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One-line JS FFI with PureScript-FFI-Props

While I don't often write FFI, there are often times when I work with modules that are sensible enough that I don't have to deal with dynamic types. In these cases, I don't really need to write so much of the FFI in the JS side and only need to work with well-typed interfaces in PureScript.

To do this, I made a library that allows for declaring that a foreign data type has some members of some rough representational types, which then I can wrap with more sensible PureScript functions and signatures.


The core of this library lies in the newtype Object:

newtype Object object (properties :: # Type) = Object object

where object is where one puts their own foreign data type and properties is a row type of the properties that object has. Then I have get, set, and modify functions of the form

  :: forall o p p' name ty e
   . IsSymbol name
  => RowCons name ty p' p
  => SProxy name
  -> Object o p
  -> Eff e ty
unsafeGetProp _ = EU.runEffFn2 _unsafeGetProp name
    name = reflectSymbol (SProxy :: SProxy name)

The constraints in this function check that whichever property of name is trying to be retrieved is in the properties row, and returns the value in the effect with the type ty. If you're unfamiliar with the RowCons type class, you might read through my slides about Simple-JSON and generic Record operations here


As an example, I made a demo repository showing how to use he module. In this repo, I have a single line in src/Main.js:

exports.he = require("he");

With this, I'm ready to get to work. First, I declare a foreign data type for the module:

foreign import data HE :: Type

Then I use the Object type from my library to wrap this in a newtype for the foreign import value:

import Data.Function.Uncurried as FU
import FFIProps as FP

foreign import data HE :: Type
foreign import he
  :: FP.Object
       ( version :: String
       , encode :: FU.Fn2 String Foreign String
       , decode :: FU.Fn2 String Foreign String

So you can see here that I have declared that he is an Object type where the underlying type I use is HE, with the properties version, encode, and decode with those signatures.

And so to get the version property, I define a function using the unsafeGet from above, and the constraints can be solved to give me the concrete signature:

getVersion :: forall e. Eff e String
getVersion = FP.unsafeGetProp (SProxy :: SProxy "version") he

And I'm content to leave this in Eff in that reading the property from the foreign object is an effectful operation and it could be changed at any time anyhow.

In the case of encoding the strings, I first started to define a newtype for encoded strings:

newtype EncodedString = EncodedString String
derive instance newtypeES :: Newtype EncodedString _

Then I decided to define a placeholder type for all the properties possible in the encoding options, which I could fill in later:

type EncodeOptions =

Then I first wrote the type signature I wanted to work with, where I could pass in a record that contained a subset of the fields defined in EncodeOptions.

  :: forall options options'
   . Union options options' EncodeOptions
  => Record options
  -> String
  -> EncodedString

Since this method would not be mutated, I chose to "unsafely" perform the operation to get the encode property, which was FU.Fn2 String Foreign String. Then all was left was to convert my options record into the opaque Foreign type and run the inlined function:

encodeString options s
  = EncodedString
  $ FU.runFn2 encode s (toForeign options)
      = unsafePerformEff
      $ FP.unsafeGetProp (SProxy :: SProxy "encode") he

And the same done for decode.


With my bindings completed, I could put them to use and get the results I expected out smoothly:

main = do
  version <- getVersion
  log $ "HE is version " <> version
    encoded = encodeString {} "foo © bar ≠ baz 𝌆 qux"
    decoded = decodeString {} (wrap "foo &copy; bar &ne; baz &#x1D306; qux")
  log $ "encoded " <> unwrap encoded
  log $ "decoded " <> decoded

  -- HE is version 1.1.1
  -- encoded foo &#xA9; bar &#x2260; baz &#x1D306; qux
  -- decoded foo © bar ≠ baz 𝌆 qux



Hopefully this has shown you how you can use this library too if you wish, and how to use newtypes to store extra information you can use elsewhere.
