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File metadata and controls

342 lines (223 loc) · 7.19 KB

Top 100 Linux Commands

File and Directory Management

  1. ls - List directory contents
    $ ls -l
  2. cd - Change directory
    $ cd /home/user/documents
  3. pwd - Print current directory
    $ pwd
  4. mkdir - Create directories
    $ mkdir new_folder
  5. rmdir - Remove empty directories
    $ rmdir empty_folder
  6. rm - Remove files or directories
    $ rm file.txt
  7. cp - Copy files or directories
    $ cp source.txt destination.txt
  8. mv - Move or rename files or directories
    $ mv oldname.txt newname.txt
  9. touch - Create empty file or update timestamp
    $ touch newfile.txt
  10. find - Search for files in a directory hierarchy
    $ find /home -name '*.txt'
  11. locate - Find files by name
    $ locate filename.txt
  12. cat - Concatenate and display file content
    $ cat file.txt
  13. less - View file content, allowing navigation
    $ less file.txt
  14. head - Display the first part of a file
    $ head -n 10 file.txt
  15. tail - Display the last part of a file
    $ tail -n 10 file.txt
  16. du - Estimate file space usage
    $ du -sh /home/user/
  17. df - Report filesystem disk space usage
    $ df -h
  18. chmod - Change file permissions
    $ chmod 755 file.txt
  19. chown - Change file owner and group
    $ chown user:group file.txt
  20. ln - Create symbolic and hard links
    $ ln -s /path/to/file symlink_name

File Viewing and Editing

  1. nano - Simple text editor
    $ nano file.txt
  2. vim - Advanced text editor
    $ vim file.txt
  3. grep - Search for patterns within files
    $ grep 'pattern' file.txt
  4. awk - Pattern scanning and text processing
    $ awk '{print $1}' file.txt
  5. sed - Stream editor for filtering and transforming text
    $ sed 's/old/new/g' file.txt
  6. diff - Compare two files line by line
    $ diff file1.txt file2.txt
  7. sort - Sort lines of text files
    $ sort file.txt
  8. uniq - Report or omit repeated lines
    $ uniq file.txt
  9. wc - Count lines, words, and characters in a file
    $ wc -l file.txt
  10. cut - Remove sections from each line of files
    $ cut -d':' -f1 /etc/passwd

System Information and Monitoring

  1. uname - Print system information
    $ uname -a
  2. top - Display running processes
    $ top
  3. htop - Interactive process viewer
    $ htop
  4. ps - Report process status
    $ ps aux
  5. free - Display memory usage
    $ free -h
  6. uptime - Show system uptime
    $ uptime
  7. who - Show who is logged in
    $ who
  8. whoami - Print effective user ID
    $ whoami
  9. id - Print user and group information
    $ id
  10. hostname - Show or set the system's hostname
    $ hostname
  11. df -h - Show disk space usage in human-readable format
    $ df -h
  12. du -sh - Summarize the size of a directory
    $ du -sh /home/user
  13. uname -r - Display kernel version
    $ uname -r
  14. dmesg - Print or control the kernel ring buffer
    $ dmesg
  15. lscpu - Display CPU architecture info
    $ lscpu
  16. lsblk - List information about block devices
    $ lsblk
  17. lsusb - List USB devices
    $ lsusb
  18. lspci - List PCI devices
    $ lspci
  19. iostat - Report CPU and I/O statistics
    $ iostat
  20. vmstat - Report virtual memory statistics
    $ vmstat

Network Commands

  1. ping - Test network connectivity
    $ ping
  2. curl - Transfer data to/from a server
    $ curl
  3. wget - Non-interactive network downloader
    $ wget
  4. ifconfig - Configure network interfaces
    $ ifconfig
  5. ip - Show/manipulate routing, devices, policy routing, and tunnels
    $ ip a
  6. netstat - Print network connections, routing tables, interface statistics
    $ netstat -tuln
  7. ss - Dump socket statistics
    $ ss -tuln
  8. nslookup - Query DNS for domain names or IP addresses
    $ nslookup
  9. traceroute - Trace the route to a network host
    $ traceroute
  10. dig - DNS lookup utility
    $ dig
  11. ssh - Secure Shell for remote login
    $ ssh user@hostname
  12. scp - Secure copy files between hosts
    $ scp file.txt user@remote:/path
  13. rsync - Remote file and directory synchronization
    $ rsync -av /source/ /destination/
  14. nmap - Network exploration tool and security scanner
    $ nmap -sP

User and Permission Management

  1. adduser - Add a user to the system
    $ sudo adduser username
  2. deluser - Remove a user from the system
    $ sudo deluser username
  3. passwd - Update a user’s password
    $ passwd username
  4. su - Substitute user identity
    $ su - username
  5. sudo - Execute a command as another user
    $ sudo command
  6. groups - Show user groups
    $ groups username
  7. usermod - Modify a user account
    $ sudo usermod -aG group username
  8. chown - Change file owner and group
    $ chown user:group file.txt
  9. chmod - Change file access permissions
    $ chmod 755 file.txt
  10. umask - Set default file permissions
    $ umask 022
  11. ps aux - View running processes for all users
    $ ps aux

Process Management

  1. kill - Terminate a process by PID
    $ kill 1234
  2. killall - Kill processes by name
    $ killall process_name
  3. xkill - Kill a GUI application
    $ xkill
  4. jobs - List background jobs
    $ jobs
  5. bg - Resume a stopped job in the background
    $ bg %1
  6. fg - Bring a background job to the foreground
    $ fg %1
  7. nohup - Run a command immune to hangups
    $ nohup command &

Compression and Archiving

  1. tar - Archive files
    $ tar -cvf archive.tar /path/to/files
  2. gzip - Compress files
    $ gzip file.txt
  3. gunzip - Decompress .gz files
    $ gunzip file.txt.gz
  4. zip - Compress files into a zip archive
    $ zip file.txt
  5. unzip - Extract a zip archive
    $ unzip

Package Management (Debian/Ubuntu)

  1. apt-get - Package management command-line tool
    $ sudo apt-get update
  2. apt-cache - Query package information
    $ apt-cache search package_name
  3. dpkg - Debian package manager
    $ dpkg -i package.deb
  4. apt install <package> - Install a package
    $ sudo apt install vim
  5. apt update - Update package lists
    $ sudo apt update
  6. apt upgrade - Upgrade installed packages
    $ sudo apt upgrade
  7. apt remove <package> - Remove a package
    $ sudo apt remove vim

Package Management (Red Hat/CentOS/Fedora)

  1. yum - Package manager for RPM-based distributions
    $ sudo yum update
  2. rpm - Install, update, and query packages
    $ rpm -ivh package.rpm
  3. dnf - Updated package manager for Fedora
    $ sudo dnf install vim

System Shutdown and Restart

  1. shutdown - Shut down the system
    $ sudo shutdown -h now
  2. reboot - Reboot the system
    $ sudo reboot
  3. systemctl - Control the systemd system and service manager
    $ sudo systemctl start service_name