Cherry; a moonshot program to monitor, read, and predict blood glucose or interstitial fluids from the eyes
Download vscode or python to run
Below are the metrics for the best model compared to CGM benchmarks:
Metric | Best Model Value | CGM Benchmark |
R² | 0.49 | 0.94 |
MSE | 1038 | 6.2 |
MAE | 25 | 2.1 |
MARD | 21% | 10.5% |
Sigma Level | 0.40 | 3.0 |
As you can see, in current state, it is not very accurate or precise
Keep checking releases as I add more data
Be sure to update the release # in the .py code to current release #
Created by Joshua Thomas Brooks
Any use or modification of this software must list this LICENSE file
Any commercialization of this software is subject to 51% of revenue going to the creator; Joshua Thomas Brooks
Any patent of this software or earily similar software is subject to 51% of patent rights going to the creator; Joshua Thomas Brooks
Feel free to modify, but any commercialization or patent of this software is subject to 51% of revenue going to the creator; Joshua Thomas Brooks
If you want to make a donation feel free to on this site
If you want to contribute somehow; please send an email to me at
Feel free to use at your leisure
I do not hold any liability for utilizing this software or any modifications of this software
This, as written, does not collect data, unless explicitly stated
This is a moonshot program