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722 lines (600 loc) · 32.4 KB


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722 lines (600 loc) · 32.4 KB


mkdir builddir && cd builddir
${srcdir}/configure --with-hwloc --with-mpi --with-blas=Intel10_64lp_seq --disable-debug --prefix=$PWD/install
make install
mpiexec -n 8 tests/testing_dpotrf -N 1000 -x -v

This example assumes you are using Intel MKL BLAS. Refer to Choosing a BLAS when using another BLAS library.

To compile DPLASMA on a new platform, you will need some of the software below. From 1 to 4 (included) they are mandatory. Everything else is optional, they provide nice features not critical to the normal usage of this software package.

  1. cmake version 3.12 or above. cmake can be found in the debian package cmake, or as sources at the CMake download page
  2. A version of the Basic Linear Algebra Subroutines (BLAS) with LAPACKE (or an external LAPACK/LAPACKE to completement your BLAS, see below)
  3. Any MPI library Open MPI, MPICH2, MVAPICH or any vendor blessed implementation.
  4. The PaRSEC Runtime
  5. Optional (but highly recommended): hwloc for processor and memory locality features in PaRSEC
  6. Optional: CUDA for Nvidia hardware acceleration

DPLASMA is a CMake built project. CMake has a comparable goal to configure, but it's subtly different. For one thing, CMake display the commands with colors, but this is not necessarily its most prominent feature.

CMake keeps everything it found hitherto in a cache file named CMakeCache.txt. Until you have successfully configured DPLASMA, remove the CMakeCache.txt file each time you run cmake.

Passing options to CMake can be confusing. For that reason we have designed the configure script that basically wraps around the invocation of cmake with a tested and trusted feel to it.

configure --prefix=$INSTALLDIR --with-mpi=$MPI_DIR --with-cuda --disable-debug

will produce a cmake command line that matches these options, and execute it.

You can review what cmake invocation has been produced by looking into config.log.

It also produces a config.status script that helps redo the last configure step, while config.status --recheck will also clean the CMake caches.

Not all options you can pass to PaRSEC exist as a --enable-xxx --with-yyy configure argument. You can pass environment variables to the produced cmake command as well as CMake defines (both will appear in the config.log) by using the following form:

configure CC=icc FC=ftn CXX=icpc -DPARSEC_EAGER_LIMIT=0

Platform files, found in contrib/platforms let us distribute recipes for well known systems that may be similar to a supercomputer near you. For example, the ibm.ac922.summit file is intended to compile on the eponyme Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility system.

configure --prefix=$INSTALL_DIR --with-platform=ibm.ac922.summit --disable-debug

This call should get you running in no time on that machine, and you may still customize and overide the platform file with command line arguments.

We also provide a macosx platform file that helps dealing with the detection of the Fortran compiler on this architecture.

Of course you may edit and produce your own platform files for your favorite computer. These are shell script that execute in the context of the main configure script. For example, our continuous integration system is named saturn, in that script you will find examples of how one sets some default options.


# BLAS: use MKL
[ -z "${MKLROOT}" ] || module load intel-mkl/2019.3.199/gcc-7.3.0-2pn4

# Slurm test options

As you can see, the platform file may contain commands, shell scripts, load environment modules, etc. Of note are the CMAKE_DEFINES and ENVVARS variables which control what -DX=Y options are appended , and A=B environment are prepended to the cmake invocation, respectively.

By default, DPLASMA will try to detect as system (or speficied in the PaRSEC_ROOT environment variable) automatically. If an installed PaRSEC is not found, DPLASMA will download an appropriate version of PaRSEC from and setup a git submodule. This Submodule PaRSEC will be configured and built at the same time as DPLASMA. Passing --without-parsec to configure will force using the submodule PaRSEC instead of looking for an installed version.

Conversely, you can prevent loading the Submodule PaRSEC by setting --with-parsec. You can select a particular externally installed PaRSEC by setting the configure option --with-parsec=$PARSEC_INSTALL_DIRECTORY.

Note that many of the configure options apply only to the submodule PaRSEC and have no effect when you are using an external PaRSEC. Setting these will result in a warning by CMake that some variables have been defined but unused.

