General curiosities
- How Dwarf Fortress is built (
- 700,000 lines of code, 20 years, and one developer: How Dwarf Fortress is built
- CastlevaniaBot
- Diablo I Web
- Tetris
- Java Tetris
- Viewing Matrices & Probability as Graphs
- Write your Own Virtual Machine
- Games Console on Osciloscope
- Generation I Pokémon Cries Explained
- Atari Star Wars
- AI Neural Networks being used to generate HQ textures for older games (You can do it yourself!)
- ⭐Benchmarking n-Body
- Flightradar24
- CSS 3D Engine
- A game without loops
- A guide to dynamic pricing algorithms
- Adventures Logic Land
- I've created a tutorial about how transforming the most crappy art into usable pixel art
- The masterpiece graphic microcode behind the Nintendo 64 version of Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine and Star Wars Episode I: Battle for Naboo
- The Pac-Man Dossier!
- The Seven Circles of Developer Hell [Infographic]
- Universal Game Translator – Using Google’s Cloud Vision API to live-translate Japanese games played on original consoles (try it yourself!)
- Pseudo 3d engine canvas and svg
- Rosetta stone
- Photo Wake-Up: 3D Character Animation from a Single Photo
- Introduction to Nintendo 64 Programming: REDDIT
- Introduction to Nintendo 64 Programming
- Monte Carlo methods - Why it's a bad idea to go to the casino
- Computational Photography: From Selfies to Black Holes
- Writing a lunar lander game for an actual lunar lander
- The history of Tetris randomizers
- How Does BitTorrent Work? a Plain English Guide
- The Secret History of ‘Easter Eggs’
- 🎬NES Emulator from scratch
- Tutorial series for simulating NES Graphics
- AlphaStar AI Stacraft
- Text rendering in browsers
- Font smoothing, anti-aliasing, and sub-pixel rendering
- Did You Know Fonts Could Do All This?
- Texts Rasterization Exposures
- Sonic Battle (GBA) Renderer Series - 3D render on GBA
- ASCII 3d game
- Hello World…Not so easy in Assembly
- OpenAI Plays Hide and Seek…and Breaks The Game!
- Grail (1968): Back to the Future of Handwriting Recognition
- 🎬Grail: video demonstration
- AI Clones Your Voice After Listening for 5 Seconds
- 0.1 + 0.2 = 0.30000000000000004
- ⭐Computer Archeology: Old games code
- Console Colors
- Creating an Editable Site with Google Sheets and Eleventy
- Try Linux
- Font Lerper
- Writing an Emulator in JavaScript (and Interfacing with Multiple UIs)
- 🎬Excel with s0lly: 5. Simulating the Game of Life
- Anatomy of Windows Hello World program
- Creating a QR Code step by step
- Project Nayuki: Programming. General math and utils demos, cripto, etc
- SuperRT: Raytracer SNES
- POKEGB: a gameboy emulator that only plays Pokémon blue with 68 lines
- 🎬How classic Sierra game graphics worked (and an attempt to upscale them)
- Candy Box 2
- Try this brain-melting 3D game that was built entirely in ASCII
- SpriteStack: 3D pixelart editor
- wanderers
- wilds
- Polyhedra Viewer
- Sandspiel
- Fantasy Map Generator
- StarWars ASCII
- 3dFractalGenerator
- Falácias
- Mapa de Exônimos
- 507 movimentos mecânicos
- This website runs on a solar powered server on Barcelona
- Planetary transfer calculator
- Blockchain 3D visualization
- Mapa interativo placas tectônicas ao longo do tempo
- Choose an open source license
- Request Map Generator: Submit a URL to generate a node map of all of the requests on the page.
- SculptGL: A WebGL sculpt tool
- 141 Optical Illusions & Visual Phenomena
- Radio Garden
- Interactive Periodic table
- Como criar uma empresa de jogos em Portugal
- Lessons learned building an ML trading system that turned $5k into $200k
- Colorpicker
- Coolors
- Easy to Remember Color Guide for Non-Designers
- Nostalgy pixel art: Reality Vs Expectation
- How Pixel Art Gets Designed
- Web Dark Ages
- Making of British & Exotic Mineralogy
- The misuse of colour in science communication
- basic color theory, HSL, and Sass
- Building Your Color Palette
- reasoning about colors
- How I Used DALL·E 2 to Generate The Logo for OctoSQL
- How life emerges from a simple particle motion law: Introducing the Primordial Particle System
- How to «open» microchip and what's inside?
- Tabela Periódica Dinâmica
- ⭐An Orbit Map of the Solar System
- light pollution map
- Why we're blind to the color blue ( HACKER NEWS
- why we're blind to the color blue: ORIGINAL
- Early chinese world maps
- List of price of medieval items
- Geoprocessamento Florianópolis - Mapas aéreos desde 1938
- Sci fi history graphic
- Peridéxion
- Basic social skills guide
- Procrastination is not a time management problem, it is an emotion - Haclernews
- You Procrastinate Because Of Emotions, Not Laziness. Regulate Them To Stop Procrastinating!
- Job negotiation for programmers: the basic principles
- Managing developer identities in autonomous teams
- Introverts, You Need 3 Traits to Become a Great Software Architect
- The Art of the Elevator Pitch