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Jointag Proximity SDK Documentation

Table of Contents

  1. Installation
    1. Installation using CocoaPods
    2. Manual Installation
  2. Permissions and Settings
    1. Important Notice
    2. User Tracking Permission
    3. Notifications Permission
    4. Location Permission
  3. Setup
    1. Initializating the SDK
    2. iOS 13 Scenes
    3. Handling Notifications
  4. Advanced Configurations
    1. Tracking User Identifiers
    2. Data Tags
    3. Programmatically Disable Advertising
    4. Receive custom events
  5. User Consent and GDPR
    1. Enabling the Consent Flow support
    2. Using Consent Management Platform
    3. Implementing a Custom Consent Flow


Installation using CocoaPods

  1. Install or update CocoaPods to version 1.9.0 or later, which is essential for proper support of the new xcframework format.
  2. In your terminal execute pod init from your project directory, if the project is not already pod-enabled
  3. Edit your project Podfile and add pod 'JTProximitySDK' to your main application target
  4. In your terminal execute pod install from your project directory.


target 'MyApp' do
  pod 'JTProximitySDK'

More on CocoaPods here.

Manual Installation

Jointag Proximity SDK is distribute as a compiled xcframework with binaries for both device and simulator. To add it to your project, include the JTProximitySDK.xcframework as follow:

  1. Drag and drop the JTProximitySDK.xcframework framework folder into your Xcode project (remember to check "Copy items if needed").

  2. Make sure the JTProximitySDK.xcframework appears in the Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content section of the General tab of your project and that the embed mode is Embed & Sign

Permissions and Settings

The following section describes the permissions required by the SDK, along with the necessary keys that must be added to the application Info.plist file.

⚠️ Attention : Starting with SDK version 1.12.0, all the required permissions are no longer automatically requested when starting the SDK, but must be requested from the user by the application itself. To simplify this process, the SDK exposes helper methods to request them (such methods are presented below).

User Tracking Permission

As describe here, user tracking permission requires the following key to be added to the application Info.plist file:

<string>User Tracking Usage Description</string>

A helper method is provided to easily request tracking authorization:




[JTProximitySDK.sharedInstance requestTrackingAuthorization];

Notifications Permission

A helper method is provided to easily request notification authorization:




[JTProximitySDK.sharedInstance requestNotificationAuthorization];

Location Permission

As described here, user location permission requires the following keys to be added to the application Info.plist file:

<string>Location usage description</string>
<string>Location usage description</string>

A helper method is provided to easily request location authorization:


[JTProximitySDK.sharedInstance requestLocationAuthorization];




Initializating the SDK

Place the following code inside the UIApplicationDelegate of your application:


- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
    [JTProximitySDK.sharedInstance initWithLaunchOptions:launchOptions apiKey:@"YOUR_API_KEY" apiSecret:@"YOUR_API_SECRET"];
    // Other application logics


func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
    ProximitySDK.shared.initWithLaunchOptions(launchOptions, apiKey: "YOUR_API_KEY", apiSecret: "YOUR_API_SECRET")
    // Other application logics
    return true

iOS 13 Scenes

If your application make use of iOS 13 scenes, an additional requirement is to update the SDK windowSceneDelegate reference with the current active UIWindowSceneDelegate.

To do this you must add the following code to your current UIWindowSceneDelegate scene:willConnectToSession:options: :


import UIKit
import JTProximitySDK

class SceneDelegate: UIResponder, UIWindowSceneDelegate {

    var window: UIWindow?

    func scene(_ scene: UIScene, willConnectTo session: UISceneSession, options connectionOptions: UIScene.ConnectionOptions) {
        ProximitySDK.shared.windowSceneDelegate = self
        guard let _ = (scene as? UIWindowScene) else { return }

Handling Notifications

To enable the SDK to correctly send and manager advertising notifications, you must implement the following method in your UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate:


- (void)userNotificationCenter:(UNUserNotificationCenter *)center willPresentNotification:(UNNotification *)notification withCompletionHandler:(void (^)(UNNotificationPresentationOptions))completionHandler __IOS_AVAILABLE(10.0) {
    if ([JTProximitySDK.sharedInstance userNotificationCenter:center willPresentNotification:notification]) {
    // Other application logics

- (void)userNotificationCenter:(UNUserNotificationCenter *)center didReceiveNotificationResponse:(UNNotificationResponse *)response withCompletionHandler:(void (^)(void))completionHandler __IOS_AVAILABLE(10.0) {
    if ([JTProximitySDK.sharedInstance userNotificationCenter:center didReceiveNotificationResponse:response]) {
    // Other application logics


