Fires after the plugin has been initialized.
apply_filters( 'graphql_gf_init', $instance );
(GF) : The plugin instance.
Fires after plugin registers types to the GraphQL schema
apply_filters( 'graphql_gf_after_register_types' );
Fires before plugin registers types to the GraphQL schema
apply_filters( 'graphql_gf_before_register_types' );
Fires after the Gravity Forms field has been hooked to be registered WPGraphQL schema.
The fields themselves will only be registered on the next get_graphql_register_action() call.
apply_filters( 'graphql_gf_after_register_form_field', $field, $field_settings );
apply_filters( 'graphql_gf_after_register_form_field_' . $field->graphql_single_name, $field, $field_settings );
(GF_Field) : The Gravity Forms field object.$field_settings
(array) : The Gravity Forms field settings.
Fires after the Gravity Forms field choices have been registered to WPGraphQL schema.
apply_filters( 'graphql_gf_after_register_form_field_choices', $field, $field_settings, $config );
apply_filters( 'graphql_gf_after_register_form_field_choices_' . $field->graphql_single_name, $field, $field_settings, $config );
(GF_Field) : The Gravity Forms field object.$field_settings
(array) : The Gravity Forms field settings.$config
(array) : The config array as expected by WPGraphQL.
Fires after the Gravity Forms field choices have been registered to WPGraphQL schema.
apply_filters( 'graphql_gf_register_form_field_inputs', $field, $field_settings, $config );
apply_filters( 'graphql_gf_register_form_field_inputs_' . $field->graphql_single_name, $field, $field_settings, $config );
(GF_Field) : The Gravity Forms field object.$field_settings
(array) : The Gravity Forms field settings.$config
(array) : The config array as expected by WPGraphQL.
Fires after the Gravity Forms field object has been registered to WPGraphQL schema.
apply_filters( 'graphql_gf_after_register_form_field_object', $field, $field_settings, $config );
apply_filters( 'graphql_gf_after_register_form_field_object_' . $field->graphql_single_name, $field, $field_settings, $config );
(GF_Field) : The Gravity Forms field object.$field_settings
(array) : The Gravity Forms field settings.$config
(array) : The config array as expected by WPGraphQL.
Filter to control whether the user should be allowed to view draft entries.
apply_filters( 'graphql_gf_can_view_draft_entries', bool $can_view_entries, int $form_id, string $resume_token, array $draft_entry );
(bool) : Whether the user can view draft entries. By default this anyone.$form_id
(int) : The GF form ID being queried by GraphQL.$resume_token
(string) : The draft entry resume token being queried by GraphQL.$draft_entry
(array) : The Gravity Forms draft entry data array.
Filter to control whether the user should be allowed to view submitted entries.
apply_filters( 'graphql_gf_can_view_entries', bool $can_view_entries, int $form_id, int $entry_id, array $entry );
(bool) : Whether the user can view draft entries. By default this is the user who submitted the entry, and any user with thegravityforms_view_entries
(int) : The GF form ID being queried by GraphQL.$entry_id
(string) : The entry ID being queried by GraphQL.$draft_entry
(array) : The Gravity Forms entry data array.
Filter the Submitted Entry's $query_args to allow folks to customize queries programmatically.
apply_filters( 'graphql_gf_entries_connection_query_args', array $query_args, mixed $source, array $args, AppContext $context, ResolveInfo $info );
(array) : The query args that will be passed toGF_Query
(mixed) : The source passed down the Resolve Tree.$args
(array) : Array of arguments input in the field as part of the GraphQL query.$context
(AppContext) : Object passed down the GraphQL tree.$info
(ResolveInfo) : The ResolveInfo passed down the GraphQL tree.
