CAUTION: the charm-helpers library has some unit tests which do unsavory things such as making real, unmocked calls out to sudo foo, juju binaries, and perhaps other things. This is not ideal for a number of reasons. One of those reasons is that it pollutes the test runner (your) system.
The current recommendation for testing locally is to do so in a fresh bionic (18.04) lxc container. This is because charmhelpers supports at least bionic and later Ubuntu distros.
The fresh Bionic lxc system container will need to have the following packages installed in order to satisfy test runner dependencies:
sudo apt install git bzr tox libapt-pkg-dev python3-dev build-essential juju -y
The tests can be executed as follows:
tox -e pep8
tox -e py3
Use following instructions to build a charm that uses your own development branch of charmhelpers.
Step 1: Make sure your version of charmhelpers is recognised as the latest version by
by appending dev0
to the version number in the VERSION
Step 2: Create an override file override-wheelhouse.txt
that points to your own
charmhelpers branch. *The format of this file is the same as pip's
# Override charmhelpers by the version found in folder
-e /path/to/charmhelpers
# Or point it to a github repo with
-e git+<myuser>/charm-helpers#egg=charmhelpers
Step 3: Build the charm specifying the override file. You might need to install the candidate channel of the charm snap
charm build <mycharm> -w wheelhouse-overrides.txt
Now when you deploy your charm, it will use your own branch of charmhelpers.
Note: If you want to verify this or change the charmhelpers code on a built charm, get the path of the installed charmhelpers by running following command.
python3 -c "import charmhelpers; print(charmhelpers.__file__)"
Install html doc dependencies:
sudo apt-get install python3-flake8 python3-shelltoolbox python3-tempita \
python3-nose python3-mock python3-testtools python3-jinja2 python3-coverage \
python3-git python3-netifaces python3-netaddr python3-pip zip
To build the html documentation:
make docs
To browse the html documentation locally:
make docs
cd docs/_build/html
python3 -m SimpleHTTPServer 8765
# point web browser to http://localhost:8765
To build and upload package and doc updates to PyPI:
make release
# note: if the package version already exists on PyPI
# this command will upload doc updates only
The published package and docs currently live at: