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You can find the prerequisites to release Apache Airflow in This document details the steps for releasing Helm Chart.

Prepare the Apache Airflow Helm Chart Release Candidate


Instructions for installing the pre-requisites are explained in the steps below.

Set environment variables

  • Set environment variables
# Set Version
export VERSION=1.0.1

# Set AIRFLOW_REPO_ROOT to the path of your git repo
export AIRFLOW_REPO_ROOT=$(pwd -P)

# Example after cloning
git clone airflow
cd airflow
export AIRFLOW_REPO_ROOT=$(pwd -P)

Setup k8s environment (mainly helm chart)

This will install Helm in the recent version and enter the environment where you can run helm commands and installs the necessary python dependencies (including towncrier in the k8s virtual environment).

breeze k8s setup-env
breeze k8s shell

Install the helm-gpg plugin, if you have not installed it already. This command will install the plugin using commit sha of version of the plugin that is known to work with latest openssl and reviewed by us.

helm plugin install --version 6303407eb63deaeb1b2f24de611e3468a27ec05b

You can also update/uninstall/list the plugin with other helm plugin commands. For more information, run:

helm plugin --help

Build Release Notes

Before creating the RC, you need to build and commit the release notes for the release:

Preview with:

towncrier build --draft --version=${VERSION} --date=2021-12-15 --dir chart --config chart/newsfragments/config.toml

Then remove the --draft flag to have towncrier build the release notes for real.

If no significant changes where added in this release, add the header and put "No significant changes.".

Add changelog annotations to Chart.yaml

Once the release notes have been built, run the script to generate the changelog annotations.


Verify the output looks right (only entries from this release), then put them in Chart.yaml, for example:

annotations: |
    - kind: added
      description: Add resources for `cleanup` and `createuser` jobs
        - name: "#19263"

Make sure that all the release notes changes are submitted as PR and merged. Changes in release notes should also automatically (via pre-commit trigger updating of the reproducible_build.yaml) file which is uses to reproducibly build the chart package and source tarball.

You can leave the k8s environment now:


Update minimum version of Kubernetes

The minimum version of Kubernetes should be updated according to in two places:

Build RC artifacts

The Release Candidate artifacts we vote upon should be the exact ones we vote against, without any modification than renaming – i.e. the contents of the files must be the same between voted release candidate and final release. Because of this the version in the built artifacts that will become the official Apache releases must not include the rcN suffix.

Make sure you have apache remote set up pointing to the apache git repo. If needed, add it with:

git remote add apache
git fetch apache
  • We currently release Helm Chart from main branch:
git checkout apache/main
  • Clean the checkout: (note that this step will also clean any IDE settings you might have so better to do it in a checked out version you only use for releasing)
git clean -fxd
rm -rf dist/*
  • Generate the source tarball:
breeze release-management prepare-helm-chart-tarball --version ${VERSION} --version-suffix ${VERSION_SUFFIX}
  • Generate the binary Helm Chart release:
breeze release-management prepare-helm-chart-package --sign-email

Warning: you need the helm gpg plugin to sign the chart (instructions to install it above)

This should generate two files:

  • dist/airflow-${VERSION}.tgz
  • dist/airflow-${VERSION}.tgz.prov

The second one is a provenance file as described in It can be used to verify integrity of the Helm chart.

  • Generate SHA512/ASC
pushd ${AIRFLOW_REPO_ROOT}/dist
${AIRFLOW_REPO_ROOT}/dev/ airflow-*.tgz airflow-*-source.tar.gz
  • Move the artifacts to ASF dev dist repo, Generate convenience index.yaml & Publish them

    # First clone the repo
    svn checkout airflow-dev
    # Create new folder for the release
    cd airflow-dev/helm-chart
    svn mkdir ${VERSION}${VERSION_SUFFIX}
    # Move the artifacts to svn folder
    mv ${AIRFLOW_REPO_ROOT}/dist/airflow-${VERSION}.tgz* ${VERSION}${VERSION_SUFFIX}/
    mv ${AIRFLOW_REPO_ROOT}/dist/airflow-chart-${VERSION}-source.tar.gz* ${VERSION}${VERSION_SUFFIX}/
    ###### Generate index.yaml file - Start
    # Download the latest index.yaml on Airflow Website
    curl --output index.yaml
    # Replace the URLs from "" to ""
    # as the only contains latest releases.
    sed -i 's|||' index.yaml
    # Generate / Merge the new version with existing index.yaml
    helm repo index --merge ./index.yaml . --url "${VERSION}${VERSION_SUFFIX}"
    ###### Generate index.yaml file - End
    # Commit the artifacts
    svn add *
    svn commit -m "Add artifacts for Helm Chart ${VERSION}${VERSION_SUFFIX}"
  • Remove old Helm Chart versions from the dev repo

