A curated Awesome list of Flax Game Engine resources. Becuase Flax is awesome.
This is meant to be an entry point for new users of the engine outside of the existing Discord and Forum ecosystems, in order to bring in more devs. If you want to know, "can Flax do x?" this hopefully is a good starting point. And if you want to contribute, you should be able to find a niche.
FlaxEngine is a (pretty much exclusively) 3D Game Engine with a rich variety of features, and a recent move to Open Source and much more collaboritive MIT License. This puts it in a position of being a modern, modular, small, and fast replacement for Unity like engines with viable community input and expansion.
This is a work in progress list initially aimed at my own usage of the engine, which I am fairly new to myself, and as such I'll be testing addons and tools as I dive into projects with them. Your mileage may vary on usability, and some of these may be older plugins for previous iterations of the engine. I don't personally make any compatibility promises, but will note when I find compatibility tips, needed workarounds, etc. If you make a fresh branch of an older tool and update it, PR it.
Many of the initial links come from the Discord, A Forum once-over, and Github searches.
If you'd like to contribute new or newly found links, repositories, tools, or resources, feel free to create a pull request
Engine Feature Showcase
- FlaxEngine/FlaxEngine: Flax Engine – multi-platform 3D game engine. the Eponymous engine itself. Join the conversation, follow for news, and interract with other Flax devs.
- Flax Forum - Flax it up! The official Forum
- Flax Engine Discord The Discord
- Flax Engine - YouTube The Youtube channel
- Flax Roadmap | Trello Official Trello roadmap, for keeping up with upcoming or in-progress features.
- Flax Engine (@FlaxEngine) / X The Engine's official twitter account. mostly updates and news.
Tutorials, crash-courses, official and otherwise.
- FlaxEngine/FlaxDocs: Flax Engine Documentation. As always, RTFM 😉
(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bdf6h9s6mBM): gamesfromscratch always has great overview and feature update videos for plenty of development tools, including Flax.
(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tm9yktTzpDE): Another gamesfromscratch vid, covering basic usage and asset pipeline in Flax.
(https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLiyuZHAJlUioQJg1elX1Pvzw6CpAV4MGt): An extensive Flax Engine tutorial video series by @GameDevelopers on youtube
- @olahumanos5890's Youtube channel has quite a lot of Engine tutorials, but aimed at a Portuguese speaking audience.
- FlaxEngine/FlaxSamples: Collection of example projects for Flax Engine. Ripe with sample code for most major features.
- FlaxEngine/ArizonaFramework: Ready to use, open-source framework for creating games in Flax. Includes a debug UI, Core game architecture, multiplayer tools, and a sample project to work from.
Who doesn't love a good feature expansion. includes plugins, frameworks, networking tools, anything that makes the engine do more at the core.
Extensions outside of the editor, asset pipeline helpers, launchers, etc.
- Flax Engine Tools for Visual Studio - Visual Studio Marketplace Attach to running game instances, even on other devices.
- MineBill/Seed: A cross-platform launcher for the Flax game engine. Manage engine installations, launch arguments, and quick project creation
- NoriteSC/Blender-Link-For-Flax-Engine: Plugin for flax engine allows for batch import of models and animations from a single blend file
- Crawcik/Journal: Console for Flax Engine with command handling
- FlaxEngine/ExamplePlugin: Example plugin project for Flax Engine. For the tool-makers
- FlaxCommunityProjects/FlaxCollaborate: A little plugin that lets multiple people edit the same scene, simultaneously.
- FlaxEngine/NetworkSample: Multiplayer sample with players lobby and chat in Flax Engine. Open-source sample multiplayer game lobby implementation and multiplayer project foundation.
- FlaxEngine/OnlinePlatformSteam: Online platform implementation of Steam for games made with Flax Engine. Access to Steam profile, achievements, cloud saves, etc.
- Tryibion/FlaxFacepunchSteamworks:simple plugin of the Facepunch Steamworks library in-engine.
- FlaxEngine/OnlinePlatformXboxLive: Online platform implementation of Xbox Live for games made with Flax Engine
- FlaxCommunityProjects/FlaxVR: Basic VR Module for Flax
- Swiggies/FlaxPrototypeTools: Adds basic tools to help block out a level in Flax Engine. Hs basic cubes, cylinders, stairs, and ramps.
- FlaxEngine/FidelityFX-FSR: AMD FidelityFX Super Resolution plugin for Flax Engine
- FlaxEngine/DLSS: NVIDIA DLSS plugin for Flax Engine
- FlaxEngine/FidelityFX-FSR: AMD FidelityFX Super Resolution plugin for Flax Engine
- chicken-with-lips/flax-plugin-ue4-utilities: Flax Engine Plugin for working with UE4 assets. Supports materials, material instances, and maps.
- MineBill/FlaxAmbientCG: a WIP plugin that integrates ambientCG directly inside Flax, giving you the ability to quickly download new material for free thanks to ambientCG
- honzapatCZ/FTween: Simple to use tweening library for flax.
- AllTheSlacker/FlaxProcTerrain: Flax engine editor tools to add procedural terrain generation
- CthulhuBaba/LiteWater: Simple Infinite Water Template for Flax Engine
- FlaxCommunityProjects/FlaxVoxelTerrain: not a lot on this one, but presumebly adds voxel terrain features.
- DevHrytsan/FlaxObjectPool: Object Pooling for Flax Engine. Reduces object overhead via recycling and reuse of objects.
- FlaxCommunityProjects/flax-auto-import-resources-plugin: Automatically imports assets
- FlaxCommunityProjects/flax-custom-visject-plugin: A custom Visject Plugin Demo for the FlaxEngine. Extends visual scripting capabilities.
- Menotdan/PLCT: Procedural Level Creation Tools for the Flax Engine.
- neuro-machina/FService: Simple service pattern plugin for Flax Engine, inspired by MonoGame ServiceContainer.
- GoaLitiuM/RmlUi: The RmlUi plugin for Flax Engine.
- FlaxEngine/ImGui: Dear ImGui plugin for Flax Engine that adds debug GUI interface to game viewport.
- PrecisionRender/CharacterControllerPro : A fully featured modular character controller for Flax Engine.
- nothingTVatYT/YAPC: Yet another player controller (rigidbody, physics based FPS) for the Flax Engine
- PrecisionRender/SpringArmPlugin: A tool that prevents Actors from clipping into colliders. One common use case for a spring arm is to prevent cameras from becoming obstructed by walls.
Games built in Flax Engine. Submit yours!
Initially compiled and edited by @Kacevoid, 2024Feb25