@available(iOS 10.0, *)
func userNotificationCenter(_ center: UNUserNotificationCenter, willPresent notification: UNNotification, withCompletionHandler completionHandler: @escaping (UNNotificationPresentationOptions) -> Void) {
    if ProximitySDK.shared.userNotificationCenter(center, willPresent: notification) {
        completionHandler([.alert, .badge, .sound])
    // Other application logics

@available(iOS 10.0, *)
func userNotificationCenter(_ center: UNUserNotificationCenter, didReceive response: UNNotificationResponse, withCompletionHandler completionHandler: @escaping () -> Void) {
    if ProximitySDK.shared.userNotificationCenter(center, didReceive: response) {
    // Other application logics

⚠️ Attention: Many third-party push notification libraries adopt the practice of replacing the default UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate entirely, or to swizzle the methods of the current delegate. In this case you will notice that the normal delegate methods are not called, and the Jointag Proximity SDK will not display or open proximity notifications.

Usually the libraries that have this kind of implementation offers alternative methods to receive the required events.

If this is your case, please read carefully the third-party library documentation to know how to implement the above methods via their library.

Advanced Configurations

Tracking User Identifiers

Advertising ID and Installation ID

The SDK associates each tracked request with the advertisingId. If the advertisingId is not available due to a user permission denial, the device can be identified by the installationId. The installationId is a randomly generated UUID created during the first initialization that hence identifies a specific installation of the SDK for that application. If the app containing the SDK is uninstalled and then installed again the installationId will be a different one. You can retrieve the installationId after the initialization of the SDK anywhere in your code with the following line:





External User ID

The externalUserId is an identifier you set to pair a unique user identifier of your choice with our installationId. Tipically this identifier must be set after a user has signed in to your application, and must be removed after the same user decides to sign out of you application.

You can choose any string of 255 characters or less as externalUserId.

Your externalUserId can be paired with multiple installationId, for example if the same user uses your app on multiple devices, or if the same user uninstalled and installed your app multiple times.

On the other hand, the same installationId can be associated with one and only one externalUserId, usually the last one sent.

For example, you can use the user record id of your database or your CRM, or the hash of an email address, or a third party platform identifier.

Use the setExternalUserId method to add your unique external user ids:


// Set
[JTProximitySDK.sharedInstance setExternalUserId: @"SOME ID"];
// Unset
[JTProximitySDK.sharedInstance setExternalUserId: nil];


// Set
ProximitySDK.shared.externalUserId = "SOME ID"
// Unset
ProximitySDK.shared.externalUserId = nil

Data Tags

Tags are custom key-value pairs of string, number, boolean or NSNull type, that can be sent to our server through the SDK methods and that allow you a more effective campaigns targeting, or to receive personalized analysis based on the characteristics of your users.

Tags can be set or unset (with a null value) using the following methods:


The sendTag method allow to set or unset a single tag at a time.

The method can be called multiple times. When sending different keys, its effects are cumulative. If the same key is used, the last value overwrites the previous ones.


[JTProximitySDK.sharedInstance sendTag: @"value" forKey: "key1"];
// -> { "key1" : "value" }
[JTProximitySDK.sharedInstance sendTag:@1 forKey:@"key2"];
// -> { "key1" : "value", "key2" : 1 }
[JTProximitySDK.sharedInstance sendTag:@YES forKey:@"key3"];
// -> { "key1" : "value", "key2" : 1, "key3" : true }
[JTProximitySDK.sharedInstance sendTag:@NO forKey:@"key3"];
// -> { "key1" : "value", "key2" : 1, "key3" : false }
[JTProximitySDK.sharedInstance sendTag:nil forKey:@"key2"];
// -> { "key1" : "value", "key3" : false }


ProximitySDK.shared.sendTag("value", for: "key1");
// -> { "key1" : "value" }
ProximitySDK.shared.sendTag(1, for: "key2");
// -> { "key1" : "value", "key2" : 1 }
ProximitySDK.shared.sendTag(true, for: "key3");
// -> { "key1" : "value", "key2" : 1, "key3" : true }
ProximitySDK.shared.sendTag(false, for: "key3");
// -> { "key1" : "value", "key2" : 1, "key3" : false }
ProximitySDK.shared.sendTag(null, for: "key2");
// -> { "key1" : "value", "key3" : false }


The sendTags method allow to set or unset a multiple tags at a time.

The method can be called multiple times. When sending different keys, its effects are cumulative. If the same key is used, the last value overwrites the previous ones.

Note: To send a null value using a Dictionary you must pass the value using a NSNull instance.


