This server is a scalable REST API application for validating json files against a schema and if the json is correct, this application will send them to a Apache Kafka
The instructions provided below include all steps that are needed to set up this framework in you local system for testing purposes.
The instructions were tested in ubuntu
, but should work in other debian
-based distributions, assuming that you are able to install the key dependencies.
The first step is to install the required components: Docker
, and Kubernetes
To install Docker
, you should execute the following command:
sudo su -
apt-get install
To install Kubernetes
you should execute the following commands:
sudo su -
curl -s | apt-key add
echo -e "deb kubernetes-xenial main " >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/kubernetes.list
apt-get update
apt-get install -y kubelet kubeadm kubectl kubernetes-cni
In order to use Kubernetes
two machines (nodes) are required with different IP addresses for deploying all necessary pods.
These two nodes communicate through network plugin Flannel
To initialize the Kubernetes
cluster, run the following command in the Master machine:
swapoff -a
kubeadm init --pod-network-cidr=
The output of the command above gives the required commands to complete the setup of Kubernetes
cluster. Those commands are:
mkdir -p $HOME/.kube
sudo cp -i /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf $HOME/.kube/config
sudo chown $(id -u):$(id -g) $HOME/.kube/config
Before joining the other node in this cluster, it is necessary to setup the network plugin that is responsible for the communications between Master and Worker nodes.
To do that, run:
kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f
ip route add dev xxxxxx
Where xxxxxx is the network interface name.
After these commands, Master node will be at "Ready" state. For joining the other node, paste the last command of the output of the kubeadm init command in that node. One example of this command can be:
kubeadm join --token TOKEN MASTER_IP:6443
Where TOKEN is the token you were presented after initializing the master and MASTER_IP is the IP address of the master.
Now, the Kubernetes
cluster are ready to deploy containers.
After completing all steps of the previous section, the first step of project installation is to create the images that deploy Apache Kafka
, Apache Zookeeper
, and the Monitor API REST containers. In order to do that, there is a shell script called
presented in kafka
, zookeeper
, and monitor-server-python
folders of this project.
To deploy the monitor, you need to run the script called
presented in dependency/python-base
folder in order to create the base python image that will be used to generate the container that runs the Monitor.
There are two versions of Monitor. One version deploys Gunicorn on top of Flask for high performance environments. Other version only deployes Flask for debugging purposes.
After that, you need to run the script called
to generate the digital certificate according to the IP of the Kubernetes
Master of your setup and build the monitor Docker
image. This script receives as argument the IP of the Master Machine of your Kubernetes
To do that, you need to execute the following commands:
cd monitor-server-python/monitor-api-python
If you want to use TMA Monitor only with Flask, you should run the following commands:
cd monitor-server-python-debug/monitor-api-python
To build the Docker
images of Apache Kafka
and Apache Zookeeper
, you should run the following commands on the worker node:
cd development/dependency/python-base/
cd ../../server/kafka
cd ../zookeeper
After executing these scripts, all containers are created and we are ready to deploy them on Kubernetes
The first containers to be deployed in Kubernetes
are Apache Zookeeper
and Apache Kafka
. To do that, there is a script called
that automates all commands required to deploy these components. To execute the script, run the following command:
cd ..
script runs the required commands to create the persistent volumes for Apache Zookeeper
and Apache Kafka
. Then, it deploys these two components. Finally, it creates topic-monitor
topic in Apache Kafka
With Apache Zookeeper
and Apache Kafka
running and the topics created, the next step is to deploy the Monitor application. The file called monitor-api-python.yaml
creates a Kubernetes
deployment of the Monitor application.
To deploy debug version of Monitor, you should run:
kubectl create -f monitor-server-python-debug/monitor-api-python.yaml
To deploy TMA Monitor with Gunicorn, you shoul run the following command:
kubectl create -f monitor-server-python/monitor-api-python.yaml
For details on the REST API usage, you should check the current monitor-server implementation.
For testing the validation of json files with schema, there is a script that injects some json files that have correct structure and others with some errors.
That script is located in test/testing-json-format/
Before running the script, check if the service is available. You can do that by running the following command:
kubectl describe service monitor-server
To test the environment, you should run:
cd ../test/testing-json-format/
chmod 777
After running the script, you should see an output like the following:
Accepted (correct): correct_0.json
Accepted (correct): correct_1.json
Accepted (correct): correct_2.json
Rejected (correct): fail_0.1.json
Rejected (correct): fail_0.2.json
Rejected (correct): fail_3.json
Rejected (correct): fail_4.json
This platform can be tested with any probe present in probe
folder of this repository.
After running this script or after deploying any probe, you can check the content of Data table of knowledge database deployed in TMA_Knowledge
To check the data stored in database, you need to deploy data-loader
and MySQL
applications of TMA_Knowledge
- Rui Silva
- Nuno Antunes
- José Pereira