This example demonstrates how to use the CORE IO GPIO pins to blink an LED. This example does not use the Spot SDK, but can be integrated with other Spot SDK examples.
This example needs to be run with python3 and have the dependencies in requirements.txt installed. See the requirements.txt file for a list of dependencies which can be installed with pip using the command:
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
To run the GPIO example using the 5V pin:
python3 --voltage 5
To run the PWM example:
python3 --number 1 --duty-ratio 0.7
Alternatively, these examples can be run with Docker. To do so, just build and run the image. When building on a separate machine, the docker image will need to be saved and copied to the CORE.
Build the image:
sudo docker build -t gpio_pwm .
Run the image:
# Turn on 5V rail
sudo docker run --privileged gpio_pwm --voltage 5 --on
# Toggle 24V rail on/off for 15 seconds
sudo docker run --privileged gpio_pwm --voltage 24 --blink --duration 15
sudo docker run --privileged -v /sys/class/pwm/:/sys/class/pwm/ --entrypoint python3 gpio_pwm --number 1 --duty-ratio 0.7