On some system, the build machine cannot execute the code produced for compute nodes. An example is the ANL Theta system, a Cray XC40 with Xeon Phi nodes and Haswell build frontends.

Cross compiling is heavily reliant on the platform file feature. For example, on the Theta system, one can cross compile by simply calling

configure --with-platform=cray.xc40.theta

In this case, the configuration stage will also include a build stage to produce some of the utilities needed to compile PaRSEC. After the configure state has completed, you will find in your build directory a subdirectory named native that contains profiling and devellopper tools that can be used on the frontend system.

After the configure step has completed, the build step is carried out as usual by simply using make.

If you face a new system where you need to cross compile, a good start is to copy the contrib/platforms/cray.xc40.theta file, and customize it according to your needs.

Note that you will most probably need to produce your own toolchain CMake cross-compilation file. More information can be found about them on the cmake-toolchain web page.

Of course, you can always directly invoke cmake. You can take inspiration from the command produced from the configure script, or you can look at the obsolete contrib/platforms/legacy/

rm -f CMakeCache.txt
cmake . -G 'Unix Makefiles' -DPARSEC_DIST_WITH_MPI=ON

contrib/platforms/legacy also contains shell scripts that we used to configure on older systems. is for, you got it, XT5, etc. If your system is similar to one of these old systems, we advise you to start from a modern platform file and tweak from there by importing the content of the old scripts. Unlike modern platform files, legacy scripts are shell scripts that can be executed directly from desired build directory (VPATH or not).

Hopefully, once the expected arguments are provided the output will look similar to

### This program was invoked with the following command line
    ../dplasma/configure  --with-platform=ibm.ac922.summit --enable-debug=noisier\,paranoid
# Platform ibm.ac922.summit
# This file is for a compilation on OLCF Summit.
#   configure --with-platform=ibm.ac922.summit ...
# Set preferences and dependencies for the
# ibm.ac922.summit system executables and libs
#   CC=mpicc CXX=mpiCC FC=mpif90

The following have been reloaded with a version change:
  1) cmake/3.14.2 => cmake/3.15.2

