Zhi-Yi Chin, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
In this lab, we will need to understand and implement simple neural networks with forwarding pass and backward propagation using only two hidden layers. The simple neural network we are going to implement is a feedforward neural network.
Setup (with Anaconda)
Install dependencies: conda env create -f environment.yml
Activate environment: conda activate backprop
- Linear data:
- XOR data:
- Linear case:
- XOR case:
python main.py [-h] [--task TASK] [--lr LR] [--hidden-size HIDDEN_SIZE] [--load LOAD]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--task TASK which kind of data to process: [linear, xor]
--lr LR learning rate
--hidden-size HIDDEN_SIZE
two hidden layer neuron numbers (layer1,layer2)
--load LOAD if testing weight is loading from file
python main.py --task xor --lr 0.1 --hidden-size (512,32) --load False