Minion 🍌 is a worker/dispatcher package for distributing jobs across a number of workers. The dispatcher creates the workers and is used to enqueue jobs, using either a blocking or non-blocking function. The incoming jobs are distributed to the available workers.
This package is strongly inspired by Marcio Castilho's blog post, Handling 1 Million Requests per Minute with Go.
A job is created by implementing the Job
type Job interface {
// Perform runs the job.
The implementing struct can contain whatever additional fields it needs to perform the job, as seen in the example below.
The dispatcher takes two arguments: the number of workers, and the length of the job queue.
// Create dispatcher/queue with five workers and a queue size of 10
dispatcher := minion.NewDispatcher(5, 10)
// Start the dispatcher and wait for jobs
The job enqueueing can be either blocking or non-blocking, as required. The non-blocking call can be used to return a HTTP status if the service is at capacity or similar.
// Blocking call
// Non-blocking call
if ok := dispatcher.TryEnqueue(job); !ok {
// Job queue is full
return http.StatusServiceUnavailable
package main
import (
func main() {
// Create dispatcher/queue with five workers and a queue size of 10
dispatcher := minion.NewDispatcher(5, 10)
// Start the dispatcher
// Timer and waitgroup to sync job completion
start := time.Now()
wg := &sync.WaitGroup{}
// Create 50 calculation jobs
for i := 1; i <= 50; i++ {
fmt.Println("Creating job", i)
job := Calculation{i, wg}
// Add job to queue, blocks if the job queue is full
// Wait for all jobs to finish
fmt.Printf("Jobs executed in %.3f seconds\n", time.Since(start).Seconds())
// Calculation implements the Job interface so it can be sent to the job queue.
type Calculation struct {
Value int
wg *sync.WaitGroup
// Perform runs the calculation job.
func (c Calculation) Perform() {
// Do some time-consuming math
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
result := c.Value * c.Value
fmt.Printf("Calculation %d done, result: %d\n", c.Value, result)