Filters the AbstractFieldValueInput class used to process form field submissions. Useful for adding mutation support for custom Gravity Forms fields.
apply_filters( 'graphql_gf_field_value_input_class', string $input_class, array $args, GF_Field $field, array $form, array|null $entry, bool $is_draft_mutation );
(string) : The FieldValueInput class to use. The class must extend AbstractFieldValueInput.$args
(array) : The GraphQL input value name to use. E.g.checkboxValues
(GF_Field) : The current Gravity Forms field object.$form
(array) : The current Gravity Forms form object.$entry
(array|null) : The current Gravity Forms entry object. Only set when using update (gfUpdateEntry
) mutations.$is_draft_mutation
(bool) : Whether the mutation is handling a Draft Entry, i.e. ongfUpdateDraftEntry
, orgfSubmitForm
Filters the GraphQL input args provided from the field value input. Useful for supporting custom Gravity Forms field value input types.
apply_filters( 'graphql_gf_field_value_input_args', array|string $args, GF_Field $field, array $form, array|null $entry, bool $is_draft_mutation, string $field_name );
(string|array) : The input args from the field value input.$field
(GF_Field) : The current Gravity Forms field object.$form
(array) : The current Gravity Forms form object.$entry
(array|null) : The current Gravity Forms entry object. Only set when using update (gfUpdateEntry
) mutations.$is_draft_mutation
(bool) : Whether the mutation is handling a Draft Entry, i.e. ongfUpdateDraftEntry
, orgfSubmitForm
(string) : The GraphQL input value name to use. E.g.checkboxValues
Filters the accepted GraphQL input value key for the form field. Useful for adding support for custom Gravity Forms field value inputs.
apply_filters( 'graphql_gf_field_value_input_name', string $name, GF_Field $field, array $form, array|null $entry, bool $is_draft_mutation );
(string) : The GraphQL input value name to use. E.g.checkboxValues
(GF_Field) : The current Gravity Forms field object.$form
(array) : The current Gravity Forms form object.$entry
(array|null) : The current Gravity Forms entry object. Only set when using update (gfUpdateEntry
) mutations.$is_draft_mutation
(bool) : Whether the mutation is handling a Draft Entry, i.e. ongfUpdateDraftEntry
, orgfSubmitForm
Filters the prepared field value to be submitted to Gravity Forms. Useful for supporting custom Gravity Forms field value submissions.
apply_filters( 'graphql_gf_field_value_input_prepared_value', array|string $prepared_field_value, array|string $args, GF_Field $field, array $form, array|null $entry, bool $is_draft_mutation, string $field_name );
: The field value formatted for use in Gravity Forms submissions.$args
(string|array) : The input args from the field value input.$field
(GF_Field) : The current Gravity Forms field object.$form
(array) : The current Gravity Forms form object.$entry
(array|null) : The current Gravity Forms entry object. Only set when using update (gfUpdateEntry
) mutations.$is_draft_mutation
(bool) : Whether the mutation is handling a Draft Entry, i.e. ongfUpdateDraftEntry
, orgfSubmitForm
(string) : The GraphQL input value name to use. E.g.checkboxValues
Filter the Form $query_args to allow folks to customize queries programmatically.
apply_filters( 'graphql_gf_forms_connection_query_args', array $query_args, mixed $source, array $args, AppContext $context, ResolveInfo $info );
(array) : The query args that will be passed toGFAPI::get_forms()
(mixed) : The source passed down the Resolve Tree.$args
(array) : Array of arguments input in the field as part of the GraphQL query.$context
(AppContext) : Object passed down the GraphQL tree.$info
(ResolveInfo) : The ResolveInfo passed down the GraphQL tree.
Filter for altering the child types of a specific GF_Field.
apply_filters( 'graphql_gf_form_field_child_types', array $child_types, string $field_type );
(array) : An array of GF_Field::$type => GraphQL type names. E.g.:
// For $type = 'quiz'.
$child_types = [
'checkbox' => 'QuizCheckboxField',
'radio' => 'QuizRadioField',
'select' => 'QuizSelectField',
(string) : The 'parent'GF_Field::$type
. E.g.quiz
(array) : An array of WPGraphQL field$config
arrays .$field
_(GF_Field) : The Gravity Forms Field object.
Filter to modify the Form Field Choice GraphQL fields.
apply_filters( 'graphql_gf_form_field_setting_choice_fields', $fields, $choice_name, $field, $settings, $interfaces );
apply_filters( 'graphql_gf_form_field_setting_choice_fields_' . $choice_name, $fields, $field, $settings, $interfaces );
(array) : An array of WPGraphQL field$config
(string) : The name of the choice type.$field
(GF_Field) : The Gravity Forms Field object.$settings
(array) : Theform_editor_field_settings()
(array) : The list of interfaces for the GraphQL type.
