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NickQiZhu edited this page Oct 12, 2012 · 25 revisions

The entire dc.js library is scoped under dc name space. It does not introduce anything else into the global name space.

Base Chart

Base chart is an abstract functional object representing a basic dc chart object for all chart and widget implementation. Every function on base chart are also inherited available on all concrete chart implementation in dc library.


Set or get width attribute of a chart. If the value is given, then it will be used as the new width and a reference to the current chart instance will be returned to allow function chaining.

If no value specified then value of the current width attribute will be returned.


Set or get height attribute of a chart. If the value is given, then it will be used as the new height and a reference to the current chart instance will be returned to allow function chaining.

If no value specified then value of the current of height attribute will be returned.

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