    cd ..
    svn commit -m "Remove old Helm Chart release: ${PREVIOUS_VERSION_WITH_SUFFIX}"
  • Push Tag for the release candidate

    git push apache tag helm-chart/${VERSION}${VERSION_SUFFIX}

Prepare issue for testing status of rc

Create an issue for testing status of the RC (PREVIOUS_RELEASE should be the previous release version (for example 1.4.0).

cat <<EOF
Status of testing of Apache Airflow Helm Chart ${VERSION}${VERSION_SUFFIX}

Content is generated with:

breeze release-management generate-issue-content-helm-chart
--previous-release helm-chart/<PREVIOUS_RELEASE> --current-release helm-chart/${VERSION}${VERSION_SUFFIX}

Copy the URL of the issue.

Prepare Vote email on the Apache Airflow release candidate


cat <<EOF
[VOTE] Release Apache Airflow Helm Chart ${VERSION} based on ${VERSION}${VERSION_SUFFIX}
export VOTE_END_TIME=$(date --utc -d "now + 72 hours + 10 minutes" +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')
export TIME_DATE_URL="to?iso=$(date --utc -d "now + 72 hours + 10 minutes" +'%Y%m%dT%H%M')&p0=136&font=cursive"


cat <<EOF
Hello Apache Airflow Community,

This is a call for the vote to release Helm Chart version ${VERSION}.

The release candidate is available at:${VERSION}${VERSION_SUFFIX}/

airflow-chart-${VERSION}-source.tar.gz - is the "main source release" that comes with INSTALL instructions.
airflow-${VERSION}.tgz - is the binary Helm Chart release.

Public keys are available at:

For convenience "index.yaml" has been uploaded (though excluded from voting), so you can also run the below commands.

helm repo add apache-airflow-dev${VERSION}${VERSION_SUFFIX}/
helm repo update
helm install airflow apache-airflow-dev/airflow

airflow-${VERSION}.tgz.prov - is also uploaded for verifying Chart Integrity, though not strictly required for releasing the artifact based on ASF Guidelines.

$ helm gpg verify airflow-${VERSION}.tgz
gpg: Signature made Thu Jan  6 21:33:35 2022 MST
gpg:                using RSA key E1A1E984F55B8F280BD9CBA20BB7163892A2E48E
gpg: Good signature from "Jed Cunningham <>" [ultimate]
plugin: Chart SHA verified. sha256:b33eac716e0416a18af89fb4fa1043fcfcf24f9f903cda3912729815213525df

The vote will be open for at least 72 hours ($VOTE_END_TIME UTC) or until the necessary number of votes is reached.$TIME_DATE_URL

Please vote accordingly:

[ ] +1 approve
[ ] +0 no opinion
[ ] -1 disapprove with the reason

Only votes from PMC members are binding, but members of the community are
encouraged to test the release and vote with "(non-binding)".

Consider this my (binding) +1.

For license checks, the .rat-excludes files is included, so you can run the following to verify licenses (just update your path to rat):

tar -xvf airflow-chart-${VERSION}-source.tar.gz
cd airflow-chart-${VERSION}
java -jar apache-rat-0.13.jar chart -E .rat-excludes

Please note that the version number excludes the \`rcX\` string, so it's now
simply ${VERSION}. This will allow us to rename the artifact without modifying
the artifact checksums when we actually release it.

The status of testing the Helm Chart by the community is kept here:

<your name>

Note, you need to update the helm gpg verify output and verify the end of the voting period in the body.

Note, For RC2/3 you may refer to shorten vote period as agreed in mailing list thread.

Verify the release candidate by PMCs

The PMCs should verify the releases in order to make sure the release is following the Apache Legal Release Policy.

