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Simple App (Windows 10+ only) to make repeated mouse-clicks at a distinct position.

This is not rocket science!
Based on Autohotkey 2.


Beta, under construction, but usable!


Download via "updater.exe":
Windows, 64bit: updater.exe




"remove" to remove "superclicker.exe" from memory.

Hotkeys defined

Hotkey Action Remarks
[F12] remove app from memory
[F10] or [RBUTTON] toggle start/stop click-operations *1)
[SHIFT] + [F11] increase click speed (decrease timedelay)
[CTRL] + [F11] decrease click speed (increase timedelay)
[ALT] + [F11] toggle thru the modes
[F1] show QuickHelp
[F2] measure the time between two clicks and set the timedelay


  • Click-position depends on the selected mode
  • RBUTTON means the right-mouse button
Mode Action
1 Use the actual mouse-cursor position
2 The start position is saved an then always used (to change the position toggle start/stop)
3 Use the saved position, but stop operation, if the mouse is moved away from it

Holddown the "Shift"-key or activate Capslock to temporary disable any click-operation.

If beepoff is not set (Configfile "superclicker.ini" section [config] -> beepoff=0)
a beep is played on each click (Any change needs a restart of the app).

License: GPL

-> file license.txt

Copyright (c) 2023/24 J. v. Roos

Virusscan at Virustotal

Virusscan at Virustotal, superclicker.exe 64bit-exe, Check here