Welcome to the OpenTelemetry Demo repository! We appreciate your interest in contributing. Whether you're fixing a bug, improving documentation, or adding a new feature, we value your contribution.
Before getting started, please review the OpenTelemetry Contributor Guide for details on code attribution and best practices.
We meet every other Wednesday at 8:00 PT. The schedule may change based on contributors' availability. Check the OpenTelemetry Community Calendar for specific dates and Zoom links.
Meeting notes are available here. For edit access, ask in our Slack channel.
Before contributing, sign the CLA
New to OpenTelemetry? We encourage you to find a mentor who can guide you through your first contribution.
- Create your CNCF Slack account and join the otel-community-demo channel.
- Post in the room with an introduction to yourself, what area you are interested in (check issues marked with help wanted), and say you are looking for a buddy. We will match you with someone who has experience in that area.
Your OpenTelemetry buddy is your resource to talk to directly on all aspects of contributing to OpenTelemetry: providing context, reviewing PRs, and helping those get merged. Buddies will not be available 24/7, but is committed to responding during their normal contribution hours.
Ensure you have the following installed:
- Git
- Make
- Docker
- Docker Compose v2.0.0+
git clone https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-demo.git
cd opentelemetry-demo/
make start
Once the images are built and containers are started, visit:
- Webstore: http://localhost:8080/
- Jaeger: http://localhost:8080/jaeger/ui/
- Grafana: http://localhost:8080/grafana/
- Feature Flags UI: http://localhost:8080/feature/
- Load Generator UI: http://localhost:8080/loadgen/
Error: Error response from daemon: Docker daemon is not running.
- Windows/macOS: Open Docker Desktop and ensure it's running.
- Linux: Check Docker status:
systemctl status docker
If inactive, start it:
sudo systemctl start docker
If you encounter Gradle issues, run:
cd src/ad/
./gradlew installDist
./gradlew wrapper --gradle-version 7.4.2
While developing, you may encounter issues with Docker build cache. To clear the cache:
docker system prune -a
Warning: This removes all unused Docker data, including images, containers, volumes, and networks. Use with caution.
- Use
docker ps
to check running containers. - View logs for services:
docker logs <container_id>
- Restart containers if needed:
docker-compose restart
The Demo team is committed to keeping the demo up to date. That means the documentation as well as the code. When making changes to any service or feature remember to find the related docs and update those as well. Most (but not all) documentation can be found on the OTel website under Demo docs.
If you are interested in running the React Native example app in this repo please review these instructions.
Everyone is welcome to contribute code to opentelemetry-demo
GitHub pull requests (PRs).
To create a new PR, fork the project in GitHub and clone the upstream repo:
Please fork to a personal GitHub account rather than a corporate/enterprise one so maintainers can push commits to your branch. Pull requests from protected forks will not be accepted.
git clone https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-demo.git
Navigate to the repo root:
cd opentelemetry-demo
Add your fork as an origin:
git remote add fork https://github.com/YOUR_GITHUB_USERNAME/opentelemetry-demo.git
Check out a new branch, make modifications and push the branch to your fork:
$ git checkout -b feature
# change files
# Test your changes locally.
$ docker compose up -d --build
# Go to Webstore, Jaeger or docker container logs etc. as appropriate to make sure your changes are working correctly.
$ git add my/changed/files
$ git commit -m "short description of the change"
$ git push fork feature
Open a pull request against the main opentelemetry-demo
- If the PR is not ready for review, please mark it as
. - Make sure CLA is signed and all required CI checks are clear.
- Submit small, focused PRs addressing a single concern/issue.
- Make sure the PR title reflects the contribution.
- Write a summary that helps understand the change.
- Include usage examples in the summary, where applicable.
- Include benchmarks (before/after) in the summary, for contributions that are performance enhancements.
A PR is considered to be ready to merge when:
- It has received approval from Approvers / Maintainers.
- Major feedbacks are resolved.
- It has been open for review for at least one working day. This gives people reasonable time to review.
- The documentation and Changelog have been updated to reflect the new changes.
- Trivial changes (typo, cosmetic, doc, etc.) don't have to wait for one day.
Any Maintainer can merge the PR once it is ready to merge. Note, that some PRs may not be merged immediately if the repo is in the process of a release and the maintainers decided to defer the PR to the next release train.
If a PR has been stuck (e.g. there are lots of debates and people couldn't agree on each other), the owner should try to get people aligned by:
- Consolidating the perspectives and putting a summary in the PR. It is recommended to add a link into the PR description, which points to a comment with a summary in the PR conversation.
- Tagging subdomain experts (by looking at the change history) in the PR asking for suggestion.
- Reaching out to more people on the CNCF OpenTelemetry Community Demo Slack channel.
- Stepping back to see if it makes sense to narrow down the scope of the PR or split it up.
- If none of the above worked and the PR has been stuck for more than 2 weeks, the owner should bring it to the OpenTelemetry Community Demo SIG meeting.
Creating multi-platform builds requires docker buildx to be installed. This
is part of Docker Desktop for macOS, or can be installed using
apt install docker-buildx
on Ubuntu.
To build and load the multi-platform images locally you will need to configure
docker to use containerd
. This can be done in Docker Desktop settings on MacOS
or Windows. Please follow
these instructions
to configure Docker Engine on Linux/Ubuntu.
You will need a multi-platform capable builder with a limiter set on parallelism
to avoid errors while building the images. It is recommended to limit the
parallelism to 4. This can be done by specifying a configuration file when
creating the builder. The buildkitd.toml
file in this repository can be used
as the builder configuration file.
To create a multi-platform builder with a parallelism limit of 4, use the following command:
make create-multiplatform-builder
A builder will be created and set as the active builder. You can check the
builder status with docker buildx inspect
. To build multi-platform images for
linux/amd64 and linux/arm64, use the following command:
make build-multiplatform
To build and push multi-platform images to a registry, ensure to set
to the name of the registry and image repository to use in the
file and run:
make build-multiplatform-and-push
Maintainers can create a new release when desired by following these steps.
- Create a Pull Request that updates the
environment variable in.env
to the new version number based on the formatx.x.x
and merge it. - Create a new release, creating a new tag for the new version number based on main. Automatically generate release notes. Prepend a summary of the major changes to the release notes.
- After images for the new release are built and published, create a new Pull
Request that updates the
with the new version leaving theUnreleased
section for the next release. - Create a new Pull Request to update the deployment of the demo in the OpenTelemetry Helm Charts repo.
- After the Helm chart is released, create a new Pull Request which updates the
Demo's Kubernetes manifest by running
make generate-kubernetes-manifests
and committing the changes.
By following this guide, you'll have a smoother onboarding experience as a contributor. Happy coding!