Filter to modify the Form Field Input GraphQL fields.
apply_filters( 'graphql_gf_form_field_setting_input_fields', $fields, $input_name, $field, $settings, $interfaces );
apply_filters( 'graphql_gf_form_field_setting_input_fields_' . $input_name, $fields, $field, $settings, $interfaces );
(array) : An array of WPGraphQL field$config
(string) : The name of the input type.$field
(GF_Field) : The Gravity Forms Field object.$settings
(array) : Theform_editor_field_settings()
(array) : The list of interfaces for the GraphQL type.
Filter to modify the Form Field Input GraphQL fields.
apply_filters( 'graphql_gf_form_field_setting_fields', $fields, $field, $settings, $interfaces );
apply_filters( 'graphql_gf_form_field_setting_fields_' . $field->graphql_single_nane, $fields, $field, $settings, $interfaces );
(array) : An array of WPGraphQL field$config
(GF_Field) : The Gravity Forms Field object.$settings
(array) : Theform_editor_field_settings()
(array) : The list of interfaces for the GraphQL type.
Filter to modify the Form Field Input GraphQL fields.
apply_filters( 'graphql_gf_form_field_value_fields', $fields, $field );
apply_filters( 'graphql_gf_form_field_value_fields_' . $field->graphql_single_nane, $fields, $field);
(array) : An array of WPGraphQL field$config
(GF_Field) : The Gravity Forms Field object.
Filter to modify the Form Field value GraphQL fields. Useful for adding support for inputs used by custom Gravity Forms fields.
apply_filters( 'graphql_gf_form_field_values_input_fields', array $fields );
(array) : An array of WPGraphQL field$config
arrays .
Filter to map the Gravity Forms Field type to a safe GraphQL type (in PascalCase ).
apply_filters( 'graphql_gf_form_fields_name_map', array $fields_to_map );
(array) : An array of GF field types to GraphQL type names. E.g.'fileupload' => 'FileUpload'
Filter to modify the form data before it is sent to the client. This hook is somewhat similar to GF's gform_pre_render
hook, and can be used for dynamic field input population among other things.
apply_filters( 'graphql_gf_form_object', array $form );
(array) : The GF Form object.
Filter for overriding the list of enabled actions that WPGatsby should monitor.
apply_filters( 'graphql_gf_gatsby_enabled_actions', array $enabled_actions );
(array) : An array of the enabled actions for WPGatsby to monitor. Possible array values:create_form
Filters the list of ignored field types. Useful for adding/removing support for a specific Gravity Forms field.
apply_filters( 'graphql_gf_ignored_field_types', array $ignored_fields );
(array) : An array ofGF_Field::$type
names to be ignored by WPGraphQL.
Filters the list of PHP classes that register GraphQL types. Useful for adding/removing GF specific GraphQL types to the schema.
Possible types are connection
(e.g. graphql_gf_registered_connection_classes
), enum
, field
, input
, interface
, mutation
and object
apply_filters( 'graphql_gf_registered_{$type}_classes', array $classes_to_register );
(array) : Array of PHP classes with GraphQL types to be registered to the schema.
Filters the list of PHP classes that register GraphQL Interfaces based on a particular Gravity Forms field setting.
apply_filters( 'graphql_gf_registered_{$type}_classes', array $classes_to_register );
(array<string, class-string>) : Array of Gravity Forms setting keys and their PHP class that registers the setting's GraphQL Interface.
Filter for modifying the Gravity Forms Entry types supported by WPGraphQL.
apply_filters( 'graphql_gf_registered_entry_types', array $entry_types );
(array) : An array of Data Loader names => GraphQL Types. E.g:[ [ 'gf_entry' => 'GfSubmittedEntry ] ]
Filters the repo url used in the update checker.
Useful for checking updates against a fork.
apply_filters( 'graphql_gf_update_repo_url', string $repo_link );
(string) : The url to the repo, as required byplugin-update-checker