### CMake generated invocation
     LAPACKE_ROOT=/ccs/home/bouteilla/parsec/dplasma/lapack CC=mpicc CXX=mpicxx FC=mpif90 CFLAGS='' LDFLAGS='' /autofs/nccs-svm1_sw/summit/.swci/0-core/opt/spack/20180914/linux-rhel7-ppc64le/gcc-4.8.5/cmake-3.15.2-xit2o3iepxvqbyku77lwcugufilztu7t/bin/cmake -G 'Unix Makefiles' /ccs/home/bouteilla/parsec/summit.debug.dplasma/../dplasma  -DBLAS_LIBRARIES='/sw/summit/essl/6.2.0-20190419/essl/6.2/lib64/' -DBLA_VENDOR=IBMESSL -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DPARSEC_DEBUG_PARANOID=ON -DPARSEC_DEBUG_NOISIER=ON -DPARSEC_GPU_WITH_CUDA=ON
Removing Cmake Cache...
-- The C compiler identification is XLClang
-- Check for working C compiler: /autofs/nccs-svm1_sw/summit/.swci/1-compute/opt/spack/20180914/linux-rhel7-ppc64le/xl-16.1.1-3/spectrum-mpi-
-- Check for working C compiler: /autofs/nccs-svm1_sw/summit/.swci/1-compute/opt/spack/20180914/linux-rhel7-ppc64le/xl-16.1.1-3/spectrum-mpi- -- works
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
-- Detecting C compile features
-- Detecting C compile features - done
-- The Fortran compiler identification is XL 16.1.1
-- Check for working Fortran compiler: /autofs/nccs-svm1_sw/summit/.swci/1-compute/opt/spack/20180914/linux-rhel7-ppc64le/xl-16.1.1-3/spectrum-mpi-
-- Check for working Fortran compiler: /autofs/nccs-svm1_sw/summit/.swci/1-compute/opt/spack/20180914/linux-rhel7-ppc64le/xl-16.1.1-3/spectrum-mpi-  -- works
-- Detecting Fortran compiler ABI info
-- Detecting Fortran compiler ABI info - done
-- Checking whether /autofs/nccs-svm1_sw/summit/.swci/1-compute/opt/spack/20180914/linux-rhel7-ppc64le/xl-16.1.1-3/spectrum-mpi- supports Fortran 90
-- Checking whether /autofs/nccs-svm1_sw/summit/.swci/1-compute/opt/spack/20180914/linux-rhel7-ppc64le/xl-16.1.1-3/spectrum-mpi- supports Fortran 90 -- yes
-- Detecting Fortran/C Interface
-- Detecting Fortran/C Interface - Found GLOBAL and MODULE mangling
-- Found BLAS: /sw/summit/essl/6.2.0-20190419/essl/6.2/lib64/
-- Looking for zgemm
-- Looking for zgemm - found
-- Looking for Fortran zgeqrf
-- Looking for Fortran zgeqrf - found
-- Performing Test BLAS_HAS_CBLAS
-- Performing Test BLAS_HAS_CBLAS - Success
-- Performing Test BLAS_HAS_LAPACKE
-- Performing Test BLAS_HAS_LAPACKE - Success
-- Found LAPACKE: /sw/summit/essl/6.2.0-20190419/essl/6.2/lib64/  found components:  BLAS CBLAS LAPACK LAPACKE
-- Found LAPACKE and defined the following imported targets:
--       + include:      /sw/summit/essl/6.2.0-20190419/essl/6.2/include;/ccs/home/bouteilla/parsec/dplasma/lapack/LAPACKE/include
--       + library:      /sw/summit/essl/6.2.0-20190419/essl/6.2/lib64/
--       + dependencies: /ccs/home/bouteilla/parsec/dplasma/lapack/liblapacke.a;
--       + include:      /sw/summit/essl/6.2.0-20190419/essl/6.2/include;/ccs/home/bouteilla/parsec/dplasma/lapack/LAPACKE/include
--       + library:      /sw/summit/essl/6.2.0-20190419/essl/6.2/lib64/
--       + dependencies: /ccs/home/bouteilla/parsec/dplasma/lapack/liblapack.a;
--       + include:      /sw/summit/essl/6.2.0-20190419/essl/6.2/include;/ccs/home/bouteilla/parsec/dplasma/lapack/LAPACKE/include
--       + library:      /sw/summit/essl/6.2.0-20190419/essl/6.2/lib64/
--       + dependencies:
--       + include:      /sw/summit/essl/6.2.0-20190419/essl/6.2/include;/ccs/home/bouteilla/parsec/dplasma/lapack/LAPACKE/include
--       + library:      /sw/summit/essl/6.2.0-20190419/essl/6.2/lib64/
--       + dependencies: /sw/summit/essl/6.2.0-20190419/essl/6.2/lib64/;
-- Looking for timersub
-- Looking for timersub - found
-- Looking for asprintf
-- Looking for asprintf - not found
-- Looking for asprintf
-- Looking for asprintf - found
-- Found PythonInterp: /usr/bin/python (found version "2.7.5")
-- ########################################################################
-- #             Configuring internal submodule PaRSEC runtime!
-- The CXX compiler identification is XLClang
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /autofs/nccs-svm1_sw/summit/.swci/1-compute/opt/spack/20180914/linux-rhel7-ppc64le/xl-16.1.1-3/spectrum-mpi-
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /autofs/nccs-svm1_sw/summit/.swci/1-compute/opt/spack/20180914/linux-rhel7-ppc64le/xl-16.1.1-3/spectrum-mpi- -- works
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
-- Detecting CXX compile features
-- Detecting CXX compile features - done
-- Found BISON: /usr/bin/bison (found version "3.0.4")
-- Found FLEX: /usr/bin/flex (found version "2.5.37")
-- Building for target ppc64le
-- Found target for PPC
-- Performing Test C_M32or64
-- Performing Test C_M32or64 - Success
-- Performing Test PARSEC_HAVE_STD_C1x
-- Performing Test PARSEC_HAVE_STD_C1x - Success
-- Performing Test PARSEC_HAVE_STD_C99
-- Performing Test PARSEC_HAVE_STD_C99 - Success
-- Performing Test PARSEC_HAVE_WD
-- Performing Test PARSEC_HAVE_WD - Failed
-- Performing Test PARSEC_HAVE_G3
-- Performing Test PARSEC_HAVE_G3 - Success
-- Looking for sys/types.h
-- Looking for sys/types.h - found
-- Looking for stdint.h
-- Looking for stdint.h - found
-- Looking for stddef.h
-- Looking for stddef.h - found
-- Check size of __int128_t
-- Check size of __int128_t - done
-- Performing Test PARSEC_COMPILER_C11_COMPLIANT - Failed
-- Performing Test PARSEC_ATOMIC_USE_GCC_32_BUILTINS - Success
-- Performing Test PARSEC_ATOMIC_USE_GCC_64_BUILTINS - Success
