Let user pick RGB colors
Extra drawing primitives:
- circles
HTML output mode?
Better encapsulation of layers and their metadata within app state
Dealing with the larger color space:
- UI shows "favorite" colors, list can be grown by the user
- Favorites get stored in the file along with canvas data, reloaded on startup
- Need UI for picking from 256 color spectrum to choose favorites to add to palette selector
- Attributes still get encoded directly in the output data and canvas
- Eye dropper then just has to find out whether the color is in the favorites list, and if not, add it.
- Need to have two palettes: Fg and Bg, rather than the same palette that gets used for both. The latter is a good startup default, but ultimately the palettes need to be able to vary independently.
- The palette needs to become part of the canvas data structure so it can be de/serialized with the canvas data