At least 3 (+1) votes should be recorded in accordance to Votes on Package Releases

The legal checks include:

  • checking if the packages are present in the right dist folder on svn
  • verifying if all the sources have correct licences
  • verifying if release manager signed the releases with the right key
  • verifying if all the checksums are valid for the release

SVN check

The files should be present in the sub-folder of Airflow dist

The following files should be present (7 files):

  • airflow-chart-${VERSION}-source.tar.gz + .asc + .sha512
  • airflow-{VERSION}.tgz + .asc + .sha512
  • airflow-{VERSION}.tgz.prov

As a PMC you should be able to clone the SVN repository:

svn co

Or update it if you already checked it out:

svn update .

While in the directory, save the path to the repository root:


Source tarball reproducibility check

The source tarball should be reproducible. This means that if you build it twice, you should get the same result. This is important for security reasons, as it ensures that the source code has not been tampered with.

  1. Go to airflow repository root (for example if you cloned it to ../airflow then cd ../airflow)
cd ../airflow
  1. Set the version of the release you are checking
  1. Check-out the branch from which the release was made and cleanup dist folder:
git checkout helm-chart/${VERSION}${VERSION_SUFFIX}
rm -rf dist/*
  1. Build the source tarball and package. Since you are not releasing the package, you should ignore version check and skip tagging. There is no need to specify version as it is stored in Chart.yaml of the rc tag.
breeze release-management prepare-helm-chart-tarball --version-suffix rc1 --ignore-version-check --skip-tagging
breeze release-management prepare-helm-chart-package
  1. Compare the produced tarball binary with ones in SVN:
diff ${AIRFLOW_REPO_ROOT}/dist/airflow-chart-${VERSION}-source.tar.gz ${SVN_REPO_ROOT}/dev/airflow/helm-chart/${VERSION}${VERSION_SUFFIX}/airflow-chart-${VERSION}-source.tar.gz
diff ${AIRFLOW_REPO_ROOT}/dist/airflow-${VERSION}.tgz ${SVN_REPO_ROOT}/dev/airflow/helm-chart/${VERSION}${VERSION_SUFFIX}/airflow-${VERSION}.tgz

There should be no differences reported. If you see "binary files differ" message, it means that the source tarball is not reproducible. This is not a blocker for the release, you can unpack the sources of the tarball and compare the two tarballs and check the differences for example with diff -R <DIR1> <DIR2>. It could be that our reproducible build script is not working correctly yet, and we need to fix it (so checking the differences would be helpful also to find out what is wrong).

Before proceeding next you want to go to the SVN directory

cd ${SVN_REPO_ROOT}/dev/airflow/helm-chart/${VERSION}${VERSION_SUFFIX}

Licence check

This can be done with the Apache RAT tool.

  • Download the latest jar from (unpack the binary, the jar is inside)
  • Unpack the release source archive (the <package + version>-source.tar.gz file) to a folder
  • Enter the sources folder run the check
java -jar ${PATH_TO_RAT}/apache-rat-0.13/apache-rat-0.13.jar chart -E .rat-excludes

where .rat-excludes is the file in the root of Chart source code.

Signature check

Make sure you have imported into your GPG the PGP key of the person signing the release. You can find the valid keys in KEYS.

You can import the whole KEYS file:

gpg --import KEYS

You can also import the keys individually from a keyserver. The below one uses Kaxil's key and retrieves it from the default GPG keyserver

gpg --keyserver --receive-keys CDE15C6E4D3A8EC4ECF4BA4B6674E08AD7DE406F

You should choose to import the key when asked.

Note that by being default, the OpenPGP server tends to be overloaded often and might respond with errors or timeouts. Many of the release managers also uploaded their keys to the keyserver, and you can retrieve it from there.

gpg --keyserver --receive-keys CDE15C6E4D3A8EC4ECF4BA4B6674E08AD7DE406F

Once you have the keys, the signatures can be verified by running this:

for i in *.asc
   echo -e "Checking $i\n"; gpg --verify $i

This should produce results similar to the below. The "Good signature from ..." is indication that the signatures are correct. Do not worry about the "not certified with a trusted signature" warning. Most of the certificates used by release managers are self-signed, and that's why you get this warning. By importing the key either from the server in the previous step or from the KEYS page, you know that this is a valid key already. To suppress the warning you may edit the key's trust level by running gpg --edit-key <key id> trust and entering 5 to assign trust level ultimate.