-- Performing Test PARSEC_ATOMIC_USE_GCC_128_BUILTINS - Failed
-- Performing Test PARSEC_ATOMIC_USE_GCC_128_BUILTINS - Failed
-- Performing Test PARSEC_ATOMIC_USE_XLC_32_BUILTINS - Success
-- Performing Test PARSEC_ATOMIC_USE_XLC_64_BUILTINS - Success
-- Performing Test PARSEC_ATOMIC_USE_XLC_LLSC_32_BUILTINS - Success
-- Performing Test PARSEC_ATOMIC_USE_XLC_LLSC_64_BUILTINS - Success
-- Performing Test PARSEC_ATOMIC_USE_SUN_32
-- Performing Test PARSEC_ATOMIC_USE_SUN_32 - Failed
--       support for 32 bits atomics - found
--       support for 64 bits atomics - found
--       support for XL LL/SC atomics - found
-- Looking for pthread.h
-- Looking for pthread.h - found
-- Performing Test CMAKE_HAVE_LIBC_PTHREAD - Success
-- Found Threads: TRUE
-- Looking for pthread_getspecific
-- Looking for pthread_getspecific - found
-- Looking for pthread_barrier_init
-- Looking for pthread_barrier_init - found
-- Looking for sched_setaffinity
-- Looking for sched_setaffinity - found
-- Performing Test PARSEC_HAVE_TIMESPEC_TV_NSEC - Success
-- Looking for clock_gettime in c
-- Looking for clock_gettime in c - found
-- Looking for include file stdarg.h
-- Looking for include file stdarg.h - found
-- Performing Test PARSEC_HAVE_VA_COPY
-- Performing Test PARSEC_HAVE_VA_COPY - Success
-- Performing Test PARSEC_HAVE_THREAD_LOCAL - Success
-- Looking for asprintf
-- Looking for asprintf - found
-- Looking for vasprintf
-- Looking for vasprintf - found
-- Looking for include file unistd.h
-- Looking for include file unistd.h - found
-- Looking for include file getopt.h
-- Looking for include file getopt.h - found
-- Looking for getopt_long
-- Looking for getopt_long - found
-- Looking for include file errno.h
-- Looking for include file errno.h - found
-- Looking for include file stddef.h
-- Looking for include file stddef.h - found
-- Looking for include file stdbool.h
-- Looking for include file stdbool.h - found
-- Looking for include file ctype.h
-- Looking for include file ctype.h - found
-- Performing Test PARSEC_HAVE_BUILTIN_CPU - Failed
-- Looking for getrusage
-- Looking for getrusage - found
-- Looking for RUSAGE_THREAD
-- Looking for RUSAGE_THREAD - not found
-- Looking for RUSAGE_THREAD
-- Looking for RUSAGE_THREAD - found
-- Looking for include file limits.h
-- Looking for include file limits.h - found
-- Looking for include file string.h
-- Looking for include file string.h - found
-- Looking for include file libgen.h
-- Looking for include file libgen.h - found
-- Looking for include file complex.h
-- Looking for include file complex.h - found
-- Looking for include file sys/param.h
-- Looking for include file sys/param.h - found
-- Looking for include file sys/types.h
-- Looking for include file sys/types.h - found
-- Looking for include file syslog.h
-- Looking for include file syslog.h - found
-- Performing Test PARSEC_HAVE_BUILTIN_EXPECT - Success
-- Found HWLOC: /usr/lib64/
-- Performing Test PARSEC_HAVE_HWLOC_PARENT_MEMBER - Success
-- Performing Test PARSEC_HAVE_HWLOC_CACHE_ATTR - Success
-- Performing Test PARSEC_HAVE_HWLOC_OBJ_PU - Success
-- Looking for hwloc_bitmap_free in /usr/lib64/
-- Looking for hwloc_bitmap_free in /usr/lib64/ - found
-- Performing Test CC_CONTAINS_MPI
-- Performing Test CC_CONTAINS_MPI - Success
-- Looking for MPI_Type_create_resized
-- Looking for MPI_Type_create_resized - found
-- Performing Test PARSEC_HAVE_MPI_OVERTAKE - Success
-- Found CUDA: /sw/summit/cuda/10.1.168 (found version "10.1")
-- Found CUDA 10.1 in /sw/summit/cuda/10.1.168
-- Looking for cudaDeviceCanAccessPeer
-- Looking for cudaDeviceCanAccessPeer - found
-- Add -q64 and -nofor_main to the Fortran linker.
CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER full path: /autofs/nccs-svm1_sw/summit/.swci/1-compute/opt/spack/20180914/linux-rhel7-ppc64le/xl-16.1.1-3/spectrum-mpi-
Fortran compiler: mpif90
No optimized Fortran compiler flags are known, we just try -O2...
-- Checking for module 'libgvc'
--   No package 'libgvc' found
-- Could NOT find Cython (missing: CYTHON_EXECUTABLE) (Required is at least version "0.21.2")
-- Looking for shm_open
-- Looking for shm_open - not found
-- Looking for shm_open in rt
-- Looking for shm_open in rt - found
-- PARSEC Modular Component Architecture (MCA) discovery:
-- -- Found Component `pins'
-- Module alperf not selectable: PARSEC_PROF_TRACE disabled.
-- ---- Module `iterators_checker' is ON
-- Module papi not selectable: PARSEC_PROF_TRACE disabled.
-- ---- Module `print_steals' is ON
-- ---- Module `ptg_to_dtd' is ON
-- Module task_profiler not selectable: PARSEC_PROF_TRACE disabled.
-- Component pins sources: mca/pins/pins.c;mca/pins/pins_init.c
-- -- Found Component `sched'
-- ---- Module `ap' is ON
-- ---- Module `gd' is ON
-- ---- Module `ip' is ON
-- ---- Module `lfq' is ON
-- ---- Module `lhq' is ON
-- ---- Module `ll' is ON
-- ---- Module `ltq' is ON
-- ---- Module `pbq' is ON
-- ---- Module `rnd' is ON
-- ---- Module `spq' is ON
-- Component sched sources:
-- PARSEC Modular Component Architecture (MCA) discovery done.
-- Looking for PARSEC_ATOMIC_HAS_ATOMIC_CAS_INT128 - not found
-- Check size of ((parsec_lifo_t*)0)->lifo_head
-- Check size of ((parsec_lifo_t*)0)->lifo_head - done
-- Internal PaRSEC does not use CAS on int128_t. Keeping parsec_options.h unchanged

