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File metadata and controls

128 lines (80 loc) · 8.22 KB


This is a fullstack property management app with IFC/BIM integration using IFC.js. The app is built using React and allows Landlords, Tenants and Service Workers to view and manage properties, including opening and closing maintenance requests associated to specific building elements, directly from the IFC model viewer. User and property (i.e. building) details are stored in a MongoDB database. Created to this brief.


  • Landlord, Tenant and Service worker dashboards
  • Information about properties: profit and expense tracking for landlords, oustanding workorders, EPC rating, etc.
  • IFC model viewer integrated with maintenance database: create and track the status of maintenance workorders linked to specific building elements


Christopher Sharpe

João Patacas

Thanushiyan Poobalasingam

Francesca Adu

Leah Thomas

Mustafa Hassan

Installation and usage

  1. Open a terminal and navigate to the directory you wish to store the project in.

  2. Clone the repo using the below command

git clone
  1. Navigate into the frontend/ folder using the below command
cd propertease && cd frontend/
  1. Install the required packages using the below command
npm install
  1. The code for the frontend uses a deployed version of the API, however the server may be idle, visit the api to wake it up

  2. In your terminal in the frontend/ folder, start the frontend with the below command

npm run dev

Click the link on the terminal to access the website

API Endpoints

User endpoints

Method Endpoint Purpose Body Return Data Format
POST /users/signup sign up a user { username, password, user_type } User info and token { _id, username, user_type, token }
POST /users/login login a user { username, password } User info and token { _id, username, user_type, token }

Property endpoints

Method Endpoint Purpose Body Return Data Format
POST /properties create a new property { name, description, owner_id, model_id, rent_date, tenant_id, rental_cost, bedrooms, bathrooms, tenure, property_type, council_tax_band, energy_rating, postcode, address } New Property { _id, name, description, owner_id, model_id, rent_date, tenant_id, rental_cost, bedrooms, bathrooms, tenure, property_type, council_tax_band, energy_rating, address, postcode }
GET /properties get all properties Array of properties [ property, property, property ]
GET /properties/users/<_id> get all properties associated with the users _id Array of properties [ property, property, property ]

Workorder endpoints

Method Endpoint Purpose Body Return Data Format
GET /workorders get all workorders Array of all workorders [workorder,workorder,workorder,]
POST /workorders create a new workorder { title, description, work_type, location_id, cost, status, priority, property_id, created_by, property_owner_id } New workorder { _id, title, description, work_type, location_id, cost, status, priority, property_id, created_on, created_by, property_owner_id, completed }
GET /workorders/users/<_id> gets all workorders where property_owner_id matches _id Array of workorders [workorder, workorder, workorder,]
GET /workorders/properties/<_id> gets all workorders where property_id matches _id Array of workorders [workorder, workorder, workorder,]
PATCH /work updates a workorder in the database {_id,title, description, work_type, location_id, cost, status,priority, property_id, created_on, created_by, property_owner_id, completed } Updated workorder {_id,title, description, work_type, location_id, cost, status, priority, property_id, created_on, created_by, property_owner_id, completed }

Transaction endpoints

Method Endpoint Purpose Body Return Data Format
POST /transactions create a new transaction { month, money, property_id, property_owner_id, transaction_type, workorder_id } New transaction { _id, month, money, property_id, property_owner_id, transaction_type, workorder_id }
GET /transactions/users/<_id> returns all transactions where _id matches property_owner_id Array of transactions {transaction,transaction,transaction}
GET /transactions/properties/<_id> returns all transactions where _id matches property_id Array of transactions{transaction,transaction,transaction}



  • IFC.js
  • React
  • Chart.js
  • MUI
  • axios
  • vitest
  • jest


  • Flask
  • python
  • MongoDB
  • gunicorn
  • JWT
  • bcrypt
  • pytest

Known bugs

  • Rendering issues in IFC viewer
  • CORS issue when closing maintenance request