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EKS + Terraform

With this repository you will be able to spin up a eks and deploy a nginx manifest using terraform. This repository have everything that you need to make your eks works, including network part.

First you should export your AWS credentials


clone this repository

git clone

Terraform Commands

cd eks-terraform/


terraform plan -o teste-tf

the "-o" will copy the output to teste-tf

After RUN

terraform apply -o teste-tf

After this you could use my to ble to config your kubeconfig and config-map to conect your eks with your kubectl and be able to manage your pods, nodes, etc.
And also apply directly the kb8s-manifest module

Inside the project directory run:

chmod +x ./



You can follow the commands bellow

Inside the root directory You should run

terraform init
terraform plan -o teste-tf


terraform apply -o teste-tf

The terraform module stores the kubeconfig information in it’s state store. We can view it with this command:

terraform output kubeconfig

And we can save it for use with this command:

terraform output kubeconfig > ${HOME}/.kube/config-teste-tf

We now need to add this new config to the KubeCtl Config list:

export KUBECONFIG=${HOME}/.kube/config-teste-tf:${HOME}/.kube/config
echo "export KUBECONFIG=${KUBECONFIG}" >> ${HOME}/.zshrc

The terraform state also contains a config-map we can use for our EKS workers.

View the configmap:

terraform output config-map

Save the config-map:

terraform output config-map > /tmp/config-map-aws-auth.yml

Apply the config-map:

kubectl apply -f /tmp/config-map-aws-auth.yml

Confirm your Nodes:

kubectl get nodes

Go to eks-terraform/modules/kb8s-manifest/


terraform apply

to apply kb8s manifest

After this we will receive a elbhostname if you copy this link you will be able to visualize this message:


Great everything works.

To destroy use terraform destory inside kb8s-manifest module and do it also on the Project root directory and you will be able to delete all your infraestructure and deployment.

  • If you wanna you can deploy kafka cluster using the manifest inside APP2's directory For this you just need the eks. go to APP2 directory and follow this commands:


kubectl apply -f zookeeper.yml

Watch for all of the Pods in the StatefulSet to become Running and Ready.

kubectl get po -lapp=zk -w

You need to configure the Kafka cluster to communicate with the zookeeper ensemble you created above

kubectl apply -f kafka.yml

Wait for all of the Pods to become Running and Ready.

kubectl get po -lapp=kafka -w

**Testing the cluster *** First you will need to create a topic. You can use kubectl run to execute the script.

kubectl run -ti createtopic --restart=Never --rm -- --create \
--topic test \
--zookeeper zk-cs.default.svc.cluster.local:2181 \
--partitions 1 \
--replication-factor 3

Now use kubectl run to execute the command and listen for messages.

kubectl run -ti consume --restart=Never --rm -- --topic test --bootstrap-server kafka-0.kafka-hs.default.svc.cluster.local:9093

In another terminal, run the command.

kubectl run -ti produce --restart=Never --rm \
 -- --topic test --broker-list kafka-0.kafka-hs.default.svc.cluster.local:9093,kafka-1.kafka-hs.default.svc.cluster.local:9093,kafka-2.kafka-hs.default.svc.cluster.local:9093 done;

When you type text into the second terminal, you will see it appear in the first.

On this kafka and zookeerper part I use the default paramaters and manifests from -