Configuration flags:
  CMAKE_C_FLAGS          =  -q64 -qlanglvl=extc99
  CMAKE_C_LDFLAGS        =  -q64
  EXTRA_LIBS             = /usr/lib64/

-- #             Configuring internal submodule PaRSEC runtime: DONE!
-- ########################################################################
-- CUDA support for DPLASMA enabled
-- Looking for include file complex.h
-- Looking for include file complex.h - found
-- Generate precision dependencies in /ccs/home/bouteilla/parsec/dplasma/include        generated_headers
-- Generate precision dependencies in /ccs/home/bouteilla/parsec/dplasma/cores  generated_headers
-- Generate precision dependencies in /ccs/home/bouteilla/parsec/dplasma/cores  generated_files
-- Generate precision dependencies in /ccs/home/bouteilla/parsec/dplasma/cores  all_precisions_files
-- Generate precision dependencies in /ccs/home/bouteilla/parsec/dplasma/cores  cplx_files
-- Generate precision dependencies in /ccs/home/bouteilla/parsec/dplasma/cores  generated_cuda_files
-- Generate precision dependencies in /ccs/home/bouteilla/parsec/dplasma/lib    generated_jdf
-- Generate precision dependencies in /ccs/home/bouteilla/parsec/dplasma/lib    generated_wrappers
-- Generate precision dependencies in /ccs/home/bouteilla/parsec/dplasma/tests  generated_testings
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /ccs/home/bouteilla/parsec/summit.debug.dplasma

If this is done, congratulations, DPLASMA is configured and you're ready for building and testing the system.

In the unlikely case something goes wrong, read carefully the error message. We spend a significant amount of time trying to output something meaningful for you and for us (in case you need help to debug/understand). If the output is not helpful enough to fix the problem, you should contact us via the PaRSEC user mailing list and provide the CMake command and the flags, the output as well as the files CMakeFiles/CMakeError.log and CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log.

We use quite a few packages that are optional, don't panic if they are not found during the configuration. However, some of them are critical for increasing the performance (such as HWLOC).

Check that you have a working MPI somewhere accessible (mpicc and mpirun should be in your PATH, except on Cray systems where you should use the cc wrapper).

If you have strange behavior, check that you have a success line for one of the possible atomic backends that make sense for your local environment (i.e., C11 or GNU atomics depending on GCC versions, XLC on BlueGene machines, etc.). If not, the atomic operations will not work, and that is damageable for the good operation of PaRSEC. Note how in the shown configuration below, it takes several attempts to get the right flags to use 128 bits atomic operations, but in the end all looks good here.

-- Found target X86_64
-- Performing Test PARSEC_ATOMIC_USE_C11_128
-- Performing Test PARSEC_ATOMIC_USE_C11_128 - Failed
-- Performing Test PARSEC_ATOMIC_USE_C11_128
-- Performing Test PARSEC_ATOMIC_USE_C11_128 - Failed
-- Performing Test PARSEC_ATOMIC_USE_C11_128
-- Performing Test PARSEC_ATOMIC_USE_C11_128 - Success
--       support for 32 bits atomics - found
--       support for 64 bits atomics - found
--       support for 128 bits atomics - found

CMake behavior can be modified from what your environment variables contain. For example environment modules, a popular way to load software on Cray, DOE and NERSC supercomputers, can set many variables that will change the outcome of the CMake configuration stage.

to choose your C compiler
to change your C compilation flags
to change your C linking flags
to choose your Fortran compiler
CMake FindXXX will try this directory as a priority
CMake FindXXX will include this directory in the search

When the configuration is successful, you can tune it using ccmake:

(notice the double c of ccmake). This is an interactive tool, that lets you choose the compilation parameters. Navigate with the arrows to the parameter you want to change and hit enter to edit. Remember that any changes will be lost when you invoke again a configure script.

Notable parameters are:

BLA_VENDOR                      ALL (Typically you want either Intel10_64lp_seq, IBMESSL, or OpenBLAS)

Available in submodule PaRSEC builds only:

PARSEC_DEBUG                    OFF (and all other PARSEC_DEBUG options)
PARSEC_PROF_*                   OFF (all PARSEC_PROF_ flags off)

Using the expert mode (key 't' to toggle to expert mode), you can change other useful options, like:


And others to change the path to some compilers, for example. The CMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE option, when turned ON, will display the command run when compiling, which can help debugging configuration mistakes. When you have set all the options you want in ccmake, type 'c' to configure again, and 'g' to generate the files. If you entered wrong values in some fields, ccmake will complain at 'c' time.

DPLASMA needs to have access to a BLAS implementation and LAPACKE (+TMG) interface. It is recommended that you use a vendor supplied BLAS (e.g., Intel MKL, IBM ESSL, OpenBLAS, etc.) rather than a generic option. Using the reference BLAS (or, to a lesser extent, ATLAS) often result in poor performance.