Checking airflow-1.0.0.tgz.asc
gpg: assuming signed data in 'airflow-1.0.0.tgz'
gpg: Signature made Sun 16 May 01:25:24 2021 BST
gpg:                using RSA key CDE15C6E4D3A8EC4ECF4BA4B6674E08AD7DE406F
gpg:                issuer ""
gpg: Good signature from "Kaxil Naik <>" [unknown]
gpg:                 aka "Kaxil Naik <>" [unknown]
gpg: WARNING: The key's User ID is not certified with a trusted signature!
gpg:          There is no indication that the signature belongs to the owner.
Primary key fingerprint: CDE1 5C6E 4D3A 8EC4 ECF4  BA4B 6674 E08A D7DE 406F

Checking airflow-chart-1.0.0-source.tar.gz.asc
gpg: assuming signed data in 'airflow-chart-1.0.0-source.tar.gz'
gpg: Signature made Sun 16 May 02:24:09 2021 BST
gpg:                using RSA key CDE15C6E4D3A8EC4ECF4BA4B6674E08AD7DE406F
gpg:                issuer ""
gpg: Good signature from "Kaxil Naik <>" [unknown]
gpg:                 aka "Kaxil Naik <>" [unknown]
gpg: WARNING: The key's User ID is not certified with a trusted signature!
gpg:          There is no indication that the signature belongs to the owner.
Primary key fingerprint: CDE1 5C6E 4D3A 8EC4 ECF4  BA4B 6674 E08A D7DE 406F

SHA512 sum check

Run this:

for i in *.sha512
    echo "Checking $i"; shasum -a 512 `basename $i .sha512 ` | diff - $i

You should get output similar to:

Checking airflow-1.0.0.tgz.sha512
Checking airflow-chart-1.0.0-source.tar.gz.sha512

Verify release candidates by Contributors

Contributors can run below commands to test the Helm Chart

helm repo add apache-airflow-dev
helm repo update
helm install airflow apache-airflow-dev/airflow

You can then perform any other verifications to check that it works as you expected by upgrading the Chart or installing by overriding default of values.yaml.

Publish the final release

Summarize the voting for the release

Once the vote has been passed, you will need to send a result vote to


[RESULT][VOTE] Release Apache Airflow Helm Chart 1.0.1 based on 1.0.1rc1


Hello all,

The vote to release Apache Airflow Helm Chart version 1.0.1 based on 1.0.1rc1 is now closed.

The vote PASSED with 4 binding "+1", 4 non-binding "+1" and 0 "-1" votes:

"+1" Binding votes:

  - Kaxil Naik
  - Jarek Potiuk
  - Ash Berlin-Taylor
  - Xiaodong Deng

"+1" Non-Binding votes:

  - Jed Cunningham
  - Ephraim Anierobi
  - Dennis Akpenyi
  - Ian Stanton

Vote thread:

I'll continue with the release process and the release announcement will follow shortly.

<your name>

Publish release to SVN

You need to migrate the RC artifacts that passed to this repository: (The migration should include renaming the files so that they no longer have the RC number in their filenames.)

The best way of doing this is to svn cp between the two repos (this avoids having to upload the binaries again, and gives a clearer history in the svn commit logs):

# First clone the repo
export VERSION=1.0.1
svn checkout airflow-release

# Create new folder for the release
cd airflow-release/helm-chart
svn mkdir ${VERSION}

# Move the artifacts to svn folder & commit (don't copy or copy & remove - index.yaml)
for f in ../../../airflow-dev/helm-chart/${VERSION}${VERSION_SUFFIX}/*; do svn cp $f ${$(basename $f)/}; done
svn rm index.yaml
svn commit -m "Release Airflow Helm Chart Check ${VERSION} from ${VERSION}${VERSION_SUFFIX}"

Verify that the packages appear in Airflow Helm Chart.

Publish release tag

Create and push the release tag:

git checkout helm-chart/${VERSION}${VERSION_SUFFIX}
git tag -s helm-chart/${VERSION} -m "Apache Airflow Helm Chart ${VERSION}"
git push apache helm-chart/${VERSION}

Publish documentation

In our cases, documentation for the released versions is published in a separate repository - apache/airflow-site, but the documentation source code and build tools are available in the apache/airflow repository, so you have to coordinate between the two repositories to be able to build the documentation.

  • First, copy the airflow-site repository, create branch, and set the environment variable AIRFLOW_SITE_DIRECTORY.

    git clone airflow-site
    cd airflow-site
    git checkout -b helm-${VERSION}-docs
    export AIRFLOW_SITE_DIRECTORY="$(pwd -P)"
  • Then you can go to the directory and build the necessary documentation packages

    git checkout helm-chart/${VERSION}
    breeze build-docs helm-chart --clean-build
  • Now you can preview the documentation.

