Follow these steps to install sqStorage on your system with docker.
- Docker and Docker Compose must be installed.
Clone the repository:
git clone
Change into the directory:
cd sqstorage
Copy the example environment file:
cp env-example .env
Open the .env file for editing:
nano .env
Adjust the settings (user, password, database name, host, port, etc.) as necessary. If Portainer is used, the .env file can be uploaded to Portainer or the variables can be set manually on the Portainer web interface.
Start the Docker containers:
docker compose up -d
Note: The ".env" file is required in order for the Docker setup to run. And it is included to load.
Once sqStorage is running, you can access it in your browser at the following address:
After accessing this URL, you will be asked to enter the access data for the database so that sqStorage can establish a connection to the database. It is important that the "Database-Server" is set to the "docker-container-hostname" of the sqStorage-DB-server. Usually, this is "sqstorage-db-1".
Your sqStorage installation should now be running.