In order to control which BLAS will be selected, you can either

  1. Pass the --with-blas=xxx to the configure script (see above)
  2. Set the BLA_VENDOR CMake variable (-DBLA_VENDOR=xxx)

Typical values for these options are Intel10_64lp_seq (Intel MKL), IBMESSL, OpenBLAS, etc. You can refer to the CMake FindBLAS documentation to discover more options.

LAPACKE lets C programs call Fortran LAPACK functions. Fortunately, many modern BLAS vendors (e.g., MKL, OpenBLAS) provide a full LAPACKE stack (including CBLAS). In this case, just providing a BLAS is sufficient.

However, some vendors provide only a subset of LAPACK/LAPACKE (e.g., ESSL). In this case, it is still recommended that you use the vendor BLAS, but you will need to complement the missing features with the reference LAPACK/LAPACKE library.


In general, DPLASMA operates faster when using a serial BLAS, letting PaRSEC manage parallelism. This setup can be achieved by linking with a serial version of the BLAS library (Intel10_64lp_seq rather than Intel10_64lp), or alternatively, by disabling the OpenMP based BLAS-internal parallelism found in many BLAS by setting the environment variable export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 at runtime.

Still, some architectures may benefit greatly from using an OpenMP BLAS, notably, Intel KNC Phi accelerators on which OpenMP parallelism should be set to the number of hardware threads per core. If you have an unusual architecture, experiment for yourself!

If the configuration was good, compilation should be as simple and fancy as make. To debug issues, use make VERBOSE=1 or turn the CMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE option to ON using ccmake. Check your compilation lines, and adapt your configuration options accordingly.

Some DOE sites are exploring the use of Spack to install software. You can integrate PaRSEC in a Spack environment by using the provided configurations in contrib/spack. See the Readme there for more details.

The dplasma library is compiled into dplasma/lib. All testing programs are compiled in dplasma/tests. Examples are:

LU Factorization (simple or double precision)
QR Factorization (simple or double precision)
Cholesky Factorization (simple or double precision)

All the binaries should accept as input:

-c <n> the number of threads used for kernel execution on each node. This should be set to the number of cores. Remember that one additional thread will be spawned to handle the communications in the MPI version.
-N SIZE a mandatory argument to define the size of the matrix
-g <number of GPUs>
 number of GPUs to use, if the operation is GPU-enabled
-t <blocksize> columns in a tile
-T <blocksize> rows in a tile, (WARNING: most algorithm included in DPLASMA requires square tiles)
-p <number of rows>
 to require a 2-D block cyclic distribution of p rows
-q <number of columns>
 to require a 2D block cyclic distribution of q columns

A typical dplasma run using MPI looks like

mpiexec -np 8 ./testing_spotrf -c 8 -g 0 -p 4 -q 2 -t 120 -T 120 -N 1000

This invocation run a Cholesky factorization on 8 nodes, 8 computing threads per node, nodes being arranged in a 4x2 grid, with a distributed generation of the matrix of size 1000x1000 floats, with tiles of size 120x120. Each test can dump the list of options with -h. Some tests have specific options (like -I to tune the inner block size in QR and LU, and -M in LU or QR to have non-square matrices).

In addition to the parameters usually accepted by DPLASMA (see mpirun -np 1 ./testing_dpotrf --help for a full list), the PaRSEC runtime engine can be tuned through its MCA. MCA parameters can be passed to the runtime engine after the DPLASMA arguments, by separating the DPLASMA arguments from the PaRSEC arguments with -- (e.g. mpirun -np 8 ./testing_dpotrf -c 8 -N 1000 -- --mca mca_sched ap would tell DPLASMA to use 8 cores, and PaRSEC to use the AP (Absolute Priority) scheduling heuristic). A complete list of MCA parameters can be found by passing --help to the PaRSEC runtime engine (e.g. mpirun -np 1 ./testing_dpotrf -c 1 -N 100 -- --help).

-- Happy hacking,

The DPLASMA team.