can be found there.

Table of Contents




  1. Install and configure the dependencies.
  2. If you're on a Mac, add the following to ~/.cargo/config:
    linker = "x86_64-linux-musl-gcc"
  3. Ensure you're in the cfn-guard-lambda directory
  4. Run make pre-reqs.
  5. Run make install.

To build and run post-install

To build, deploy and test the function after you edit its source code, run make test.

To merely invoke the function, run make invoke. The variables in the Makefile used to make the calls can be manipulated to provide different payloads.

In either case, the Lambda Function will be invoked multiple times. Once each for testing FAIL, PASS and ERR exits:

$> make test
This is a Darwin machine...
env PKG_CONFIG_ALLOW_CROSS=1 cargo build --release --target x86_64-unknown-linux-musl
    Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 0.16s
cp target/x86_64-unknown-linux-musl/release/cfn-guard-lambda ./bootstrap
chmod +x bootstrap
zip bootstrap
  adding: bootstrap (deflated 67%)
aws lambda update-function-code --function-name cfn-guard-lambda --zip-file fileb://./
    "FunctionName": "cfn-guard-lambda",
    "FunctionArn": "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:XXXXXX:function:cfn-guard-lambda",
    "Runtime": "provided",
    "Role": "arn:aws:iam::XXXXXX:role/no_perm_lambda_execution",
    "Handler": "doesnt.matter",
    "CodeSize": 2559030,
    "Description": "",
    "Timeout": 3,
    "MemorySize": 128,
    "LastModified": "2020-06-15T16:29:06.473+0000",
    "CodeSha256": "LaO7ei8FE+M5PD0Y+CyBFtSQ9s0An4Xy1uY/Q+u+Rwc=",
    "Version": "$LATEST",
    "Environment": {
        "Variables": {
            "RUST_BACKTRACE": "1"
    "TracingConfig": {
        "Mode": "PassThrough"
    "RevisionId": "20ff5af0-dbff-4142-b61b-a6770b8ca268",
    "State": "Active",
    "LastUpdateStatus": "Successful"
aws lambda invoke --function-name cfn-guard-lambda --payload '{ "template": "{\n    \"Resources\": {\n        \"NewVolume\" : {\n            \"Type\" : \"AWS::EC2::Volume\",\n            \"Properties\" : {\n                \"Size\" : 100,\n                \"Encrypted\": true,\n                \"AvailabilityZone\" : \"us-east-1b\"\n            }\n        },\n        \"NewVolume2\" : {\n            \"Type\" : \"AWS::EC2::Volume\",\n            \"Properties\" : {\n                \"Size\" : 99,\n                \"Encrypted\": true,\n                \"AvailabilityZone\" : \"us-east-1b\"\n            }\n        } }\n}", "ruleSet": "let require_encryption = true\nlet disallowed_azs = [us-east-1a,us-east-1b,us-east-1c]\n\nAWS::EC2::Volume AvailabilityZone NOT_IN %disallowed_azs\nAWS::EC2::Volume Encrypted != %require_encryption\nAWS::EC2::Volume Size == 101 |OR| AWS::EC2::Volume Size == 99\nAWS::IAM::Role AssumeRolePolicyDocument.Version == 2012-10-18\nAWS::EC2::Volume Lorem == true\nAWS::EC2::Volume Encrypted == %ipsum\nAWS::EC2::Volume AvailabilityZone != /us-east-.*/", "strictChecks": true}' output.json
    "StatusCode": 200,
    "ExecutedVersion": "$LATEST"
cat output.json | jq '.'
  "message": [
    "[NewVolume2] failed because [AvailabilityZone] is [us-east-1b] and the pattern [us-east-.*] is not permitted",
    "[NewVolume2] failed because [Encrypted] is [true] and that value is not permitted",
    "[NewVolume2] failed because [us-east-1b] is in [us-east-1a,us-east-1b,us-east-1c] which is not permitted for [AvailabilityZone]",
    "[NewVolume2] failed because it does not contain the required property of [Lorem]",
    "[NewVolume2] failed because there is no value defined for [%ipsum] to check [Encrypted] against",
    "[NewVolume] failed because [AvailabilityZone] is [us-east-1b] and the pattern [us-east-.*] is not permitted",
    "[NewVolume] failed because [Encrypted] is [true] and that value is not permitted",
    "[NewVolume] failed because [Size] is [100] and the permitted value is [101]",
    "[NewVolume] failed because [Size] is [100] and the permitted value is [99]",
    "[NewVolume] failed because [us-east-1b] is in [us-east-1a,us-east-1b,us-east-1c] which is not permitted for [AvailabilityZone]",
    "[NewVolume] failed because it does not contain the required property of [Lorem]",
    "[NewVolume] failed because there is no value defined for [%ipsum] to check [Encrypted] against"
  "exitStatus": "FAIL"
aws lambda invoke --function-name cfn-guard-lambda --payload '{ "template": "{\n    \"Resources\": {\n        \"NewVolume\" : {\n            \"Type\" : \"AWS::EC2::Volume\",\n            \"Properties\" : {\n                \"Size\" : 100,\n                \"Encrypted\": true,\n                \"AvailabilityZone\" : \"us-east-1b\"\n            }\n        },\n        \"NewVolume2\" : {\n            \"Type\" : \"AWS::EC2::Volume\",\n            \"Properties\" : {\n                \"Size\" : 99,\n                \"Encrypted\": true,\n                \"AvailabilityZone\" : \"us-east-1b\"\n            }\n        } }\n}", "ruleSet": "let require_encryption = true", "strictChecks": true}' output.json
    "StatusCode": 200,
    "ExecutedVersion": "$LATEST"
cat output.json | jq '.'
  "message": [],
  "exitStatus": "PASS"
aws lambda invoke --function-name cfn-guard-lambda --payload '{ "template": "{\n    \"Resources\": \n        \"NewVolume\" : {\n            \"Type\" : \"AWS::EC2::Volume\",\n            \"Properties\" : {\n                \"Size\" : 100,\n                \"Encrypted\": true,\n                \"AvailabilityZone\" : \"us-east-1b\"\n            }\n        },\n        \"NewVolume2\" : {\n            \"Type\" : \"AWS::EC2::Volume\",\n            \"Properties\" : {\n                \"Size\" : 99,\n                \"Encrypted\": true,\n                \"AvailabilityZone\" : \"us-east-1b\"\n            }\n        } }\n}", "ruleSet": "let require_encryption = true", "strictChecks": true}' output.json
    "StatusCode": 200,
    "ExecutedVersion": "$LATEST"
cat output.json | jq '.'
  "message": [
    "ERROR:  Template file format was unreadable as json or yaml: while parsing a flow mapping, did not find expected ',' or '}' at line 3 column 21"
  "exitStatus": "ERR"

Calling the Lambda Function

Request Structure

Requests to cfn-guard-lambda require the following 3 fields:

  • template - The string version of the YAML or JSON CloudFormation Template
  • ruleSet - The string version of the rule set file
  • strictChecks - A boolean indicating whether to apply strict checks


There are example payloads in the Makefile. Here's one we use to test a rule set that should not pass:

request_payload_fail = '{ "template": "{\n    \"Resources\": {\n        \"NewVolume\" : {\n            \"Type\" : \"AWS::EC2::Volume\",\n            \"Properties\" : {\n                \"Size\" : 100,\n                \"Encrypted\": true,\n                \"AvailabilityZone\" : \"us-east-1b\"\n            }\n        },\n        \"NewVolume2\" : {\n            \"Type\" : \"AWS::EC2::Volume\",\n            \"Properties\" : {\n                \"Size\" : 99,\n                \"Encrypted\": true,\n                \"AvailabilityZone\" : \"us-east-1b\"\n            }\n        } }\n}",\
                     "ruleSet": "let require_encryption = true\nlet disallowed_azs = [us-east-1a,us-east-1b,us-east-1c]\n\nAWS::EC2::Volume AvailabilityZone NOT_IN %disallowed_azs\nAWS::EC2::Volume Encrypted != %require_encryption\nAWS::EC2::Volume Size == 101 |OR| AWS::EC2::Volume Size == 99\nAWS::IAM::Role AssumeRolePolicyDocument.Version == 2012-10-18\nAWS::EC2::Volume Lorem == true\nAWS::EC2::Volume Encrypted == %ipsum\nAWS::EC2::Volume AvailabilityZone != /us-east-.*/",\
                      "strictChecks": true}'

# Request Payload Fail:
# Template
#{"Resources": {
#  "NewVolume" : {
#    "Type" : "AWS::EC2::Volume",
#    "Properties" : {
#      "Size" : 100,
#      "Encrypted": true,
#      "AvailabilityZone" : "us-east-1b"
#    }
#  },
#  "NewVolume2" : {
#    "Type" : "AWS::EC2::Volume",
#    "Properties" : {
#    "Size" : 99,
#    "Encrypted": true,
#    "AvailabilityZone" : "us-east-1b"
#    }
#  }

# Rule Set
# let require_encryption = true
# let disallowed_azs = [us-east-1a,us-east-1b,us-east-1c]

# AWS::EC2::Volume AvailabilityZone NOT_IN %disallowed_azs
# AWS::EC2::Volume Encrypted != %require_encryption
# AWS::EC2::Volume Size == 101 |OR| AWS::EC2::Volume Size == 99
# AWS::IAM::Role AssumeRolePolicyDocument.Version == 2012-10-18
# AWS::EC2::Volume Lorem == true
# AWS::EC2::Volume Encrypted == %ipsum
# AWS::EC2::Volume AvailabilityZone != /us-east-.*/

# Strict Checks
# true


  • Q: How do I troubleshoot a lambda call returning an opaque error message like:

     {"errorType": "Runtime.ExitError", "errorMessage": "RequestId: 1c0c0620-0f83-40bc-8eca-3cf2cf24820f Error: Runtime exited with error: exit status 101"}
  • A: Run the same rule set and template locally with cfn-guard to get a better message:

     thread 'main' panicked at 'Bad Rule Operator: REQUIRE', src/

    We will be working to improve the quality of lambda messages, but as a general rule, cfn-guard-lambda is just a wrapper for the cfn-guard code and each can be used to test the other.