Mermaid is a JavaScript utility to create beautiful diagrams from text. I have read about it before, but it had been parked on the check out - eventually list.
On February 14th. GitHub announced support for Mermaid in GitHub Markdown. I decided to check it out right away, so I went to the Mermaid website, I found the online editor- which is truly awesome and started thinking about what to diagram.
I am writing up some notes on chezmoi and decided to see if I could replicate the diagram from the chezmoi documentation.
All I can say it that you very very fast can get something that looks really good.
I ran into an issues with replicating the order of the elements. Luckily the Mermaid documentation is pretty good and adding participant
elements provided in the order I wanted.
You can compare the two versions:
And this is the Mermaid code:
participant $HOME
participant working copy
participant local repo
participant remote repo
$HOME->>local repo: chezmoi init
$HOME->>working copy: chezmoi add <file>
working copy->>working copy: chezmoi edit <file>
working copy-->>$HOME: chezmoi diff
working copy->>$HOME: chezmoi apply
$HOME-->>working copy: chezmoi cd
working copy->>local repo: git add
working copy->>local repo: git commit
local repo->>remote repo: git push
local repo-->>$HOME: exit
When fetching the version from chezmoi I found out it was also Mermaid well I just needed a reference diagram for my experiment.
But I ran into another problem. Mermaid is supported for Markdown on GitHub, which is marvelous, but it does not seem to be supported for pages, you can compare, these two versions:
I am investigating whether I can add Mermaid to the Pages rendering, but it requires that I can control the HTML, so I would prefer for GitHub to support this out of the box.