Se você não consegue construir um monolito bem estruturado, por que acha que microserviços são a solução? - Simon Brown
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- - Chris Richardson
- Okta
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- Docker - Qual a melhor maneira para se trabalhar
- Scrimba is a powerful new way of learning code.
- Everything curl
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- Understanding the Docker Ecosystem
- Building Minimal Docker Images
- Refactoring a Monolithic Codebase
- InfoQ Explores: REST
- Martin Fowler: Microservices a definition of this new architectural term
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- Serverless Architectures
- Microservices: Decomposição de Aplicações para Implantação e Escalabilidade
- Pattern: Microservice Architecture
- Martin Fowler: Microservice Trade-Offs
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- Don’t Code Your Microservice Like a Monolith, Keep It Maintainable Not Over-engineered
- How do you cut a monolith in half?
- Stop Calling Your APIs Microservices
- Microservices Architecture Design and Patterns
- Microservices: Organizational practices
- How to Breakthrough the Old Monolith Using the Strangler Pattern
- When ACID went Sour
- Checklist: what had to be done before deploying microservices to production
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- Monolithic vs. Microservices Architecture: Which is Right for Your App
- 5 passos para preparar uma arquitetura de microserviços
- REST API Data Validation
- Microservices na perspectiva de uma Startup
- Sete antipadrões para microservices
- How microservices are changing the way we make applications
- How Are Your Microservices Talking?
- Monolithic vs. Microservices: Which Is the Better Architecture App Development?
- Monolith vs Microservices: A tale from Python at “scale”.
- The Difference Between Microservices and Web Services
- Monolith and microservices
- Learning the hard way: Microservices
- How to communicate with Service Workers
- DISCUSION, POST: Building Domain Driven Microservices
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- Microservices — “Microservices” was a good idea taken too far and applied too bluntly.
- The macro problem with microservices
- Don't Build Distributed Monoliths!
- Microservices VS API: How They Differ From Each Other?
- How to create a microservice
- API VS Web Services VS Microservices
- From SOA, to GraphQL, to Macroservices
- Domain Partitions: How To Find a Healthy Balance Between Microservices and Monoliths
- What Is a Microservices Architecture? From Microservices in .NET, 2nd Edition by Christian Horsdal Gammelgaard
- The Reactive Monolith - How to Move from CRUD to Event Sourcing
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- List: When not to do Microservices?
- How I built an app with 500,000 users in 5 days on a $100 server
- 🎬10 Tips for failing badly at Microservices by David Schmitz
- How Netflix works: the (hugely simplified) complex stuff that happens every time you hit Play
- How we built Globoplay’s API Gateway using GraphQL
- Microservices First
- Building scalable microservices with gRPC
- REST is the new SOAP
- A Microservices implementation journey — Part 1
- What Two Years With Microservices Taught Me
- VIPER — Arquitetura limpa em nossos APPs
- Why VIPER is a bad choice for your next application
- How Netflix Works With ISPs Around the Globe to Deliver a Great Viewing Experience
- How Data Inspires Building a Scalable, Resilient and Secure Cloud Infrastructure At Netflix
- Give Me Back My Monolith
- Microservices: Stone Soup for the Enterprise
- Why Object Oriented Code Accelerates Microservices Adoption
- Enough with the microservices
- Thoughts on Microservices, Part 3, Throw Away Ware
- Seer: leveraging big data to navigate the complexity of performance debugging in cloud microservices
- Anti-patterns of Web API’s
- Faster, cheaper, and better: A story of breaking a monolith
- Fault Tolerance Web Architecture for Our Cloud Solutions
- To Microservices and Back Again - Why Segment Went Back to a Monolith
- Disasters I've seen in a microservices world
- Tese doutorado de Roy Thomas Fielding
- REST: Princípios e boas práticas
- 🎬O caminho para o RESTful: Parte 1 conceito e introdução
- 🎬O caminho para o RESTful: Parte 2 versionamento, status code e operações de crud
- 🎬O Caminho para o RESTful: parte 3 códigos, query parameters e HATEOAS
- RESTful API Best Practices and Common Pitfalls
- The Future of APIs
- O que é REST e RESTful?
- How I explained ReST to a Troll
- How NOT to design APIs
- RESTful API Designing guidelines — The best practices
- Nivelando sua Rest API
- HATEOAS REST Services With Spring
- REST: Defining a Resource
- Representing State in REST and GraphQL
- RESTful API Design — Step By Step Guide
- Roy Fielding's Misappropriated REST Dissertation
- RESTful Services: what they are, and what they aren't
- Should we rebrand REST?
Disagree with collections:
Plurals are too finicky. Especially for a global workforce. On another note, you should probably not have an endpoint for a single thing. Instead, create endpoints that only accept/return lists. Every endpoint undoubtedly ends up being hamstrung by 1-1 end points. So by implementing it as a many-many, you take care of that issue, and if you just need one thing, its just a single item in the list. At the very least start by returning more data and work to return less data later when you undoubtedly need it.
- Web Architecture 101
- Best practices for cloud applications
- Serverless Architectures
- BaaS (Backend as a Service)
- FaaS (Functions as a Service)
- PaaS (Platform as a Service)
- SaaS (Software as a service)
- IaaS/HaaS (Infrastructure as a service/Hardware as a Service)
- Polilito/Polylith
- API vs. Microservices: A Microservice Is More Than Just an API
- 5 Simple Rules for CRUD Operations
- ⭐DDD, Hexagonal, Onion, Clean, CQRS, … How I put it all together
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- What is an API Gateway?
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- Web API Design Anti-patterns (or how to give consumers a headache)
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- Why I Use NodeJS for Basically Everything I Do.
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- GraphQL Editor
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- Introdução ao GraphQL
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- Introduction to GraphQL
- GraphQL vs. REST
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- Elasticsearch by Example: Part 2
- Elasticsearch by Example: Part 3
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- SQLServerTutorial.Net website
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