Allows i3 direction keys to control vim splits and i3 windows seamlessly
The i3-vim-focus
folder has a Rust program that should be installed on the
user's path. It can be build with cargo build --release
The following should be added to your ~/.vimrc
map gwl :call Focus('right', 'l')<CR>
map gwh :call Focus('left', 'h')<CR>
map gwk :call Focus('up', 'k')<CR>
map gwj :call Focus('down', 'j')<CR>
The i3 config needs to be updated with the following bindings.
bindsym $mod+h exec "i3-vim-focus left"
bindsym $mod+j exec "i3-vim-focus down"
bindsym $mod+k exec "i3-vim-focus up"
bindsym $mod+l exec "i3-vim-focus right"
Finally, this project needs to be installed as a vim plugin using something like pathogen.