[JTProximitySDK.sharedInstance sendTags:@{
    @"key1" : "value",
    @"key2" : @1,
    @"key3" : @YES,
// -> { "key1" : "value", "key2" : 1, "key3" : true }
[JTProximitySDK.sharedInstance sendTags:@{
    @"key2" : [NSNull null],
    @"key3" : @NO,
// -> { "key1" : "value", "key3" : false }


    "key1" : "value",
    "key2" : 1,
    "key3" : true
// -> { "key1" : "value", "key2" : 1, "key3" : true }
    "key2" : NSNull(),
    "key3" : false
// -> { "key1" : "value", "key3" : false }

Programmatically Disable Advertising

It is possible to programmatically disable/enable the advertising delivery by setting the SDK's advertisingEnabled property to false. It is useful for example to disable the delivery of advertising for specific users of the application. In that case, simply change the property as soon as the user sign in or out of the application. The default value for the property is true.


// disable advertising delivery
[JTProximitySDK.sharedInstance setAdvertisingEnabled:NO];
// enable advertising delivery
[JTProximitySDK.sharedInstance setAdvertisingEnabled:YES];


// disable advertising delivery
ProximitySDK.shared.advertisingEnabled = false
// enable advertising delivery
ProximitySDK.shared.advertisingEnabled = true

Receive Custom Events

You can receive custom advertising events (if configured in the backend) to integrate application-specific features by using the customDelegate property of ProximitySDK instance.

When the application user interacts with a custom-action notification, the jtProximityDidReceiveCustomAction: method is invoked by passing a customAction NSString object.

User Consent and GDPR

As a publisher, you should implement a user consent flow either manually or using a Consent Management Platform (CMP) and request for vendor and purpose consents as outlined in IAB Europe’s Mobile In-App CMP API v2.0: Transparency & Consent Framework.

Enabling the Consent Flow support

To ensure that the SDK support the handling of user-consent preferences when a IAB-compatible CMP library is present, you must enable the feature through the ProximitySDK.setCmpEnabled: method, which is false by default.

⚠️ Attention: This method must be called before the library initWithLaunchOptions:apiKey:apiSecret: method to guarantee an error-free process.

Using Consent Management Platform

When configuring a third-party CMP to use with the Jointag Proximity SDK, the following requirements must be met:

  • In order to enable the delivery of advertising, a custom publisher purpose must be configured in the CMP, and it must be the first custom purpose.

Implementing a Custom Consent Flow

If you need to handle the user consent flow manually without the use of a IAB-compatible CMP library, or if the CMP you are using do not allow the customization of custom publisher purpose, it is possibile to do so by implementing an in-app consent screen and interacting with the SDK using the following methods:


// Retrieve or update the manual user profiling consent
[JTProximitySDK.sharedInstance getManualConsentForType:JTPManualConsentProfiling];
[JTProximitySDK.sharedInstance setManualConsent:YES forType:JTPManualConsentProfiling];

// Retrieve or update the manual user monitoring consent
[JTProximitySDK.sharedInstance getManualConsentForType:JTPManualConsentMonitoring];
[JTProximitySDK.sharedInstance setManualConsent:YES forType:JTPManualConsentMonitoring];

// Retrieve or update the manual user advertising consent
[JTProximitySDK.sharedInstance getManualConsentForType:JTPManualConsentAdvertising];
[JTProximitySDK.sharedInstance setManualConsent:YES forType:JTPManualConsentAdvertising];

// Retrieve or update the manual user advanced tracking consent
[JTProximitySDK.sharedInstance getManualConsentForType:JTPManualConsentAdvancedTracking];
[JTProximitySDK.sharedInstance setManualConsent:YES forType:JTPManualConsentAdvancedTracking];


// Retrieve or update the manual user profiling consent
ProximitySDK.shared.getManualConsent(for: .profiling);
ProximitySDK.shared.setManualConsent(true, for: .profiling);

// Retrieve or update the manual user monitoring consent
ProximitySDK.shared.getManualConsent(for: .monitoring);
ProximitySDK.shared.setManualConsent(true, for: .monitoring);

// Retrieve or update the manual user advertising consent
ProximitySDK.shared.getManualConsent(for: .advertising);
ProximitySDK.shared.setManualConsent(true, for: .advertising);

// Retrieve or update the manual user advanced tracking consent
ProximitySDK.shared.getManualConsent(for: .advancedTracking);
ProximitySDK.shared.setManualConsent(true, for: .advancedTracking);

⚠️ Attention: When the manual consent method is used in the presence of a CMP library, the choices made using the above methods take precedence over the choices made by the user in the CMP library screen.