- Added MacKernelSDK with Xcode 12 compatibility
- Added constants for 11.0 support
- Dropped broken AppleIntelMCEReporter prevention support
- Unified release archive names
- Added support for prevention of AppleIntelMCEReporter, details can be found here
- Allow loading on 10.15 without
- Reduced debug logging in release builds
- Fixed a bug where CPUFriend ceased to work on v1.1.5
- Support for the old ACPI_SMC_Plugin (as claimed in TO-DO)
- Sync with Lilu 1.2.5
- Native macOS 10.14 support
- Added Lilu 1.2.3 compatibility
- Requires Lilu 1.2.3 or higher
- Code style changed
- Various typo fixes
- Requires Lilu 1.2.0 or higher
- Corrected some typos.
- Initial release