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File metadata and controls

54 lines (36 loc) · 2.15 KB


8.1 – 2024-07-15 (jools-r)

  • Textpattern v4.9 support
  • Fix for mysqli query error when adding new settings via the advanced settings pane (missing column defaults)
  • Plugin install and update routine to add column defaults if not already present.
  • Update deprecated jquery – hopefully fixes flaky field updates on save
  • Support for CSP-aware (nonced) inline and <script> blocks. Textpattern v4.9+ (when activated in config.php)</li> </ul> <h3>8.0.1 – 2021-06-30 (jools-r)</h3> <ul> <li>Silence deprecated magic_quotes error.</li> <li>Added Czech language (thanks milosberka).</li> <li>Updated textpack language codes.</li> </ul> <h3>8.0 – 2018-03-26 (jools-r)</h3> <ul> <li><strong>Note: for Textpattern version 4.7 only.</strong> No longer compatible with earlier versions of Textpattern.</li> <li>Write tab area classes and id updates to match Textpattern v4.7&#8217;s &#8216;Write&#8217; panel layout.</li> <li>Revised custom field handling to reflect new UI pattern, including migration of previous settings on installation.</li> <li>Revised &#8216;Write Tab Customize&#8217; panel using txp&#8217;s in-built UI functions.</li> <li>Compatibility with glz_custom_fields v2 (e.g. custom field titles).</li> <li>Translatable UI text (see Textpack).</li> <li>Error notices now use Txp&#8217;s own in-built messaging functions.</li> <li>Revised help.</li> </ul> <h3>7.5 – 2016-05-22</h3> <ul> <li>Further write tab area classes and id updates for Textpattern v4.6. (jools-r)</li> <li>Updated install routine to use Textpattern’s built-in functions (jools-r) for better <span class="caps">PHP</span> 7 compatibility.</li> </ul> <h3>7.4 – 2015-12-07</h3> <ul> <li><strong>Note: for Textpattern version 4.6 only.</strong> No longer compatible with earlier versions of Textpattern.</li> <li>Updated write tab area classes and id for Textpattern v4.6 (jools-r).</li> </ul> <h3>7.3 – 2014-06-14</h3> <ul> <li>Updated to address &#8220;Sorry, the form could not be submitted&#8221; error in 4.6 (by mrdale).</li> <li>Update bot_wtc extension panel to use new &#8220;hive&#8221; admin controls.</li> </ul> <h3>7.1</h3> <ul> <li>Fixed <a href="">issue with multi-select and checkboxes</a> custom fields.</li> <li>Fixed deprecated jquery.</li> <li>Changed &#8216;sections&#8217; field <a href="">from varchar to text</a>.</li> <li>Removed deprecated language attribute from &#8216;script&#8217; tag.</li> <li>Updated help.</li> <li>Cleaned up code.</li> </ul>