  • Copy the documentation to the airflow-site repository.

    breeze release-management publish-docs helm-chart
  • Update index.yaml

    Regenerate index.yaml so it can be added to the Airflow website to allow: helm repo add

    breeze release-management add-back-references helm-chart
    curl${VERSION}${VERSION_SUFFIX}/index.yaml -o index.yaml
    cp ${AIRFLOW_SVN_RELEASE_HELM}/${VERSION}/airflow-${VERSION}.tgz .
    helm repo index --merge ./index.yaml . --url "${VERSION}"
    rm airflow-${VERSION}.tgz
    mv index.yaml landing-pages/site/static/index.yaml
  • Commit new docs, push, and open PR

    git add .
    git commit -m "Add documentation for Apache Airflow Helm Chart ${VERSION}"
    git push
    # and finally open a PR

Notify developers of release


cat <<EOF
[ANNOUNCE] Apache Airflow Helm Chart version ${VERSION} Released


cat <<EOF
Dear Airflow community,

I am pleased to announce that we have released Apache Airflow Helm chart ${VERSION} 🎉 🎊

The source release, as well as the "binary" Helm Chart release, are available:

📦   Official Sources:${VERSION}/installing-helm-chart-from-sources.html
📦   ArtifactHub:
📚   Docs:${VERSION}/
🚀   Quick Start Installation Guide:${VERSION}/quick-start.html
🛠️   Release Notes:${VERSION}/release_notes.html

Thanks to all the contributors who made this possible.

<your name>

Send the same email to, except change the opening line to Dear community,. It is more reliable to send it via the web ui at (press "c" to compose a new thread)

Send announcements about security issues fixed in the release

The release manager should review and mark as READY all the security issues fixed in the release. Such issues are marked as affecting < <JUST_RELEASED_VERSION> in the CVE management tool at Then the release manager should announced the issues via the tool.

Once announced, each of the issue should be linked with a 'reference' with tag 'vendor advisory' with the URL to the announcement published automatically by the CVE management tool. Note that the is moderated, and the link to the email thread will not be published immediately, that's why it is recommended to add the link to which takes usually few seconds to be published after the CVE tool sends them.

The ASF Security will be notified and will submit to the CVE project and will set the state to 'PUBLIC'.

Add release data to Apache Committee Report Helper

Add the release data (version and date) at:

Update Announcements page

Update "Announcements" page at the Official Airflow website

Create release on GitHub

Create a new release on GitHub with the release notes and assets from the release svn.

Close the milestone

Before closing the milestone on Github, make sure that all PR marked for it are either part of the release (was cherry picked) or postponed to the next release, then close the milestone. Create the next one if it hasn't been already (it probably has been). Update the new milestone in the Currently we are working on issue make sure to update the last updated timestamp as well.

Close the testing status issue

Don't forget to thank the folks who tested and close the issue tracking the testing status.

Update issue template with the new release

Updating issue templates in .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/airflow_helmchart_bug_report.yml with the new version

Announce the release on the community slack

Post this in the #announce channel:

cat <<EOF
We've just released Apache Airflow Helm Chart ${VERSION} 🎉

📦 ArtifactHub:
📚 Docs:${VERSION}/
🚀 Quick Start Installation Guide:${VERSION}/quick-start.html
🛠 Release Notes:${VERSION}/release_notes.html

Thanks to all the contributors who made this possible.

Announce about the release in social media

Announcement is done from official Apache-Airflow accounts.

Make sure attach the release image generated with Figma to the post. If you don't have access to the account ask PMC to post.

Tweet and post on Linkedin about the release:

cat <<EOF
We've just released Apache Airflow Helm chart ${VERSION} 🎉

📦 ArtifactHub:
📚 Docs:${VERSION}/
🛠️ Release Notes:${VERSION}/release_notes.html

Thanks to all the contributors who made this possible.

Bump chart version in Chart.yaml

Bump the chart version to the next version in chart/Chart.yaml in main.

Remove old releases

We should keep the old version a little longer than a day or at least until the updated index.yaml is published. This is to avoid errors for users who haven't run helm repo update.

It is probably ok if we leave last 2 versions on release svn repo too.

cd airflow-release/helm-chart
svn commit -m "Remove old Helm Chart release: ${PREVIOUS_VERSION}"