This path is the combination of these two paths from the p1xt-guides completed with some of my own choice of courses:
- Web Development with Computer Science Foundations - comprehensive
- Get Job ready - JavaScript Edition - Version 2.0
- Tier 0 - Prep
- Tier 1 - Strengthen your foundation
- Tier 2 - Build on the foundation
- Tier 3 - Add complexity
- Tier 4 - Polish the rough edges
- Background
- Course: Udacity - Front End Nanodegree
- Course/Project: FCC Front End Path
- Course: Learn to Code HTML & CSS
- Course: Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Using Python
- Course: CS50's Understanding Technology
- Course: Advanced CSS Concepts
- Course: freeCodeCamp - Data Visualization ⏳
- Course: Writing Professional Code - Advanced Topics ⏳
- Course: CS50's Web Programming with Python and JavaScript ⏳
- Course: Introduction to Design Thinking
- Project: Clone this online resume template
- Project: Pick a template from here, here or here and implement the frontend of a website with it as your inspiration (do not use its assets)
- Course: Programming for the Web with JavaScript
- Course: Learn to Code Advanced HTML & CSS
- Course: How to Code: Simple Data
- Project: Select an API from Todd Motto's API List and build a frontend-only application powered by data fetched from the API you chose.
- Project: Build an online Towers of Hanoi solver that accepts a tower height between 5 and 10, and then displays a graphical (animated) solution, iteratively moving each piece until the puzzle is solved
- Course: Design Thinking: UX and Advanced Topics
- Course: Algorithms, Part I
- Course: How to Code: Complex Data
- Course: Software Construction: Data Abstraction
- Article: Read Algorithms and Flowcharts and then familiarize yourself with Pencil ... start flowcharting complex portions of your code logic as part of your documentation
- Course: Algorithms, Part II
- Corse: DevOps for Developers: How to Get Started
- Course: Software Construction: Object-Oriented Design
- Project: Simon Game from the frontend section of FCC
- Course: Software Engineering: Introduction
- Course: Software Development Capstone Project
- Project: CSS Zen Garden - implement your own CSS design for the competition
- Course: Software Testing
- Project: Read How to Contribute to Open Source - and make two contributions to open source projects (of your choice) by the end of this Tier.
- Course: Software Debugging
- The FCC Backend Certification - all projects, ignore the tutorials and just read the official docs if you want
- Project: Clone this landing page
- Course: M101JS: MongoDB for Node.js Developers on MongoDB University (Sign up at the start of the Tier and then take the course when it becomes available)
- Course: Data Visualization and D3.js
- Project: Clone this Admin template using React, Angular, or Vue
- Project: Clone this online resume template
- Course: Agile Software Development
- Course: Software Architecture & Design
- Course: Databases
- Course: Introduction to Cloud Infrastructure Technologies
- Course: Introduction to Cyber Security
- Course: Computer Architecture
- Course: Cryptography I
- Course: Intro to Theoretical Computer Science
- Course: Cryptography II
- Course: Computer Graphics
- Course: Computer Networks
- Course: Parallel Computer Architecture and Programming
- College Algebra and Problem Solving ⏳
- Effective Thinking Through Mathematics
- Precalculus
- Single Variable Calculus
- Multivariable Calculus
- Introduction to Probability - The Science of Uncertainty
- Linear Algebra - Foundations to Frontiers
- Mathematics for Computer Science
- You Don't Know JS: Up & Going
- You Don't Know JS: Scope & Closures
- You Don't Know JS: this & Object Prototypes
- You Don't Know JS: Types & Grammar
- You Don't Know JS: Async & Performance
- You Don't Know JS: ES6 & Beyond
- Setting Up ES6
- JavaScript Allongé, the "Six" Edition
- JavaScript Design Patterns
- Professor Frisby's Mostly Adequate Guide to Functional Programming
- Open Data Structures
- Codesignal Arcade mode: Intro level - all excercises, The Core level - Intro Gates and At the Crossroads
- Finish all classic puzzles on CodinGame from easy through hard
- CodeWars
- Untrusted
- Elevator Saga
- Screeps
- Complete all ES6 Katas here
- Cracking the Coding Interview on HackerRank
- JavaScript Interview Prep
- 100 Days of Code
- 100 Days of CSS, scroll to the bottom of that page, beginning with #001, recreate the images, in CodePen. Start the first one now and set a goal of finishing as many as you can by the end of Tier 3. (Intent: Build a presence on CodePen as a proficient HTML/(S)CSS developer to add another online body of work alongside your growing GitHub profile.)
- 30Days 30Sites