For two years now, I've been writing PureScript-Node programs that need to spawn a child process and read the output out, and this whole time, I've been writing out the same code over and over for no real good reason. Recently, I finally decided to extract this repeated code out to a library, so I wouldn't have to maintain all the different versions anymore.
Well, might as well finally make a library for this, right?
As this is nothing more than a sausage-grinding library, I decided to name it after a Korean blood sausage. The library code does little more than 1) spawn a child process of a given command, its args, and purescript-node-child-process arguments, 2) read the stdout and stderr event contents to a ref, and 3) return the results and the exit signal out as a record in an Aff, so I can reasonably write programs that use the results of these asynchronous processes. The entire source code fits in one block:
:: Encoding
-> Signal
-> String
-> Array String
-> CP.SpawnOptions
-> Aff _
{ stdout :: String
, stderr :: String
, exit :: CP.Exit
spawn' encoding killSignal cmd args options = makeAff \cb -> do
stdoutRef <- newRef ""
stderrRef <- newRef ""
process <- CP.spawn cmd args options
onDataString (CP.stdout process) encoding \string ->
modifyRef stdoutRef $ (_ <> string)
onDataString (CP.stderr process) encoding \string ->
modifyRef stderrRef $ (_ <> string)
CP.onError process $ cb <<< Left <<< CP.toStandardError
CP.onExit process \exit -> do
stdout <- readRef stdoutRef
stderr <- readRef stderrRef
cb <<< pure $ {stdout, stderr, exit}
pure <<< effCanceler <<< void $ CP.kill killSignal process
Basically the equivalent of what you would have written out in normal JS also, but using the typed API from purescript-node-child-process, with the correct cancellation logic for killing the child process if the Aff has been cancelled (e.g. in a parallel race application).
Then I publish the library as usual with pulp to Pursuit:
If you use Psc-Package, you should probably have your own fork of the package-sets. In my own, I have a commit that I amend where I rebase my commit based on the upstream changes, so I applied the change to my applied commit here: My workflow for updating my package goes something like this:
cd my-package-set
gupstream # git fetch upstream master && git rebase FETCH_HEAD
# where "upstream" is purescript/package-sets
# I edit my packages.json by hand or with scripts
# Examples you might refer to:
# * get-package-def [1]
# * and [2]
pp format
pp verify sunde # verify this package builds with its specified dependencies
gcane # git commit --amend --no-edit
gpo -f # git push -u origin $(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)
# where "origin" is justinwoo/package-sets
# and the result of the subexpression is my current branch name
git tag something
git push origin something
Then something
is ready to use.
For example, I updated my ytcasts
project to use this new library:
So in this case, I named my new tag kefir
, and so my psc-package.json file is updated as such:
- "set": "mandel",
+ "set": "kefir",
- "source": "",
+ "source": "",
"depends": [
+ "sunde",
This is all documented on the psc-package README here:
And so, with this change I'm able to replace my repeated code and use this instead:
-runDownload (Url url) = makeAff \cb -> do
- let cb' = cb <<< pure
- process <- spawn "youtube-dl"
- [ "-o"
- , "downloads/%(title)s.%(ext)s"
- , "-x"
- , "--audio-format"
- , "mp3"
- , url
- ]
- $ defaultSpawnOptions { stdio = [Just Pipe] }
- onError process $ toStandardError >>> Left >>> cb'
- onExit process $ const (cb' $ Right "success?")
- pure mempty
+runDownload (Url url) = do
+ result <- Sunde.spawn
+ "youtube-dl"
+ [ "-o"
+ , "downloads/%(title)s.%(ext)s"
+ , "-x"
+ , "--audio-format"
+ , "mp3"
+ , url
+ ]
+ $ CP.defaultSpawnOptions
+ { stdio = [Just CP.Pipe]
+ }
+ pure case result.exit of
+ CP.Normally 0 -> Right "success?"
+ _ -> Left result.stderr
And it's done. I then applied the same change to two other projects.
Hopefully this has shown you that you can also make your own libraries and immediately put them to use in your own package sets. Even if there might be an existing package for something you want, if it doesn't give you what you want, you should feel free to make your own package and put it to use.
If nothing else, forking package-sets and applying some git knowledge to manage your own package set should carry you a long way.